A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.

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Re: A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.

Post by Barbara »

Yes, very well said. Maria, do you have any offhand estimate of what percentage of Americans are on these awful things ?
You wrote "most Americans" and that phrase rang true to me. It does seem that way.
I wonder what the real percentage is. Of course, it is difficult to say when there are so many different types with varied strengths.

This state of affairs is SO AWFUL.

About moving into the country, yes ! Just in the last week or two, I had a feeling that this is a better idea to consider than moving to an urban area. I'll have to look at that link. I assume it's a warning about preparation for lack of these services ?
I wouldn't mind being deprived of a cell phone, since I don't use one anyway !

But the electricity feature is important. I often think that the provision of electrical power and heat is how the 'regime' keeps citizens in line. People have to sacrifice their rights just to have these basic things. Just like if one wants to operate a computer, one is forced to accept Windows 10, which tracks every last thing one does and forwards it all to the govt via Microsoft. Talk about totalitarian ! People were enraged when they would turn off their computers at night and wake up Windows 10 having been forcibly installed overnight.

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Re: A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.

Post by Maria »

Here is a youtube video produced today that lays down the scenes leading to more conflict in the Middle East -- this time in Yemen.

This is urgent. Yemen is about to be heavily bombed for the fake near miss of a US warship which had no right to be in that area in the first place. It was all a set up and the warship was not even injured. Big false flag right there.

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Re: A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.

Post by Barbara »

I'll have to watch that. There was already a false flag years ago at the port of Aden involving the USS Cole, as I recall the name was.
Seems to be a favorite locale for the troublemakers.

Yemen USED to be a nice country with very hospitable people. Another one after so many others torn apart by this meddling.

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Connecticut Plane Crash most likely not accidental

Post by Maria »

My Take:

The latest "suicide" plane "accident" in Connecticut was most likely a disgruntled Muslim who became aware of this Obama-Clinton saber-rattllng Neo-con attempt to force us into World War III, got tired of being used by the CIA, and then tried to strike one of the corporations in the military-industrial complex. He was only a block away from corporate headquarters of one of the major engine builders for military jets. The FBI and the CIA are no doubt trying to cover this up by claiming it was a suicide.

Here is one of the Mainstream State-Controlled Media (MSM) versions:

see http://patch.com/connecticut/hartford/p ... t-ny-times

... NBC Connecticut reported Wednesday afternoon that the initial investigation by the NTSB indicates the probability that the crash was intentional.

East Hartford Police Lt. Joshua Litwin conducted a press briefing late Wednesday afternoon, in which he too said that the plane crash appears to be "intentional.". ...

Asked specifically if this was being investigated as a possible act of terrorism, Litwin repeated that everything is being investigated. Some media reports late Wednesday say that the crash may have been a suicide, and Litwin again declined comment on those specific reports.

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US just bombed Yemen Oct. 15, 2016 l1:57 EDT

Post by Maria »

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... t-conflict

While many Americans, myself included, were all hypnotized by the bizarre spectacle of the Republican nominee for president, a US navy destroyer fired a barrage of cruise missiles at three radar sites controlled by the rebel Houthi movement in Yemen. This attack marked the first time the US has fought the rebels directly in Yemen’s devastating civil war.

The cruise missile salvo ramps up the already significant US military involvement in deeply divided and desperately poor Yemen. While it’s true that the US has launched drone strikes on al-Qaida targets in Yemen for years, sometimes killing civilians and even US citizens, this particular military engagement has the potential to drag the US straight into a protracted and escalating conflict. And, as everyone knows, America has an uncanny ability to enter protracted and escalating military conflicts.

If we investigated, we would find that the Pentagon justified this attack as retaliation. Last week, missiles were fired on two separate occasions at another navy destroyer off of Yemen’s southern coast. Those missiles fell harmlessly into the water, but they were enough of a provocation that the navy responded with its own bombardment.

The Guardian is, of course, part of the MSM (Mainstream State-Controlled Media).

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Re: A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence.

Post by Maria »

Fast and Furious.

http://rinf.com/alt-news/multimedia/vid ... i-targets/

See Video ... Iran enters the war theater.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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