Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Cyprian »

NASA is a satanic occult agency run by complete liars. Just look at the red forked tongue of the serpent incorporated into its logo. Jet Propulsion Laboratory was founded by satanists deliberately on Halloween in 1936. It is not to his credit that Bishop Alexander was involved with this demonic organization. These agencies are deliberately feeding the masses propaganda and lies. The only thing we should be asking ourselves is, how is NASA and JPL lying to us today? What will they be lying to us about tomorrow?

Orthodox Christians should not buy into any of this Planet X tripe. The so-called meteor that purportedly exploded over Chelyabinsk during the Lupercalia on the Orthodox Christian feast of the Meeting of the Lord, was a military weapon, and not a "natural disaster," as it was sold to world. It was an elaborate occult ritual relating to the Zionist's plans to bringing forth the Antichrist.

The military has advanced weaponry whereby they can simply fake meteors striking earth. So, claims that the Vatican knows about some object that it is hurtling towards us is nonsense. The Vatican is in league with the secret society who is responsible for perpetrating attacks on mankind, under the guise of "natural phenomena" and "natural disasters".

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, "meteors," lightning, flooding, drought, etc. can all be man-made. It's obvious that this global secret society is presuming to play God. Part of their deception is to wage war on mankind, all the while attempting to convince everyone that it is Mother Nature or man-made Global Warming that is at fault.

Bart Sibrel is not a trustworthy guide, but is pushing disinformation.

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Matthew »

But what about the huge Barringer Crater in central Arizona? How can that be explained if we dismiss meteors entirely? Also, what about comets? If we dismiss meteors and meteorites as being rocks capable of striking the earth or at least entering the atmosphere and burning up, but say they are something else, then what are they? Also, The stars, and planets? I am open to considering we have been lied to by people who hate God and want us to believe in a chaotic concept of the universe that there is no God and life evolved accidentally without intelligence or will, and certainly modern cosmologists admit that they have a fundamental abhorrence to the idea that evidence is mounting that "seems" in a deceptive way, to indicate our special place and existence in the universe, but then what is the alternative? How do we explain these things in an equally or more than equally scientific manner? I am willing to change on all this but I have to see that it is scientifically more reasonable than the present accepted theories. The idea of the Milky Way thread that I posted was just that. I hear all these claims that we live next to a huge bright collection of super dense star cluster but it is totally invisible. I say, they have a lot of explaining to do on that one before I believe it. My eyes and reasoning mind tells me it is not there. Do you have just such a rational explanation for meteorites and crater in AZ? If so, I would love to understand this.

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Cyprian »

Matthew, I did not mean to dismiss the possibility of meteors entirely.

Comets or meteors and other sorts of meteorological phenomena from ancient times are attested to by Church fathers and ecclesiastical writers.

The inerrant Scriptures also testify of earthquakes sent from God, such as the earthquake that occurred at the crucifixion of Christ, another earthquake when the angel descended to roll away the stone, and an earthquake when the apostles Paul and Silas were in prison.

The Church commemorates earthquakes, such as the ones in 447 A.D. and 770 A.D. in Constantinople.

There was a divinely sent earthquake in the time of Julian the Apostate, when he impiously ordered the rebuilding of Solomon's temple.

I do not deny that God produces portents both in the heavens, and on the earth. However, that does not necessarily preclude the possibility of evil signs and wonders being wrought through the agency of man.

Archbishop Averky
Commentary on the Apocalypse

8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

"Some think that this is a meteor which will fall upon earth and will cause the poisoning of the sources of waters on the earth which will become fatal. But perhaps this is also one of the newly discovered weapons of a fearful war of the future."

As we see, Archbishop Averky entertained the possibility of a man-made weapon that could be likened to a meteor falling to earth. That is exactly what took place on 15 February 2013 over Chelyabinsk. The specific date they chose to perpetrate this attack, the exact time of day (break of dawn), the precise location, etc. were all carefully chosen and arranged in an occult ritualistic fashion, to publicly declare their intentions regarding the Antichrist.

The Chelyabinsk so-called "meteor" or "falling star" attack is connected to Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 8:11, Jeremiah 9:15, Acts 19:35, and a number of other verses, the Chernobyl (Wormwood) and Sandy Hook staged psy-ops, and the wormwood plant, which is Artemisia, and the Roman counterpart to the Greek Artemis is Diana.

Chelyabinsk was all about the "Starchild" of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a.k.a. Dr. David Bow-man, and Diana and her twin brother Apollo are bearers of the bow. Jennifer Lawrence plays the role of the Diana figure in the Hunger Games, as the archer.

The David Bowie staged death psy-op relates to all of this. The always lying media reports that he died of cancer, at the age of 69. They also report that the actor who plays Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films also just died of cancer at the age of 69.

1969 was the year of the purported Apollo 11 lunar landing, a staged occult ritual, which took place in July, during the zodiacal sign of cancer. Diana was reputed to be born 1 July, during the sign of cancer.

Notice the symbol for cancer appears as a 69, the age of the alleged deaths by cancer of David Bowie and Alan Rickman, and also the year of the faked moon landing.

Cancer (astrology)

David Bowie was deliberately connected to the character David Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), released the year prior to the Apollo moon landing hoax.

David Bowie's song Space Oddity is obviously deliberately associated with Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey.

Space Oddity ... Space Odyssey.

2001: A Space Odyssey and David Bowie's Space Oddity refer to the attacks of September 11, since 9 and 11 are odd numbers. Actor Jeff Bridges who is "Starman" drives a Porsche 911 in the film Against All Odds for the same reason. Apollo 11 refers to 9/11.

Space Oddity

Notice that David Bowie's song Space Oddity was released 5 days prior to the Apollo 11 moon launch. This was obviously all very much contrived, and not by accident.

Apollo is the Bow-man, i.e. David Bowman, who is the "Starchild" floating in space at the end of the occult film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Then in 1972, David Bowie releases his song Starman:

Starman (song)

♪ There's a starman waiting in the sky ♪
♪ He'd like to come and meet us ♪ ... [the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, 15 February]
♪ But he thinks he'd blow our minds ♪

December 14, 1972 was the date the liars at NASA claimed the Apollo 17 mission departed the surface of the moon for the final time.
December 14, 1984, the one year anniversary of Prince Harry's likely conception, was the release of the film Starman (1984), about a humanoid alien (Antichrist) who falls from heaven (i.e. Lucifer/Wormwood).

Starman (film)

I Am Legend (2007) is a Will Smith film released on December 14, 2007. The "I AM" Legend title to the film refers to Exodus where God reveals Himself as "I AM" to Moses.

I Am Legend (film)

December 12, 2012 was the Sandy Hook Elementary psy-op.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting ... l_shooting

The Aurora, psych-warfare hoax shooting in Colorado ("Red") was on July 20, 2012, the anniversary of the supposed moon landing.

2012 Aurora shooting

The actor who portrayed the perpetrator was James ("Sandy") Eagan ("Fire") Holmes, who was said to have dyed his hair red, and declared to police: "I AM" the Joker (the Trump card the Devil). Prince Harry (aka Henry Charles Albert DAVID) has red hair (like King David), and he blasphemes when he proclaims himself the "I AM".

Invictus Games

Of course, Donald "Duck" Trump is an unabashed satanist, constantly flashing the 666 hand sign hundreds of times during the presidential primary debates, and he has been scripted to portray the role of the Batman Joker, since the joker serves as a trump card. The digits of Donald Trump's date of birth total 9/15, for Prince Harry, September 15, and it should be noted, the XV trump card in the tarot deck is the Devil Card.

The Devil (Tarot card)

That is why Donald "Daffy Duck" Trump leaves his hair long and wild, even though he is aware that everyone pokes fun at it. Jokers are wild. Jokers cause laughter. Isaac means laughter. Ishmael "will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him" (Genesis 16:12). Isaac and Ishmael, the sons of Abraham, allegorically represent the sons of the two covenants, the old answering to Hagar, and the new to Sarah. (cf. Galatians 4:22-26)

Donald Trump's "joker" act is all part of the deliberately scripted psychological warfare being waged against the public. All the candidates running for president are masons, agents of the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin, and Christians in good conscience cannot lend their support to any of them.

Batman has two horns, just as the second beast of Revelation has two horns. Batman (The Dark Knight) "rises" from the bowels of the earth in the film. Actor Christian Bale (Christian-Baal) from Wales, plays The Dark Knight, i.e. the Prince of Darkness/Wales.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (Revelation 13:11)

The two-horned Dark Knight, a wolf in sheep's clothing, speaks as a dragon, and Wales features a red dragon on its flag. St. David is the patron saint of Wales, and Prince Henry Charles Albert David is His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales.

The Aurora (mother of Lucifer) psy-op shooting at the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Batman film was scripted to occur literally on a dark night, since it was midnight during the dark of the new moon. It was a Friday, dedicated to Venus/Aphrodite, (the goddess of lust and fornication, i.e. Great Whore of Babylon) and Venus is known as the morning and evening star. It was the first day following a new moon, i.e. a crescent moon, for Diana, the crescent-moon goddess. It was also the anniversary of the date they claimed the "Eagle has landed" when the Apollo 11 lunar landing module "placed the moon under her feet".

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman [i.e. Wonder Woman, a.k.a. Diana Prince] clothed with the sun [Apollo is the sun god], and the moon under her feet ["The Eagle has landed"], and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. [They claim that exactly 12 astronauts or celebrity "stars" have walked upon the surface of the moon] (Revelation 12:1)

Prince Henry Charles Albert David is "Iron Man," the meteor, or star (Lucifer) that falls from heaven (Isaiah 14:12), since meteorites oftentimes are composed of iron.

And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a ROD of IRON: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (Revelation 12:5)

Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. (Exodus 7:9)

Kinetic bombardment

Kinetic bombardment has the advantage of being able to deliver projectiles from a very high angle at a very high speed, making them extremely difficult to defend against. In addition, projectiles would not require explosive warheads, and—in the simplest designs—would consist entirely of solid metal rods, giving rise to the common nickname "Rods from God".

And to the [Wonder] woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (Revelation 12:14) <--- 12/14 Sandy Hook

The crescent-moon goddess Princess Diana, Queen Isis, the Sandy Hooker, the (albeit distorted figure) "Wonder Woman" of Revelation 12, a.k.a. the Amazon goddess Princess Diana of Themyscira, is not dead, as the world has been led to believe, but she is hiding in the wilderness.

Wonder Woman (Princess Diana of Themyscira)

Céline "moon goddess" Dion, a high priestess of Lucifer who also likes to flash the 666 hand sign,

Celebrities 666 Sign

who lives in the wilderness of Henderson, Nevada, (think Harry and the Hendersons (1987), where Harry is a hairy beast "Bigfoot" who is human-like) starring John Lithgow who plays an extra-terrestrial leader of an expedition on the TV series 3rd Rock from the Sun. A meteor striking the earth is referred to as an "extra-terrestrial event" and John Lithgow's date of birth totals 2/15 Chelyabinsk. "Harry" is these extra-terrestrial's off-world boss, the Big Giant Head.

Now they allege that Céline "moon goddess" Dion's husband just died of cancer as well. In Greek mythology, Selene is the Titan goddess of the moon. That is why Céline sang the title track to the film about Diana's faked death: Titanic (1997).

Titan (Teitan properly with the diphthong) according to the holy fathers of the Church, totals 666.

T = 300
E = 5
I = 10
T = 300
A = 1
N = 50

Saturn, a figure of the devil who devoured his own children, was king of the Titans, and that is why the rocket was named Saturn V hat launched the Apollo 11 lunar mission.

The Aurora shooting psy-op was on Friday July 20, 2012, the first day following a new moon, and the Sandy Hook shooting psy-op was on Friday December 14, 2012, also the first day following a new moon. Aurora on the anniversary of the day they claim Apollo 11 first placed the moon under her feet, and Sandy Hook on the anniversary of the date they claim that Apollo 17 had the moon under her feet for the final time as she departed on December 14.

The Chelyabinsk so-called "meteor" was exactly 40 days after the birth of Christ, on the Orthodox Christian Feast of The Meeting of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ, and exactly 40 days after Prince Harry's birth, (September 15 plus forty days is October 24) they perpetrated the Marysville-Pilchuck shooting psy-op, once again, on a Friday, October 24, 2014 the first day following a new moon.

"And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness..." (Revelation 12:14)

That is what the Saturn V Apollo 11 launch is purported to have done, when it launched on July 16, 1969, the anniversary of the Trinity atomic test, from the John F. Kennedy Space Center, (formed on Diana's first birthday, July 1, 1962).

Kennedy Space Center

The was a "trinity" of astronauts (three) that launched in Apollo 11 on the anniversary of the trinity atomic test, flying into the wilderness, and Apollo 11, the great "eagle" (with two wings) "has landed"— on the moon (so they say).

Here one can see the great "wings of the eagle" Apollo 11 which "landed".


The Antichrist will be a prince called David, usurping the title that rightfully belongs to Christ. (cf. Ezekiel 37:25). Prince Harry's name is Henry Charles Albert David. His mother is named Diana, after the virgin crescent-moon goddess, who bears the bow like her twin brother Apollo.

The Apollo 11 moon hoax was all about Diana and her son Harry the Iron Man (cf. Revelation chapter 12), as was Chernobyl, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Chelyabinsk, and many other attacks.

Aurora is the mother of Lucifer. Aurora is goddess of the dawn. The Chelyabinsk "falling star" attack was timed right as dawn began to break over the Urals in Russia for this very reason.

The burning star that falls in Revelation 8:11 is called Wormwood, and Jeremiah 9:15 states:

Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. (Jeremiah 9:15).

Prince Henry the VIII "I AM" (Prince Harry), the "Starchild" is reputed to be born on September 15, i.e. the 9:15 wormwood of Jeremiah.

The falling star (Lucifer) that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia was on 15 February, i.e. 15/2 or 2/15.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (Isaiah 14:12)

The fallen-angel morning-star Lucifer, son of Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, is described in Isaiah 14:12. Not only does 14:12 refer to 14 December, the likely date of Prince Harry's ritual conception, 9 months before September 15, but 14:12 also totals 2/15 in reverse, or 15/2 the date of Chelyabinsk.

Notice, Psalm 144:5, which totals 5/18 backwards, reads:

Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. (Psalm 144:5) ... referring to a volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens.

As stated previously, 15 February Chelyabinsk is the pagan Lupercalia, dedicated to the wolf, and Pan, a figure for the devil. I have demonstrated on numerous occasions of how Lady Diana is always associated with the wolf, the fox, and the jackal.


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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Matthew »

First, let me say that there is no doubt whatsoever that there is a great deal of occultism among those who are in possession of much of the world's power and influence and money. Anyone who spends even just a small amount of time familiarizing themselves with the conspiratorial evidence in history will see that it is a reality that has woven itself into much of the fabric of everyday events of significance. And I recommend that it be limited to a small amount, as a general awareness can be helpful and just a small amount is all that is needed toward having a more than sufficient awareness, for we must avoid distractions, which are also one of the greatest and most effected and ubiquitous strategies of dark forces that we see at work around us today. But let's go on and respond to your post, dear brother.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Matthew, I did not mean to dismiss the possibility of meteors entirely.

Amen, I agree. I was unsure for a moment as to what scale you were considering this.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Archbishop Averky's Commentary on the Apocalypse: ...and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Some think that this is a meteor which will fall upon earth and will cause the poisoning of the sources of waters on the earth which will become fatal. But perhaps this is also one of the newly discovered weapons of a fearful war of the future.

Indeed, and that is my opinion, that this is more likely referring to a nuclear rocket on re-entry than a meteor, though it could be I suppose; but I think it is much more likely to be a nuclear missile or barrage of missiles, which I believe the Lord has given us an advance warning because of the idea that Wormwood which is bitter makes water undrinkable and even lethal, and that is exactly what happened in Ukraine at the Chernobyl disaster and in Slavonic, Chernobyl is the word for Wormwood. Hence, I believe the Lord has given us an additional warning and information about how to understand what will happen according to the Book of Revelation on this point. Also, the countries that have nuclear missiles and are most likely to use them in a future war are: Russia, North Korea, China, and the United States--all of which paint a five pointed star on their military hardware. And it says in the tenth verse previous to Rev.8:11 quoted by Abp. Averky above, "The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters." A meteorite does not look like a torch--a long skinny tubular object with a point at one end and a flame shooting out the other--but a nuclear missile on re-entry definitely does. Hence, my theory. I think I know why some have postulated that Wormwood might be a meteor. In the verse just before the "Third Angel's Trumpet" of the Wormwood passages of Revelation 8:10-11, we see in verse 8-9 the following: " The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, 9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea [f]and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.". This definitely looks like a meteorite landing with ferocity into one of the World's great oceans and causing a huge tsunami that destroys all the ships in that region of the Earth's seas. However, we should note that it seems to be an unrelated event, entirely unique one as it belongs to the 2nd Angel Trumpet, not the Third of the Wormwood event. Hence, I suggest that connecting them is to conflate the two into one leading to erroneous interpretations.


Cyprian wrote:

As we see, Archbishop Averky entertained the possibility of a man-made weapon that could be likened to a meteor falling to earth. That is exactly what took place on 15 February 2013 over Chelyabinsk. The specific date they chose to perpetrate this attack, the exact time of day (break of dawn), the precise location, etc. were all carefully chosen and arranged in an occult ritualistic fashion, to publicly declare their intentions regarding the Antichrist.

By THEY, do you refer to the unknown members of the illuminati, or do you mean the Russian government, or do you mean the United States government, or some other entity?

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    The Chelyabinsk so-called "meteor" or "falling star" attack is connected to Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 8:11, Jeremiah 9:15, Acts 19:35, and a number of other verses, the Chernobyl (Wormwood) and Sandy Hook staged psy-ops, and the wormwood plant, which is Artemisia, and the Roman counterpart to the Greek Artemis is Diana.

Oh, Okay, I see you have already made that connection with Rev. 8. I think, though, that we are beginning to digress from our scientific questions into focussing on the connections to another field of the occult illuminist agenda--real enough, but a digression from our topic just the same...

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Chelyabinsk was all about the "Starchild" of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a.k.a. Dr. David Bow-man, and Diana and her twin brother Apollo are bearers of the bow. Jennifer Lawrence plays the role of the Diana figure in the Hunger Games, as the archer. The David Bowie staged death psy-op relates to all of this. The always lying media reports that he died of cancer, at the age of 69. They also report that the actor who plays Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films also just died of cancer at the age of 69.

Interesting. They just came out last fall with the final film on the Hunger Games. But why do you believe DB's death was staged? I mean, he could have been given cancer or whatever by the occult NWO engineers, but to say he is not even dead? Bit of a stretch and an unnecessary one too, don't you think? Also, I don't see any occult significance to Alan Rickman's death here. Not that there isn't one, I am just to uninitiated into all this kind of thing to see anything.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    1969 was the year of the purported Apollo 11 lunar landing, a staged occult ritual, which took place in July, during the zodiacal sign of cancer. Diana was reputed to be born 1 July, during the sign of cancer.Notice the symbol for cancer appears as a 69, the age of the alleged deaths by cancer of David Bowie and Alan Rickman, and also the year of the faked moon landing.

That is a very interesting observation. I would not have noticed that but I think that is very significant.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    David Bowie was deliberately connected to the character David Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), released the year prior to the Apollo moon landing hoax. David Bowie's song Space Oddity is obviously deliberately associated with Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey. Space Oddity ... Space Odyssey. 2001: A Space Odyssey and David Bowie's Space Oddity refer to the attacks of September 11, since 9 and 11 are odd numbers. Actor Jeff Bridges who is "Starman" drives a Porsche 911 in the film Against All Odds for the same reason. Apollo 11 refers to 9/11.Notice that David Bowie's song Space Oddity was released 5 days prior to the Apollo 11 moon launch. This was obviously all very much contrived, and not by accident.

Yes, Cyprian, that all checks out. Very good insights. Also, I came across this passage online to fill in the blanks, as it were:

Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis. He was the god of music, and he is often depicted playing a golden lyre. He was also known as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow; the god of healing, giving the science of medicine to man; the god of light; and the god of truth. One of Apollo's most important daily tasks was to harness his four-horse chariot, in order to move the Sun across the sky.

-- ... pollo.html So, it looks like there is a potential warning here of: 1. the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse being forewarned their soon release, that the death of iconic music superstar David Bowie as archer coupled with the movie of the archergirl whose sign is a phoenix like bird mounting up out of flames (see the promotional posters for the film where the image is more like a fiery phoenix than a real one) is one of those signs. BTW, Cyprian, can you see any significance to the fact that the "mockingjay" is a supposedly a hybridized bird? To me this may signal the Transhumanist plan to alter humanity both genetically and technologically like in The Matrix, or 6 Million Dollar Man. Also I notice that the above quote about Apollo suggests that he moves the sun across the sky, as in the geocentric stationary Earth model. Also the same site says, "At the same time, he could also bring forth disease and plague with his arrows...". So, again, this could be one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Apollo is the Bow-man, i.e. David Bowman, who is the "Starchild" floating in space at the end of the occult film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Then in 1972, David Bowie releases his song Starman: Starman (song)

♪ There's a starman waiting in the sky ♪
♪ He'd like to come and meet us ♪ ... [the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, 15 February]
♪ But he thinks he'd blow our minds ♪[/quote]

Is that not indicating then, the coming of Antichrist, that Saint Hyppolytus said would imitate Christ as coming from Heaven, promise to be a saviour but destroy instead? Interesting! BTW, do you think that the Mars Mission, which has already entered into the next rounds of the selection process [ ... ion-rounds], has any significance as to what is to come? The site says, "The next selection rounds will take place in September, 2016."

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    December 14, 1972 was the date the liars at NASA claimed the Apollo 17 mission departed the surface of the moon for the final time. December 14, 1984, the one year anniversary of Prince Harry's likely conception, was the release of the film Starman (1984), about a humanoid alien (Antichrist) who falls from heaven (i.e. Lucifer/Wormwood). I Am Legend (2007) is a Will Smith film released on December 14, 2007. The "I AM" Legend title to the film refers to Exodus where God reveals Himself as "I AM" to Moses. December 12, 2012 was the Sandy Hook Elementary psy-op. The Aurora, psych-warfare hoax shooting in Colorado ("Red") was on July 20, 2012, the anniversary of the supposed moon landing. The actor who portrayed the perpetrator was James ("Sandy") Eagan ("Fire") Holmes, who was said to have dyed his hair red, and declared to police: "I AM" the Joker (the Trump card the Devil). Prince Harry (aka Henry Charles Albert DAVID) has red hair (like King David), and he blasphemes when he proclaims himself the "I AM". Invictus Games

I notice that the picture of the medals awarded to contestants has the motto: "I AM the Master of My Fate" on it with a chain of TEN links -- the Ten Horns of the Antichrist, for truly such a motto is right out of the heart of Satan and the future Antichrist himself.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Of course, Donald "Duck" Trump is an unabashed satanist, constantly flashing the 666 hand sign hundreds of times during the presidential primary debates, and he has been scripted to portray the role of the Batman Joker, since the joker serves as a trump card. The digits of Donald Trump's date of birth total 9/15, for Prince Harry, September 15, and it should be noted, the XV trump card in the tarot deck is the Devil Card. That is why Donald "Daffy Duck" Trump leaves his hair long and wild, even though he is aware that everyone pokes fun at it. Jokers are wild. Jokers cause laughter. Isaac means laughter. Ishmael "will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him" (Genesis 16:12). Isaac and Ishmael, the sons of Abraham, allegorically represent the sons of the two covenants, the old answering to Hagar, and the new to Sarah. (cf. Galatians 4:22-2Donald Trump's "joker" act is all part of the deliberately scripted psychological warfare being waged against the public. All the candidates running for president are masons, agents of the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin, and Christians in good conscience cannot lend their support to any of them. Batman has two horns, just as the second beast of Revelation has two horns. Batman (The Dark Knight) "rises" from the bowels of the earth in the film. Actor Christian Bale (Christian-Baal) from Wales, plays The Dark Knight, i.e. the Prince of Darkness/Wales. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (Revelation 13:11) The two-horned Dark Knight, a wolf in sheep's clothing, speaks as a dragon, and Wales features a red dragon on its flag. St. David is the patron saint of Wales, and Prince Henry Charles Albert David is His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales.

Interesting connection of the dots.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    The Aurora (mother of Lucifer) psy-op shooting at the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Batman film was scripted to occur literally on a dark night, since it was midnight during the dark of the new moon. It was a Friday, dedicated to Venus/Aphrodite, (the goddess of lust and fornication, i.e. Great Whore of Babylon) and Venus is known as the morning and evening star. It was the first day following a new moon, i.e. a crescent moon, for Diana, the crescent-moon goddess. It was also the anniversary of the date they claimed the "Eagle has landed" when the Apollo 11 lunar landing module "placed the moon under her feet". And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman [i.e. Wonder Woman, a.k.a. Diana Prince] clothed with the sun [Apollo is the sun god], and the moon under her feet ["The Eagle has landed"], and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. [They claim that exactly 12 astronauts or celebrity "stars" have walked upon the surface of the moon] (Revelation 12:1) Prince Henry Charles Albert David is "Iron Man," the meteor, or star (Lucifer) that falls from heaven (Isaiah 14:12), since meteorites oftentimes are composed of iron.

Note also, Cyprian, that the next movie to come out with Ironman and Captain America, seems to pit them against each other. What might that mean?

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a ROD of IRON: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (Revelation 12:5) Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. (Exodus 7:9) Kinetic bombardment has the advantage of being able to deliver projectiles from a very high angle at a very high speed, making them extremely difficult to defend against. In addition, projectiles would not require explosive warheads, and—in the simplest designs—would consist entirely of solid metal rods, giving rise to the common nickname "Rods from God". And to the [Wonder] woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (Revelation 12:14) <--- 12/14 Sandy Hook The crescent-moon goddess Princess Diana, Queen Isis, the Sandy Hooker, the (albeit distorted figure) "Wonder Woman" of Revelation 12, a.k.a. the Amazon goddess Princess Diana of Themyscira, is not dead, as the world has been led to believe, but she is hiding in the wilderness.Wonder Woman Céline "moon goddess" Dion, a high priestess of Lucifer who also likes to flash the 666 hand sign, who lives in the wilderness of Henderson, Nevada, (think Harry and the Hendersons (1987), where Harry is a hairy beast "Bigfoot" who is human-like) starring John Lithgow who plays an extra-terrestrial leader of an expedition on the TV series 3rd Rock from the Sun. A meteor striking the earth is referred to as an "extra-terrestrial event" and John Lithgow's date of birth totals 2/15 Chelyabinsk. "Harry" is these extra-terrestrial's off-world boss, the Big Giant Head. Now they allege that Céline "moon goddess" Dion's husband just died of cancer as well. In Greek mythology, Selene is the Titan goddess of the moon. That is why Céline sang the title track to the film about Diana's faked death: Titanic (1997).

Really!? Princess Diana, not dead either?

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    Titan (Teitan properly with the diphthong) according to the holy fathers of the Church, totals 666. Saturn, a figure of the devil who devoured his own children, was king of the Titans, and that is why the rocket was named Saturn V hat launched the Apollo 11 lunar mission. The Aurora shooting psy-op was on Friday July 20, 2012, the first day following a new moon, and the Sandy Hook shooting psy-op was on Friday December 14, 2012, also the first day following a new moon. Aurora on the anniversary of the day they claim Apollo 11 first placed the moon under her feet, and Sandy Hook on the anniversary of the date they claim that Apollo 17 had the moon under her feet for the final time as she departed on December 14. The Chelyabinsk so-called "meteor" was exactly 40 days after the birth of Christ, on the Orthodox Christian Feast of The Meeting of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ, and exactly 40 days after Prince Harry's birth, (September 15 plus forty days is October 24) they perpetrated the Marysville-Pilchuck shooting psy-op, once again, on a Friday, October 24, 2014 the first day following a new moon. "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness..." (Revelation 12:14) That is what the Saturn V Apollo 11 launch is purported to have done, when it launched on July 16, 1969, the anniversary of the Trinity atomic test, from the John F. Kennedy Space Center, (formed on Diana's first birthday, July 1, 1962). The was a "trinity" of astronauts (three) that launched in Apollo 11 on the anniversary of the trinity atomic test, flying into the wilderness, and Apollo 11, the great "eagle" (with two wings) "has landed"— on the moon (so they say). Here one can see the great "wings of the eagle" Apollo 11 which "landed". The Antichrist will be a prince called David, usurping the title that rightfully belongs to Christ. (cf. Ezekiel 37:25). Prince Harry's name is Henry Charles Albert David. His mother is named Diana, after the virgin crescent-moon goddess, who bears the bow like her twin brother Apollo. The Apollo 11 moon hoax was all about Diana and her son Harry the Iron Man (cf. Revelation chapter 12), as was Chernobyl, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Chelyabinsk, and many other attacks. Aurora is the mother of Lucifer. Aurora is goddess of the dawn. The Chelyabinsk "falling star" attack was timed right as dawn began to break over the Urals in Russia for this very reason. The burning star that falls in Revelation 8:11 is called Wormwood, and Jeremiah 9:15 states: Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink. (Jeremiah 9:15). Prince Henry the VIII "I AM" (Prince Harry), the "Starchild" is reputed to be born on September 15, i.e. the 9:15 wormwood of Jeremiah.

Um, I think there has already been an Eighth Henry -- about 500 years ago, so I think he would have to be at least "Henry the IX"...just to refine the point.

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    The falling star (Lucifer) that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia was on 15 February, i.e. 15/2 or 2/15. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (Isaiah 14:12) The fallen-angel morning-star Lucifer, son of Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, is described in Isaiah 14:12. Not only does 14:12 refer to 14 December, the likely date of Prince Harry's ritual conception, 9 months before September 15, but 14:12 also totals 2/15 in reverse, or 15/2 the date of Chelyabinsk. Notice, Psalm 144:5, which totals 5/18 backwards,

Uhm... wouldn't that be 5/81 backwards?

  1. Cyprian wrote:

    reads: Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. (Psalm 144:5) ... referring to a volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens. As stated previously, 15 February Chelyabinsk is the pagan Lupercalia, dedicated to the wolf, and Pan, a figure for the devil. I have demonstrated on numerous occasions of how Lady Diana is always associated with the wolf, the fox, and the jackal.Lupercalia

That is very deep stuff...not sure I can -- or should -- wrap my head around all of that...I prefer to "deciphyr" the writings of the Scripture and Fathers through the approved and proven method of the saints -- hesychastic prayer, repentance, and the practice and perfection of the virtues...I think that they would much more approve of studying and knowing about that than seeking to master "the deep things of satan"...
As it is written by the Holy Spirit in the book of Revelation:

‘But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do NOT hold this teaching, who have NOT known the deep things of Satan, as THEY call them—I place no other burden on you. ‘Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come. ‘He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him will I give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a Rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star. ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

[/quote] --Revelation 2:24-29.

Hence, we are instructed by Christ Himself, NOT to know the deep things of Satan" as the occultists call their secret system of "wisdom", and that this Holy Ignorance about such things is what we are to Hold Fast to that we might OVERCOME all the power and deception of the Enemy. I think it is better for us to focus on correcting the physical scientific cosmology, such as geocentrism, rather than satanical numerologies. Please let's hear more from you Cyprian on that sort of thing rather than the numerology which i think has been really a different issue than planets, flat earth, geocentrism, existence of Milky Way etc.

P.S. On "We are not ignorant of his [Satan's] devices," from 2 Corinthians 2:11

I felt I should state this also before things go any further--and what I say here is more important than anything I could possibly have to say on this subject we have been discussing above, particularly in this and the previous post; so if readers take nothing else I say seriously, I pray they pay full attention to the following:

Yes, it does say in the Bible that "we are not ignorant" of Satan's devices, but this cannot be used as some sort of license, or worse, admonition to seek that we be as ones "initiated into" and "wise and learned" in the Dark Religions of the occultists.

The entire passage speaks of virtue in relationships with others, and in the context of practising FORGIVENESS the Holy Apostle Paul writes, "For we are not ignorant of his devices;" in otherwords, that we should not allow unforgiveness--which is the seed of Satanic strategies being sown within our hearts and minds--to take root in us. That kind of knowledge in godly living, and the contrary working of Satanic and demonic forces in that regard, is useful for our salvation, but to spend hours studying the Occult--deeply decrypting the dates of events, movies, birthdays of dead (or faked deaths) of celebrities etc--all of this is exceedingly dangerous and I find nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, in the Fathers, the lives of the Saints, and Holy Scripture, that supports such a perilous persuit, which rewires our minds to habitually observe, interpret and make observations about the world around us in an entirely different manner than would the Saints, that is, than a person deeply immersed in the practise of the Jesus Prayer, the study of lives of the saints and of the Holy Scripture in a normal sense.

We must not look for occult meanings in the numbering of Psalms as you have done above, where you read the number backwards to make some occult reference, not only because it is dangerous to think like that or be curious about the dark arts of the occult and which no member of Christ who has achieved saintliness is known to have done--but quite the opposite, but also because these numbers are not a part of the text any way, but were added centuries ago, centuries after their being written. They have no other purpose than to make referencing short passages of Scripture fast, manageable, and convenient. I realise that putting such an admonition up in public risks driving you away from participating on the forum, but I beg of you do not take this negatively. I have written these things, dear brother Cyprian,--though I am fearing that you will not be able to bear hearing this from me but feel I must speak these things even if that turns out to be the case--because of the seriousness of this soul-blackening error and because of brotherly concern for you and anyone else who comes across this thread or other similar ones. It is because I am absolutely certain of the dark and deceptive and satanically dangerous nature of such pursuits of so-called knowledge in the occult, that I feel it is incumbent upon me to publicly and firmly warn against such curiosity.

I can only imagine that the reason for your study of these things at such a depth is because you have accepted the demonic suggestion made to you by the unseen filthy fallen spirits of old, that by knowing what these occultist Illuminati are up to you will be better prepared to not fall prey to their machinations and planned disasters, and so forth. But this is in itself falling into one of the "devices of satan" of which we must not be ignorant. The demons can tell us nothing we need to know for our benefit and protection from his fallen master's strategies and deceptions. All the Holy Fathers and the Saints, and hesychastic monastic desert dwellers, most of them did not even so much as read news papers or seek news from the outside world, and these were so close to God that they were forewarned by their Angel guardian or the saints or the Theotokos, or Christ Himself, as to approaching dangers, that even the dupes in the occult did not know about that were coming. I beg you, shake yourself free of this great temptation and awaken, for you have fallen into a grave error in your suppositions about how to be guarded and protected from the present great deception and fall of mankind. God alone is our Refuge and Hope, and through the saints, especially through the intercessions of the Theotokos, and through intimate knowledge of Divine Mysteries and Truth, we can indeed escape all the devices of satan.

Pray for me a sinner.
By the mercy of God,

Chapter 2 of Second Corinthians in full:

But I determined this for my own sake, that I would not come to you in sorrow again. For if I cause you sorrow, who then makes me glad but the one whom I made sorrowful? This is the very thing I wrote you, so that when I came, I would not have sorrow from those who ought to make me rejoice; having confidence in you all that my joy would be the joy of you all. For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have especially for you.
But if any has caused sorrow, he has caused sorrow not to me, but in some degree—in order not to say too much—to all of you. Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority, so that on the contrary you should rather forgive and comfort him, otherwise such a one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Wherefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him. For to this end also I wrote, so that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things. But one whom you forgive anything, I forgive also; for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.

Code: Select all

  Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the Lord, I had no rest for my spirit, not finding Titus my brother; but taking my leave of them, I went on to Macedonia.

  But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us [u]the sweet aroma of the [b]knowledge of Him[/b][/u] in every place. [u]For we are a fragrance of Christ[/u] to God [b]among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing[/b]; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. [b][u]And who is adequate for these things?[/u][/b] For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but [b][u]as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.[/color][/u][/b][/i][/quote]

Let us then, brethren, focus all our attention upon deepening ourselves in the knowledge of CHRIST.

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Maria »

Both Cyprian and Matthew raise good points.

However, we must pray unceasingly and not become obsessed with movies and dates.

We know that these are the End Times, for on January 6, 2016, we were given an epiphany, with the worldwide release in many different languages of the papal message inaugurating the One World Religion of "love." This video was a production of the Jesuits.

January 6, 2016 was the Roman Catholic observation the Epiphany (The Coming of the Magi). And on the evening of January 6, (midnight of January 7, 2016) was the the Gospel for the Feast of the Nativity as celebrated by Old Calendarists and Genuine Orthodox Christianity where St. Luke speaks of the coming of the Magi.

This January 6, 2016 papal video ends with the Christ Child being presented with three three symbols of world religions (a miniature statue of Buddha, prayer beads, a miniature of the Jewish Menorah), just like the Feast of the Epiphany where the three wise men presented their three gifts.

The Machi at (The Magi) is the Catholic Agency who professionally produced this video. -- another Vatican-led world-wide organization "Apostolado de la Oración" (Apostolate of Prayer).

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Cyprian »

Matthew, thank you for your concern for my spiritual well-being, as well as your prayers, which are always welcome.

Greetings and many years on the Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I am not certain whether or not you would like for me to expand upon and clarify some of the points I raised, as well as providing an answer to the questions you raised in response to my last post.

Your post started off acknowledging that I had made a "very interesting observation," along with "very good insights," and an "interesting connection of the dots," but then your tone abruptly changed and consisted of censuring me, implying that I have "accepted demonic suggestions of unseen filthy fallen spirits of old," and all the rest.

You appear to want it both ways. It seems you have no qualms deriving benefit from my observations and insights, while simultaneously excoriating me for spending too much time being distracted by knowledge of the occult or the depths of Satan, or what have you. So if you honestly believe I should cease delving into such unprofitable pursuits, then you should not encourage me by asking me to expound further.

You say you prefer a methodology of "hesychastic prayer, repentance, and the practice and perfection of the virtues"—and I notice you have taken on the appearance of a monastic, wearing a black robe, and letting your hair and beard grow out, and then you remind us that "Holy Fathers and the Saints, and hesychastic monastic desert dwellers, most of them did not even so much as read news papers or seek news from the outside world."

But you also run the risk of coming off as a bit hypocritical when you then ask me about the next movie to come out with Iron Man and Captain America and what it might mean, and you post links to YouTube videos about worldly topics, such as "Conspiracy Corner News 9 - 2016 Election Canceled" or articles speculating about the next “Big One”—a massive earthquake striking California.

You asked my opinion about a foundation that seeks to establish permanent human life on Mars. I do not believe that man has ever traveled to the moon, and it is obvious that NASA simply faked the whole thing, so you can be certain that I do not accept the absurd proposition that man will colonize Mars. Have you ever contemplated the theological implications of this, were it somehow possible to accomplish?

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

Notice the Son of man asks if He will find faith on the earth when He returns. Christ makes no mention of finding faith on a colony of the moon, or on Mars, or any such thing.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

One wonders how exactly it would work, being caught up in the clouds, if humans are inhabiting both the Earth and Mars when Christ returns? You see how foolish all of these absurdities are. Would God ever allow such a thing? That is why I implore Maria and yourself to not be beguiled by the ridiculous claims of the (pseudo)-scientific community.

Hence, we are instructed by Christ Himself, NOT to know the deep things of Satan" as the occultists call their secret system of "wisdom", and that this Holy Ignorance about such things is what we are to Hold Fast to that we might OVERCOME all the power and deception of the Enemy.

This appears to be your own private interpretation of this passage of Scripture, and is not how the fathers that I have read interpret it.

St. Andrew of Caesarea - Interpretation of the Apocalypse:

To the simple people He says: 'Since you, in your simplicity, are not able to stand against the cunning and clever, for, as you affirm, you do not fully know the depths of Satan - therefore I do not ask you to wage hostile battle in words, but only to preserve the teaching which you have received, until the time when I shall take you from her."

or if you prefer, here is an alternate translation:

To the more simple he says: "Since you, through your simple manner, are not able to endure the cunning and quick-witted men, inasmuch as you do not know the deep things of Satan, as you say, I do not request from you to do battle through words but to safeguard the teaching which you have received, until I will take you from there."

How you twisted this passage to mean: "Hence, we are instructed by Christ Himself, NOT to know the deep things of Satan" is beyond me.

This verse is simply telling the simpler sort of folk who acknowledge that they do not know the deep things of Satan, that they are not required to engage with these Gnostic heretics, since they are, by their own admission, ill-equipped. They simply need to hold fast to the fundamental Orthodox teachings which they have been taught, and not deviate. Nowhere does this imply that all Christians are duty bound to remain ignorant of the depths of Satan. That's specifically why St. Andrew interprets this as referring to the "more simple" people -- it is not necessarily referring to all Christians.

There are Orthodox fathers/elders who have divulged their knowledge of the depths of Satan. The great Russian spiritual writer and confessor Sergei Nilus not only confessed to his knowledge of the depths of Satan, but said he would consider himself a traitor if he did not pass along the knowledge he acquired:

Sergius Alexandrovich Nilus - Way of the Orthodox

The events of contemporary world and Russian life, and also my dealings with people who have devoted their whole life and all their activity to the service in spirit and in truth, in the likeness and truth of real Christianity, have revealed to me something new, great and terrible, 'the depths of Satan', which was still hidden from me in 1905, when the second edition of this book appeared. This revelation, which was drawn from observations of the current spiritual and political life of Christian peoples and the study of the secrets of the religious sects of the East, and in particular Masonry, have given me material of such enormous importance that I would consider myself a turncoat traitor of Christ my God if I did not share this material with the God-loving reader.

Matthew, I am fully aware that early manuscripts of the Bible did not contain numbered verses, and that these were only added many centuries later. I also am fully aware that the consensus of the Holy Fathers interpret the woman of Revelation 12 as referring to Holy Church, and that it does not properly refer to Diana or the Apollo 11 moon landing. I am simply pointing out how the enemies of Christ are twisting and manipulating Scripture for their own devices.

Whether one chooses to acknowledge it or not, it is a demonstrable fact that the devil and his minions orient their systematic program of attacks around passages of Scripture, including their verse numberings, as well as the Orthodox festal calendar, in addition to all the pagan observances and secular holidays.

The choice of the date September 11 to perpetrate their attacks was not just randomly chosen.

Luke 13 And Jesus answering said unto them...Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

John 9:11 He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.

Jesus Christ refers to a tower in Siloam that fell, where people were killed. The towers on 9/11 "fell," and people were killed. John 9:11 (i.e. September 11) speaks of Christ telling a man to go wash in the pool of Siloam (where the tower fell). Every September 11 [August 29 O.S.], the Church commemorates the beheading of St. John the Baptist. To be baptized is to be "washed," to have our sins washed away.

Where the WTC towers used to stand are now called "reflecting pools"—as in the pool of Siloam. This was not an accident. The attacks of September 11, on the day of St. John the Baptist, for the devils who perpetrated this heinous attack, has always been about signifying their intentions regarding their diabolical plans for the "baptism" of New York.

The plans to perpetrate the September 11 attacks were conceived long before the WTC Towers were ever built. The same secret society which was responsible for erecting the towers, knew full well that they intended to one day take them down on a specific date.

The deliberate destruction of the WTC Twin Towers (1 WTC and 2 WTC) by the Zionists on September 11, 2001, were, for the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin ultimately responsible for plotting and carrying out said attacks, a symbolic representation of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, which according to Jewish tradition, both occurred on the ninth of Av, i.e. the 9th day of the 11th month.

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av (9th of Av: i.e. 9/11) is a national day of mourning for the Jews, and also a strict fast day for them. September 11 [N.S.]
is a strict fast day in the Orthodox Church, for it is the anniversary of the beheading of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist.
The Jews took their national day of mourning and fasting, Tisha B'Av (i.e. "9/11"), in which the first and second temples were destroyed, and deliberately schemed to make September 11 into a national day of mourning for the United States of America, by destroying the twin temples of the money changers in New York City.

A solitary tower/temple, One World Trade Center, was erected to replace the Twin Towers, as an allegorical representation of the re-building of a Third temple in Jerusalem, to be ordered by the Antichrist himself, which in truth will be the Tower of Babylon (confusion). The Jewish temple in Jerusalem is referred to as a "tower" in the parable of the vineyard in Isaiah chapter 5.

If some choose to shut their eyes to all of these realities, not recognizing the Zionist/Antichrist/Kabbalistic motivations behind the attacks of September 11, (and all the other terror attacks taking place worldwide), and they prefer lies, believing the tripe put forth by the liars in the press and in the government, about 19 Muslim hijackers, etc. that is their business. But I will not cease to speak the truth about these matters, no matter how much resistance I incur.

It is beneficial for you to implore me to not devote an excessive amount of attention to these topics, so continue to remind me, if you feel it is necessity.

I think it is better for us to focus on correcting the physical scientific cosmology, such as geocentrism, rather than satanical numerologies.

Ah, but how should one go about this? I would submit, not by promoting films filled with pseudo-scientific theories and absurd claims by a deluded Papal-apologist and zealot Robert Sungenis, but by simply explicating the Scriptures in light of the traditional interpretations of the Holy Fathers of the Church. That is sufficient for the believer. It is pointless to attempt to prove that the earth is at rest and in the center of the universe with cockamamie "scientific" theories. Christians should accept that the earth is located in the center of the universe and is motionless because that is what Sacred Scripture and the phronema of the Church declares. Only people with a weak and trivial faith will use "science" a crutch to substantiate a belief in the reality of a geocentric paradigm.

Robert Sungenis and his partner Rick Delano are disobedient to the admonitions of the fathers, who counseled that one should be careful not to spend an inordinate amount of time gazing at the stars and the heavens. Sungenis and Delano set themselves up as scientific authorities, presuming to have attained a scientific explanation for things that are truly inexplicable, and as a result they fall into confusion, discrediting themselves and their Papist belief. I don't need a Roman Catholic to prove to me that the earth is not moving, just as I do not need protestants like Kent Hovind or Ken Ham to convince me that evolutionary theory (Darwinism) is folly.

Since you seem rather concerned about distractions which lead to the pursuit of vain knowledge that is without profit, might I suggest that you follow your own advice and be careful not to be beguiled by the irrational speculations of the pseudo-scientists of our time, much of which Sungenis gullibly accepts without question.

St. Anthony the Great
On the Character of Men and on the Virtuous Life
One Hundred and Seventy Texts

109. The intelligence which is wedded to the intellect and which gives help to the soul is a gift of God. But the
intelligence which is full of babbling and which investigates the measurements and distances of sky and earth, and
the size of the sun and the stars, characterizes a man who labors in vain. Fruitlessly vaunting himself, he pursues
what is without profit, as if wishing to draw water with a sieve; for no man can resolve these matters.

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Re: Concerning Earth: What Do You Think?

Post by Matthew »

Cyprian wrote:

Matthew, thank you for your concern for my spiritual well-being, as well as your prayers, which are always welcome.

Greetings and many years on the Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I am not certain whether or not you would like for me to expand upon and clarify some of the points I raised, as well as providing an answer to the questions you raised in response to my last post.

Your post started off acknowledging that I had made a "very interesting observation," along with "very good insights," and an "interesting connection of the dots," but then your tone abruptly changed and consisted of censuring me, implying that I have "accepted demonic suggestions of unseen filthy fallen spirits of old," and all the rest.

Forgive me, Cyprian, the problem of Text over Voice. I was not censuring you, but much rather beseeching you as the good brother that you are. Sorry that I did not word things carefully enough to edit out the possibility of anything but a kind tone of concern. Again, that I why I gave you my skype ID in a private message hoping to get to know each other better and enjoy discussing these things via voice or video call. I still very much would like that. Sometimes text gets in the way of clearly communicating who we are and how we are expressing ourselves really.

Cyprian wrote:

You appear to want it both ways. It seems you have no qualms deriving benefit from my observations and insights, while simultaneously excoriating me for spending too much time being distracted by knowledge of the occult or the depths of Satan, or what have you. So if you honestly believe I should cease delving into such unprofitable pursuits, then you should not encourage me by asking me to expound further

Sorry --I have really put you on the defensive and I must apologise profusly for that. It was not my intention. Please understand that, like you, I find these things engrossing and intriguing and began writing all most of the responses positively until I later down the length of your post I started to respond with more caution and shortly came to feel in all of this a strategy of the enemy for us both, for anyone, who gets drawn into this, because as I said, this is not the way the Holy Fathers have shown us to prepare ourselves against the workings and strategies of satan. So I went back over the body of my response post and added a few things at the beginning as well, trying to indicate more caution at the beginning as I realized that it seemed to flip flop, asking for answers in an interested way that encouraged further discussion but then saying, "No this is all wrong lets not do this anymore." Sorry that it went like that. but it was kind of a record of my stream of thought as it changed during the reading and responding of your post. Again it is all very interesting, and I hope to make it clear that some knowledge of this is of use, but I fear too much can easily happen and we begin to displace prayer and holy reading in the edifying and protective words and instructions of the holy Fathers and saints, so I hope that explains the strange changes in my post.

Cyprian wrote:

You say you prefer a methodology of "hesychastic prayer, repentance, and the practice and perfection of the virtues"—and I notice you have taken on the appearance of a monastic, wearing a black robe, and letting your hair and beard grow out, and then you remind us that "Holy Fathers and the Saints, and hesychastic monastic desert dwellers, most of them did not even so much as read news papers or seek news from the outside world."

But you also run the risk of coming off as a bit hypocritical when you then ask me about the next movie to come out with Iron Man and Captain America and what it might mean, and you post links to YouTube videos about worldly topics, such as "Conspiracy Corner News 9 - 2016 Election Canceled" or articles speculating about the next “Big One”—a massive earthquake striking California.

Again, all you say in criticism is justified, and accurate, but I have tried to iron these inconsistencies out by what I have written above. Forgive me. BTW, I am not a monastic, I do not wear any monastic clothing. I only wear normal long sleeved shirts and pants in my house, when I go out I wear normal street clothes. I am a postulant and my priest will be making me a novice in about 3 months if all goes well with my spiritual preparation and efforts. I am a beginner and a learner of the spiritual life, but that does not mean I should counted a hypocrite--I make no pretenses about where I am at myself. IF I claimed to already be a hesychast, rather than saying we should seek to do our best to develop that in our lives then that would be hypcritical. But I do not make false claims about myself. As for why my hair and beard are already long that is because I was a novice in am onastery in Serbia, but they broke away from our bishop uncanonically and after my pleading that they not do this thing falling on deaf ears I was forced to leave and so I returned to Canada and being somewhat broken I just stayed at home here until I figured out what to do. This is all stuff I would rather have told you in person and in private on the phone or by video skype, and a lot of these hurts could be avoided had I had the chance to be known by you in a more direct and revealing and accurate fashion. Please be open to knowing me better as I have asked you in all best intentions. I believe you and I would get a long well if we could cut through the walls.

Cyprian wrote:

You asked my opinion about a foundation that seeks to establish permanent human life on Mars. I do not believe that man has ever traveled to the moon, and it is obvious that NASA simply faked the whole thing, so you can be certain that I do not accept the absurd proposition that man will colonize Mars. Have you ever contemplated the theological implications of this, were it somehow possible to accomplish?

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

Notice the Son of man asks if He will find faith on the earth when He returns. Christ makes no mention of finding faith on a colony of the moon, or on Mars, or any such thing.

Indeed! Touche! That is something many Christians who believe all that need to consider. It is a slam dunk argument against Christ returning some time hundreds or thousands of years in the future by which time we might indeed find a way to traverse the distance to the moon etc.

Cyprian wrote:

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

One wonders how exactly it would work, being caught up in the clouds, if humans are inhabiting both the Earth and Mars when Christ returns? You see how foolish all of these absurdities are. Would God ever allow such a thing? That is why I implore Maria and yourself to not be beguiled by the ridiculous claims of the (pseudo)-scientific community.

Indeed, I have become much more aware that modern science has become much more of a propaganda operation than I ever realised. Thank you for that good effort to help us on your part.

Cyprian wrote:

Hence, we are instructed by Christ Himself, NOT to know the deep things of Satan" as the occultists call their secret system of "wisdom", and that this Holy Ignorance about such things is what we are to Hold Fast to that we might OVERCOME all the power and deception of the Enemy.

This appears to be your own private interpretation of this passage of Scripture, and is not how the fathers that I have read interpret it.

St. Andrew of Caesarea - Interpretation of the Apocalypse:

To the simple people He says: 'Since you, in your simplicity, are not able to stand against the cunning and clever, for, as you affirm, you do not fully know the depths of Satan - therefore I do not ask you to wage hostile battle in words, but only to preserve the teaching which you have received, until the time when I shall take you from her."

or if you prefer, here is an alternate translation:

To the more simple he says: "Since you, through your simple manner, are not able to endure the cunning and quick-witted men, inasmuch as you do not know the deep things of Satan, as you say, I do not request from you to do battle through words but to safeguard the teaching which you have received, until I will take you from there."

How you twisted this passage to mean: "Hence, we are instructed by Christ Himself, NOT to know the deep things of Satan" is beyond me.

This verse is simply telling the simpler sort of folk who acknowledge that they do not know the deep things of Satan, that they are not required to engage with these Gnostic heretics, since they are, by their own admission, ill-equipped. They simply need to hold fast to the fundamental Orthodox teachings which they have been taught, and not deviate. Nowhere does this imply that all Christians are duty bound to remain ignorant of the depths of Satan. That's specifically why St. Andrew interprets this as referring to the "more simple" people -- it is not necessarily referring to all Christians.

Thank you for finding that quote, Cyprian. I guess I did misunderstand the verse. I thought it was saying that we don't need to know all that dark satanic arts and secret religions stuff, but that we need only hold to the Truth we were taught and overcome by means of holding to and confessing the Gospel and Truths of the Faith. It seemed Christ was praising them for "not knowing the deep things of satan". But I guess I got that wrong. If Saint Andrew of Caesarea is right, or if I am right in my reading of the quote you provided, Christ is really saying, ideally you would be well-versed in the deep things of satan but since you are not...and he goes on"

Cyprian wrote:

There are Orthodox fathers/elders who have divulged their knowledge of the depths of Satan. The great Russian spiritual writer and confessor Sergei Nilus not only confessed to his knowledge of the depths of Satan, but said he would consider himself a traitor if he did not pass along the knowledge he acquired:

Sergius Alexandrovich Nilus - Way of the Orthodox

The events of contemporary world and Russian life, and also my dealings with people who have devoted their whole life and all their activity to the service in spirit and in truth, in the likeness and truth of real Christianity, have revealed to me something new, great and terrible, 'the depths of Satan', which was still hidden from me in 1905, when the second edition of this book appeared. This revelation, which was drawn from observations of the current spiritual and political life of Christian peoples and the study of the secrets of the religious sects of the East, and in particular Masonry, have given me material of such enormous importance that I would consider myself a turncoat traitor of Christ my God if I did not share this material with the God-loving reader.

This quote seems to confirm your interpretation. I must think and pray on about all of this much more before I open my mouth about such matters. Thank you, Cyprian. You are being helpful to me.

Cyprian wrote:

Matthew, I am fully aware that early manuscripts of the Bible did not contain numbered verses, and that these were only added many centuries later. I also am fully aware that the consensus of the Holy Fathers interpret the woman of Revelation 12 as referring to Holy Church, and that it does not properly refer to Diana or the Apollo 11 moon landing. I am simply pointing out how the enemies of Christ are twisting and manipulating Scripture for their own devices.

Your point is well taken. And in small doses I would not have a problem with that. I am only trying to express my concern that if we drink too deeply such things, we begin to adopt into our own thinking and way of looking at things, even the Scripture, the mindset of the Masons or whoever. And this seems to not be to our advantage since it keeps us from first and in a reflexive and natural quick sort of way, like innocent children, to read the scriptures in their face value, or if at a deeper level, their inner spiritual and holy meaning. but to start developing a habit of flipping things around in an occultic anagramic way--it seems to me that this is not good for us. If that is not happening to you, and if you are on guard against just that sort of thing, then what I have said out of concern does not apply. Forgive me if I jumped to conclusions about you or your approach to these matters. On a small point of defence I was writing not just with you in mind, though, but also anyone else in the general readership who might come across these exchanges and I wished to issue a useful warning of what excesses in the study of this subject that I perceive could become a problem.

Cyprian wrote:

Whether one chooses to acknowledge it or not, it is a demonstrable fact that the devil and his minions orient their systematic program of attacks around passages of Scripture, including their verse numberings, as well as the Orthodox festal calendar, in addition to all the pagan observances and secular holidays.

Yes, I shouldn't doubt that that would be the case. They do love to do that sort of thing.

Cyprian wrote:

The choice of the date September 11 to perpetrate their attacks was not just randomly chosen.

Luke 13 And Jesus answering said unto them...Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

John 9:11 He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.

Jesus Christ refers to a tower in Siloam that fell, where people were killed. The towers on 9/11 "fell," and people were killed. John 9:11 (i.e. September 11) speaks of Christ telling a man to go wash in the pool of Siloam (where the tower fell). Every September 11 [August 29 O.S.], the Church commemorates the beheading of St. John the Baptist. To be baptized is to be "washed," to have our sins washed away.

Where the WTC towers used to stand are now called "reflecting pools"—as in the pool of Siloam. This was not an accident. The attacks of September 11, on the day of St. John the Baptist, for the devils who perpetrated this heinous attack, has always been about signifying their intentions regarding their diabolical plans for the "baptism" of New York.

I must admit that that seems a bit convoluted. I am not so sure that they were really planning all of that as consciously as you suggest. It is possible that they did. Yes. But I am doubtful. People have subconscious things going on in their minds and can make connections without knowing it in a fully self-aware way. But it is speculative, all of this, so who knows... You may be right. For myself, I cannot say for sure, at least on this past part you have set forth.

Cyprian wrote:

The plans to perpetrate the September 11 attacks were conceived long before the WTC Towers were ever built. The same secret society which was responsible for erecting the towers, knew full well that they intended to one day take them down on a specific date.

Now that is a view on the event I can whole-heartedly agree to having been the case.

Cyprian wrote:

The deliberate destruction of the WTC Twin Towers (1 WTC and 2 WTC) by the Zionists on September 11, 2001, were, for the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin ultimately responsible for plotting and carrying out said attacks, a symbolic representation of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, which according to Jewish tradition, both occurred on the ninth of Av, i.e. the 9th day of the 11th month.

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av (9th of Av: i.e. 9/11) is a national day of mourning for the Jews, and also a strict fast day for them. September 11 [N.S.]
is a strict fast day in the Orthodox Church, for it is the anniversary of the beheading of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist.
The Jews took their national day of mourning and fasting, Tisha B'Av (i.e. "9/11"), in which the first and second temples were destroyed, and deliberately schemed to make September 11 into a national day of mourning for the United States of America, by destroying the twin temples of the money changers in New York City.


Cyprian wrote:

A solitary tower/temple, One World Trade Center, was erected to replace the Twin Towers, as an allegorical representation of the re-building of a Third temple in Jerusalem, to be ordered by the Antichrist himself, which in truth will be the Tower of Babylon (confusion). The Jewish temple in Jerusalem is referred to as a "tower" in the parable of the vineyard in Isaiah chapter 5.

But why all the rigmarole of building and destroying and rebuilding these buildings in NYC and at such expense? Why not cut to the chase and use that money to just get on with it and build their 3rd Temple? Seems like a silly thing to be so circuitous about it.

Cyprian wrote:

If some choose to shut their eyes to all of these realities, not recognizing the Zionist/Antichrist/Kabbalistic motivations behind the attacks of September 11, (and all the other terror attacks taking place worldwide), and they prefer lies, believing the tripe put forth by the liars in the press and in the government, about 19 Muslim hijackers, etc. that is their business. But I will not cease to speak the truth about these matters, no matter how much resistance I incur.

I do not shut my eyes to it. I mean you have to be pretty blind not to see anything occult or cabbalistic in the Superbowl half time entertainment or the Katy Perry, or Madonna, or Britney Spears videos, not to mention a host of others. Everything is full of mystery babylon. They dont even hide it anymore because, Hey, it's "COOL".

Cyprian wrote:

It is beneficial for you to implore me to not devote an excessive amount of attention to these topics, so continue to remind me, if you feel it is necessity.

I think it is better for us to focus on correcting the physical scientific cosmology, such as geocentrism, rather than satanical numerologies.

Ah, but how should one go about this? I would submit, not by promoting films filled with pseudo-scientific theories and absurd claims by a deluded Papal-apologist and zealot Robert Sungenis, but by simply explicating the Scriptures in light of the traditional interpretations of the Holy Fathers of the Church. That is sufficient for the believer. It is pointless to attempt to prove that the earth is at rest and in the center of the universe with cockamamie "scientific" theories. Christians should accept that the earth is located in the center of the universe and is motionless because that is what Sacred Scripture and the phronema of the Church declares. Only people with a weak and trivial faith will use "science" a crutch to substantiate a belief in the reality of a geocentric paradigm.

I would agree with what you have just said. But if there are ways of explaining things to modern minded people that will appeal to their sense of reason and make adopting the patristic position easier, I think we do well to make use of it. St Paul said, to the Jew I became as a Jew, to the gentile a gentile, and so forth that by all means I might save some. So, that is why I would like to know if such a case can be made. I am new to all of this so I don't know. I hope our discussions will bear this out, or will achieve this.

Cyprian wrote:

Robert Sungenis and his partner Rick Delano are disobedient to the admonitions of the fathers, who counseled that one should be careful not to spend an inordinate amount of time gazing at the stars and the heavens. Sungenis and Delano set themselves up as scientific authorities, presuming to have attained a scientific explanation for things that are truly inexplicable, and as a result they fall into confusion, discrediting themselves and their Papist belief. I don't need a Roman Catholic to prove to me that the earth is not moving, just as I do not need protestants like Kent Hovind or Ken Ham to convince me that evolutionary theory (Darwinism) is folly.

In your case that is fine. But in my own case, as I was not brought up on Orthodoxy, (and perhaps you were not , I do not know) I can say that God used Kent Hovind and others like that to help me not be taken captive and to help me purge and combat many humanist theories that are made to look like universal facts of reality, which they are not, but are unreality. So, I do not want to rebuff them too much as they helped me. They "Greased the skids" towards my ability to accept Orthodoxy on these matters. So, that's not a bad thing.

Cyprian wrote:

Since you seem rather concerned about distractions which lead to the pursuit of vain knowledge that is without profit, might I suggest that you follow your own advice and be careful not to be beguiled by the irrational speculations of the pseudo-scientists of our time, much of which Sungenis gullibly accepts without question.

Well, that is why I invite further discussion on these matters so that I might understand which version of the cosmos is the authentic one. I mean, our generation, including myself as I am a part of it and raised on its views and taught little else, knows next to nothing about a patristic cosmology. So I think it would be useful to share resources and quotes on that topic here.

Cyprian wrote:

St. Anthony the Great
On the Character of Men and on the Virtuous Life
One Hundred and Seventy Texts

109. The intelligence which is wedded to the intellect and which gives help to the soul is a gift of God. But the
intelligence which is full of babbling and which investigates the measurements and distances of sky and earth, and
the size of the sun and the stars, characterizes a man who labors in vain. Fruitlessly vaunting himself, he pursues
what is without profit, as if wishing to draw water with a sieve; for no man can resolve these matters.

A beautiful quote, brother Cyprian. Wow! I wish that had been posted as the first one in this thread, I might have saved myself a lot of trouble and not small amount of embarrassment!

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