The fate of the Christians in Syria

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

Nadir, I'm wondering if you're a bit confused. Sister Hatune is trying to explain why the "freedom fighters" in Syria are really dangerous, anti-Christian Sunni Muslim fanatics, and these links you provide also support the same narrative, namely that the West is mistaken in supporting the Syrian rebels and should instead be supporting Assad's government, which is the protector of Christians. Maybe you were under the impression that Sister Hatune was accusing the Syrian government, but this is definitely not the case.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by NadirGP »

jgress wrote:

Nadir, I'm wondering if you're a bit confused. Sister Hatune is trying to explain why the "freedom fighters" in Syria are really dangerous, anti-Christian Sunni Muslim fanatics, and these links you provide also support the same narrative, namely that the West is mistaken in supporting the Syrian rebels and should instead be supporting Assad's government, which is the protector of Christians. Maybe you were under the impression that Sister Hatune was accusing the Syrian government, but this is definitely not the case.


Perhaps you and I are reading Sister Hatune differently.
The video is in German with English subtitles. I don’t understand German, so I’m going by the subtitles. I watched it twice to make sure I did not miss anything. Sister Hatune is not clear in her exposition about the nature of the murders and atrocities committed by the Muslims against Christians. Moreover, Sister Hatune does not say that these murderers are "freedom fighters" supported by the western powers. Her narrative mainly is situated in her childhood Turkey which has little to do with the original thread on Syria, which I posted here in the first place.

Finally, if we really want to help to put some light to the dire Syrian situation, we Western Christians should try to point out who are the real villains behind it. Preaching against Islam and its fanatic adherents does not help. It is the American government and its European allies who are the primary culprit of the destabilization of Christian civilization globally, Syrian included as is the case here.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Maria »

NadirGP wrote:
jgress wrote:

Nadir, I'm wondering if you're a bit confused. Sister Hatune is trying to explain why the "freedom fighters" in Syria are really dangerous, anti-Christian Sunni Muslim fanatics, and these links you provide also support the same narrative, namely that the West is mistaken in supporting the Syrian rebels and should instead be supporting Assad's government, which is the protector of Christians. Maybe you were under the impression that Sister Hatune was accusing the Syrian government, but this is definitely not the case.

Finally, if we really want to help to put some light to the dire Syrian situation, we Western Christians should try to point out who are the real villains behind it. Preaching against Islam and its fanatic adherents does not help. It is the American government and its European allies who are the primary culprit of the destabilization of Christian civilization globally, Syrian included as is the case here.

However, with the newest rendition of the NDAA and the NSA, Americans are being monitored. All we can do is pray and hope for Divine intervention.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

I think the context of Sister Hatune's video is the assumption widely shared in the West that the rebels are simply freedom fighters who want to bring democracy and Assad is just a brutal dictator who hates freedom. These people fail to appreciate the reality on the ground, which is that there are no true democrats, at least ones with any real influence, and that it's a fight between a dictator who at least defends minorities like the Christians, and Sunni fanatics who want to exterminate all non-Sunni inhabitants in Syria.

You seem to think that the jihadists are purely Western ciphers and their behavior has nothing to do with Islam's history of genocide and religious intolerance. The reality is that the West is certainly using the jihadists for their own ends, but the jihadists themselves are simply following in a long tradition in Islam; jihad is nothing new and is not an invention of the West. I think you should start by reading up on the New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke to learn about how Islam has treated non-Muslims throughout history.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by NadirGP »

jgress wrote:

I think the context of Sister Hatune's video is the assumption widely shared in the West that the rebels are simply freedom fighters who want to bring democracy and Assad is just a brutal dictator who hates freedom. These people fail to appreciate the reality on the ground, which is that there are no true democrats, at least ones with any real influence, and that it's a fight between a dictator who at least defends minorities like the Christians, and Sunni fanatics who want to exterminate all non-Sunni inhabitants in Syria.

You seem to think that the jihadists are purely Western ciphers and their behavior has nothing to do with Islam's history of genocide and religious intolerance. The reality is that the West is certainly using the jihadists for their own ends, but the jihadists themselves are simply following in a long tradition in Islam; jihad is nothing new and is not an invention of the West. I think you should start by reading up on the New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke to learn about how Islam has treated non-Muslims throughout history.


I do not think that the jihadists, as you call them, are purely Western ciphers. If I gave that impression because of my posting on this issue then it was not intended. Also I think that I know enough about the history of Islam and its consequences for our Christian civilization. And to clarify this matter further, I am not a sort of Muslim lover either. I am a lover of Truth, that is Jesus Christ.

What I am against today is the innuendo in the mainstream media, day in day out, on Islam and everything related to it. Since 9/11, there is not one single day that the name of Islam or just “terrorists” [read Islamic fanatics] does not come on the news. As for the media, you know as I do who controls it. I won’t make any names here but it is enough to quote the following:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Maria »

NadirGP wrote:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire.

So true!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

NadirGP wrote:
jgress wrote:

I think the context of Sister Hatune's video is the assumption widely shared in the West that the rebels are simply freedom fighters who want to bring democracy and Assad is just a brutal dictator who hates freedom. These people fail to appreciate the reality on the ground, which is that there are no true democrats, at least ones with any real influence, and that it's a fight between a dictator who at least defends minorities like the Christians, and Sunni fanatics who want to exterminate all non-Sunni inhabitants in Syria.

You seem to think that the jihadists are purely Western ciphers and their behavior has nothing to do with Islam's history of genocide and religious intolerance. The reality is that the West is certainly using the jihadists for their own ends, but the jihadists themselves are simply following in a long tradition in Islam; jihad is nothing new and is not an invention of the West. I think you should start by reading up on the New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke to learn about how Islam has treated non-Muslims throughout history.


I do not think that the jihadists, as you call them, are purely Western ciphers. If I gave that impression because of my posting on this issue then it was not intended. Also I think that I know enough about the history of Islam and its consequences for our Christian civilization. And to clarify this matter further, I am not a sort of Muslim lover either. I am a lover of Truth, that is Jesus Christ.

What I am against today is the innuendo in the mainstream media, day in day out, on Islam and everything related to it. Since 9/11, there is not one single day that the name of Islam or just “terrorists” [read Islamic fanatics] does not come on the news. As for the media, you know as I do who controls it. I won’t make any names here but it is enough to quote the following:

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire.

There are plenty of liberals out there who jump on any criticism of Muslim behavior as "Islamophobic", so I don't know where you get the idea that Muslims are safe to criticize. Also, that quote by Voltaire is fake, and even if genuine I find it kind of weird to go around quoting a notorious atheist revolutionary as some kind of authority.

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