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Re: Vaccination

Post by NadirGP »


The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers, by Jon Rappoport
November 6, 2013

[Excerpt only:]

I’ve written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I’m sure I’ll write several more.

Here’s the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result of a vaccine(s), she must enter the maze of the US government compensation system. Why? Because she can no longer go to court and sue the vaccine manufacturer directly. That’s out.

The manufacturers and the federal government have conspired to erect a wall against those lawsuits, to protect the manufacturers from high-priced judgments.
To read more: ... ur-rulers/

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
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Re: Vaccination

Post by Barbara »

Just now catching up with this excellent thread.
I think Nadir is very smart. He sums up the entire problem thus :

"this campaign is a cash-cow for the pharmaceutical companies and also a political stunt in order to keep the masses under control."

Every pharmacy of every store has a large banner out : "Hurry in to get your flu shot today"

[ Where is any Church flying a banner reading : "Hurry in to Pray today" - ? ]

See how pressure is applied. There are hidden messages in the former one commanding average people to
take comfort in being just like everyone else. Then they are made to feel that they must move quickly
or they miss out on this obligatory rite to enter into winter.

What about inviting people for Organic Cider and Cinnamon instead, a nice congenial occasion which I recall from
my teenage years. It was so fun, sociable, and made one feel like autumn was really here to be sipping that
around a crackling fire on the island where my family's summer house was. All the families got together ; so it
was a wholesome and traditional-value reinforcing event.

But THIS invitation to be jabbed with awful toxins ? How life has changed.
I don't remember any of these flu shots from my childhood. Maybe they WERE there, but thank God, I never
was give one.

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Re: Vaccination

Post by NadirGP »

Barbara wrote:

Just now catching up with this excellent thread.
I think Nadir is very smart. He sums up the entire problem thus :

"this campaign is a cash-cow for the pharmaceutical companies and also a political stunt in order to keep the masses under control."

Every pharmacy of every store has a large banner out : "Hurry in to get your flu shot today"

[ Where is any Church flying a banner reading : "Hurry in to Pray today" - ? ]

See how pressure is applied. There are hidden messages in the former one commanding average people to
take comfort in being just like everyone else. Then they are made to feel that they must move quickly
or they miss out on this obligatory rite to enter into winter.

What about inviting people for Organic Cider and Cinnamon instead, a nice congenial occasion which I recall from
my teenage years. It was so fun, sociable, and made one feel like autumn was really here to be sipping that
around a crackling fire on the island where my family's summer house was. All the families got together ; so it
was a wholesome and traditional-value reinforcing event.

But THIS invitation to be jabbed with awful toxins ? How life has changed.
I don't remember any of these flu shots from my childhood. Maybe they WERE there, but thank God, I never
was give one.

/\ Thanks Barbara

I just came across this short paragraph below, in which the writer tells how ominous the whole vaccination industry is:

Vaccination is another reason why we are too stupid to survive. If I asked any parent if I could pump some experimental, toxic chemical compound directly into the veins of their new-born baby I'd be ignored. Put on a white lab coat and call it "vaccination" and I become a billionaire. We use a thousand buzz-words every day to make ourselves feel better about things we're too lazy to think about. Howard Stern is quotable here: "We laugh at primitive cultures that worship rocks without realizing that we do the same thing - we just dress up the rock better." Amen Howard.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
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Re: Vaccination

Post by Barbara »

^ That really is right to the point ! That contrast should make it clear for even skeptics.

Another supporting piece of evidence is that when I mentioned how bad vaccines are to someone, she
said her mother had gotten one and immediately got pneumonia. The mother had to be hospitalized for
7 days [imagine the expense, plus time away from her work]. Her lungs were so badly weakened from all this
that if she gets a cold, it can turn dangerous very quickly.

Needless to say, the mother never went back for a vaccine, as she was sure this chain of events was a result
of the vaccination she had taken. This was about 5 years ago when there was little awareness of the dangers involved.

Now she climbs in the mountains to gather herbs from high meadows as the way to promote healing !

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Re: Vaccination

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

^ That really is right to the point ! That contrast should make it clear for even skeptics.

Another supporting piece of evidence is that when I mentioned how bad vaccines are to someone, she
said her mother had gotten one and immediately got pneumonia. The mother had to be hospitalized for
7 days [imagine the expense, plus time away from her work]. Her lungs were so badly weakened from all this
that if she gets a cold, it can turn dangerous very quickly.

Needless to say, the mother never went back for a vaccine, as she was sure this chain of events was a result
of the vaccination she had taken. This was about 5 years ago when there was little awareness of the dangers involved.

Now she climbs in the mountains to gather herbs from high meadows as the way to promote healing !

The Russians and the Slavic people are known for their robust health. They eat lots of garlic and onions. These root vegetables are loaded with nutrients that support the immune system.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Vaccination

Post by NadirGP »


I read the document below. But more I read on this subject and more I feel induced to warn people of the dangers of vaccination.

HPV Vaccines Exposed: Subterfuge in a Syringe?
by Norma Erickson

The Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, assisted by some of Japan’s best medical scientists, and a few politicians with strong morals are doing everything they can to get HPV vaccines banned from their country. These people see Gardasil and Cervarix as vaccines with an unacceptable safety profile and very little proven benefit.

Japanese safety advocates have already succeeded in getting their government officials to order both manufacturers (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) to change the HPV vaccine package inserts to include stronger safety warnings to medical consumers regarding the possibility of ADEM, Guillain-Barre and neurological problems.

(Read more here: ... e-effects/.)

Unfortunately, that is not enough. The citizens of Japan are tired of watching their young girls suffer from convulsions, seizures, partial paralysis, severe pain and a host of new medical conditions after being subjected to HPV vaccinations.

(Read more here: ... -vaccines/.)

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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Re: Vaccination

Post by Maria »

NadirGP wrote:


I read the document below. But more I read on this subject and more I feel induced to warn people of the dangers of vaccination.

HPV Vaccines Exposed: Subterfuge in a Syringe?
by Norma Erickson

The Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents in Japan, assisted by some of Japan’s best medical scientists, and a few politicians with strong morals are doing everything they can to get HPV vaccines banned from their country. These people see Gardasil and Cervarix as vaccines with an unacceptable safety profile and very little proven benefit.

Japanese safety advocates have already succeeded in getting their government officials to order both manufacturers (Merck and GlaxoSmithKline) to change the HPV vaccine package inserts to include stronger safety warnings to medical consumers regarding the possibility of ADEM, Guillain-Barre and neurological problems.

(Read more here: ... e-effects/.)

Unfortunately, that is not enough. The citizens of Japan are tired of watching their young girls suffer from convulsions, seizures, partial paralysis, severe pain and a host of new medical conditions after being subjected to HPV vaccinations.

(Read more here: ... -vaccines/.)

Not too long ago, here in the States, there were several high school girls who developed severe neurological problems that the news media wanted to dismiss as hysteria. Then suddenly, there was no more news like they were silenced with money.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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