Iconophili's Great Big Thread of Conspiracies!

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Miriam wrote:

Iconophilli wrote:

I never said a nonOrthodox site spoke truth about Orthodoxy or anything like that

Where is the "Ill Will that I have expressed?????????

Well let's see now..............

In response to Justin Kissel: (2/21/06)

P.S. you have a westernised understanding on how Orthodox are to have a relationship with Government.

In response to Ebor: (2/24/06)

Look you Heathen according to our Church teaching people where not living a shorter life span in the past, that is a non-Orthodox teaching


The is no insult in calling you a HEATHEN



In response to Andy Holland: (3/17/06)

You ARE simple minded people that have been "TRULY SHOCK UP" with my position

In response to Katya:3/17/06

well Baby

In response to Ebor: (3/18/06)

OH HEATHEN when will you learn

In response to CGW: (3/18/06)

DUDE I don't think

And again

I Just found out you're not even Orthodox so I wont even take you seriously anymore.

In response to CGW:

you don't speak the truth when it comes to religion, so you should be aloud to post here,

and again:

I stated you do NOT soeak the truth about Religion here

In response to Miriam:

B WOW you can't even understand what I'm talking about

In response to CGW:

Now People let us see what this Heretic is going to tell us on our Orthodox Site about Our Orthodox Church

In response to Miriam:

You need to stop LYING about me, I never said a nonOrthodox site spoke truth about Orthodoxy or anything like that and I never condemed anyone of you, which you say I did which make You a liar.

In response to CGW:

Yes but they speak the truth when it comes to the NWO, you don't speak the truth when it comes to religion, so you should be aloud to post here, now answer my question, what do you mean by? "without respect to denomination or religion.

In reponse to Liudmilla on another thread:

It doesn't matter if one is "Cradle Orthodox" as long as one is Raised in Western Europe/ U.S.A. AKA= Non Orthodox Nation, one will have a NoN Orthodox outlook on things.

And yet again:

what I'm saying is all Orthodox AND non-Orthodox in Western Europe/U.S.A. that believe "There is no Conspirousy and jews are not behind it" believe so because of what we we tought in our school systems, thats what I'm saying and I'm trying to show my BRETHEREN here the TRUTH, unfiltered,


NON of these things did I say to put anyone of them down, but I said it meaning it, 1. Ebor was speaking about people living longer now a days, This is not a Orthodox/Monophizite/Paypist(Roman Catholic) or Protestant teaching, it's purly a non-Christian Secular(Masonic) teaching designed to help pull people away from the beliefe in Christ, so scince he goes by this WRONG teaching, AND he's posting this on our Orthodox site I called him Heathen, because it's a heathenistic teaching and he believes it and is here posting it, thats why I called him that, if I did it out of Spite then I am wrong, and when I said you people are simple minded people I was'nt mad then but was meaning it, and there is nothing, BAD about calling some one that if it's true, all the other things you couted I said there is nothing wrong with it, YOUR taking it the wrong way, I also talked with Priest Siluan and asked him to read everything I wrote "In Context & in Chronilogical Order" so he can see I'm not trying to put anyone down, and he understands where I'm coming from.

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Post by CGW »

CGW wrote:

The fact is that you (and presumably any cleric or monk who is advising you) are perfectly willing to believe any heretic who encourages your delusions of conspiracies, and are utterly unwilling to accept anyone's criticism of your delusions, whether they be Orthodox or not. You fraudulently dress your secular nonsense in the vestments of ecclesial authority, but I would bet that no Orthodox church teaches the tripe that you dare to teach in its name.

The Church has spoken about Conspirousies, it's even written in Books, but before I delve into it, I'll have to get these writtings from our Church Fathers, I'll get this info so I can back up my claim, so for now I won't say anything else Untill I get the Church writtings, so be prepared.

It is utterly beyond the realm of possibility that the church fathers wrote about conspiracies to attack, real or falsely, the Pentagon. It is utterly beyond the realm of possibility that the church fathers are the authors of the sites to which you've linked. Save yourself the trouble of dredging up a lot of irrelevant quotes and repent now.

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Post by Ebor »


NON of these things did I say to put anyone of them down, but I said it meaning it

So people deriding others aren't being rude if they mean what they say?
:D :P :P :lol: :lol:
An interesting idea on polite social discourse. :lol: :mrgreen: How relativist and subjective.

  1. Ebor was speaking about people living longer now a days, This is not a Orthodox/Monophizite/Paypist(Roman Catholic) or Protestant teaching, it's purly a non-Christian Secular(Masonic) teaching designed to help pull people away from the beliefe in Christ, so scince he goes by this WRONG teaching, AND he's posting this on our Orthodox site I called him Heathen, because it's a heathenistic teaching

Oh here we are with the Masons again. :mrgreen: I didn't know that they had taken over the Centers for Disease Control. (We need some more emoticons for higher grades of amusement maybe)

Well I provided the different definitions of "Heathen" on one of your other threads. And you still haven't explained whether you mean that I

1) live on a heath or moor (those are tracts of level wasteland just so you know) or
2) not acknowledging the God of Christianity (which I do since I am a Christian, just not your brand) or
3) a practiioner of the "Norse Pagan faith" which I am not, since I am a Christian. :)

If you have some other definition of heathan would you please post it to see how it might apply to me? thank you.

Also, since I provided links about how in general people are living longer with better medicine and improved hygiene. What can you post to counter that please? What support do you have for a claim that people are not living longer now? I don't accept you as an authority on demographics and longevity so can you provide something from oh, the Church Fathers (with citations) or some other work to support your claim? thank you in advance.

(but I'm not holding my breath that you will actually deal with that information)

....thats why I called him that, if I did it out of Spite then I am wrong, and when I said you people are simple minded people I was'nt mad then but was meaning it, and there is nothing, BAD about calling some one that if it's true,

But is it "TRUE" or is it your opinion? Your subjective ideas are not necessarily (and I submit not at all) actual fact. Disagreeing with your ideas does not make one "simple minded". You and your ideas are not the Law of the Universe(TM) any more then any other human beings. And I don't accept you as any kind of authority on anything, least of all EO. Btw, saying that one is EO on line doesn't make it so. Who knows if you are or are not.


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Post by Miriam »

Iconophilli wrote:

but I said it meaning it,

Lk:18:11: The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
Lk:18:13: And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
14: I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Mt:6:14: For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Mt:6:15: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Mat:18:34: And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the ormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him
Mt:18:35: So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.


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3 Jewish College Students Arrested In Alabama Church Fire


What do you have to say about this hu?, Let me guess, "It's Not true they are'nt Jews" : http://judicial-inc.biz/church_fires_in_alabama.htm I'm still going to get the Sayings/Writtings of The Church Fathers about Jews/Conspirouces.

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Post by TomS »

Can't be denied. The Protocols of Zion lay out the roadmap. All you have to do is read them.

They say that I am bad news. They say "Stay Away."

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Post by TomS »

Phht! Who do you think controls Time Magazine??? THE JEWS!!!

They say that I am bad news. They say "Stay Away."
