Iconophili's Great Big Thread of Conspiracies!

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Post by CGW »

Could you try that again, except coherently this time?

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Orthodox6 wrote:


The way that you word things is restrained and sensible. I also happen to agree with what you wrote. (unless I tripped over some nuance) (Sadly, though, I would amend your post to include the existence of evil-minded women.)

Iconophili, in contrast to you, appears to believe in the specious, crackpot types of conspiracy theories. He definitely expresses hatred and ill-will toward people whose beliefs (religious and political) do not coincide precisely with his own beliefs.


Where is the "Ill Will that I have expressed?????????

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CGW wrote:

what I was doing is giving her an example of how our Church functions, when something arises that directly effects the majority of Orthodox, The Church steps in and set it staright, as far as what Orthodox are to believe, especially if a non-Orthodox Idea that is false comes and Orthodox Laymen start to believe it/ or act upon it.

The things you obsess over do not affect the majority of Orthodox, because they aren't real. But leaving that aside, there's the problem that you don't speak for your church, and all those non-Orthodox websites even more surely do not speak for your church.

Are you saying that when thinga arise the Church doesn't speak out, because thats what I said and AM saying. Now People let us see what this Heretic is going to tell us on our Orthodox Site about Our Orthodox Church.

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Miriam wrote:

It is one thing to believe there is evil in the world. It is quite another to say that a site sponsored by New age cultists is speaking Orthodox Dogmatic Truth.

Evil is here and it does use people and places and things. One need only to peruse history to find the Hitlers, Atillas, Saddams, Talibans etc that populate or populated the world.

But the stuff that Iconophilli has been passing off as True Orthodox truth is just so much ...kaka... (i like that word!...such a certain flare!). One need hip boots and a shovel to go through that riddiculous nonsense.

But then to Iconophilli....he is the only True Orthodox Christian in the world....he has already condemned the rest of us to hades.


You need to stop LYING about me, I never said a nonOrthodox site spoke truth about Orthodoxy or anything like that and I never condemed anyone of you, which you say I did which make You a liar.

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Post by Miriam »

Iconophilli wrote:

I never said a nonOrthodox site spoke truth about Orthodoxy or anything like that

Where is the "Ill Will that I have expressed?????????

Well let's see now..............

In response to Justin Kissel: (2/21/06)

P.S. you have a westernised understanding on how Orthodox are to have a relationship with Government.

In response to Ebor: (2/24/06)

Look you Heathen according to our Church teaching people where not living a shorter life span in the past, that is a non-Orthodox teaching


The is no insult in calling you a HEATHEN



In response to Andy Holland: (3/17/06)

You ARE simple minded people that have been "TRULY SHOCK UP" with my position

In response to Katya:3/17/06

well Baby

In response to Ebor: (3/18/06)

OH HEATHEN when will you learn

In response to CGW: (3/18/06)

DUDE I don't think

And again

I Just found out you're not even Orthodox so I wont even take you seriously anymore.

In response to CGW:

you don't speak the truth when it comes to religion, so you should be aloud to post here,

and again:

I stated you do NOT soeak the truth about Religion here

In response to Miriam:

B WOW you can't even understand what I'm talking about

In response to CGW:

Now People let us see what this Heretic is going to tell us on our Orthodox Site about Our Orthodox Church

In response to Miriam:

You need to stop LYING about me, I never said a nonOrthodox site spoke truth about Orthodoxy or anything like that and I never condemed anyone of you, which you say I did which make You a liar.

In response to CGW:

Yes but they speak the truth when it comes to the NWO, you don't speak the truth when it comes to religion, so you should be aloud to post here, now answer my question, what do you mean by? "without respect to denomination or religion.

In reponse to Liudmilla on another thread:

It doesn't matter if one is "Cradle Orthodox" as long as one is Raised in Western Europe/ U.S.A. AKA= Non Orthodox Nation, one will have a NoN Orthodox outlook on things.

And yet again:

what I'm saying is all Orthodox AND non-Orthodox in Western Europe/U.S.A. that believe "There is no Conspirousy and jews are not behind it" believe so because of what we we tought in our school systems, thats what I'm saying and I'm trying to show my BRETHEREN here the TRUTH, unfiltered,


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Post by CGW »


Are you saying that when thinga arise the Church doesn't speak out, because thats what I said and AM saying. Now People let us see what this Heretic is going to tell us on our Orthodox Site about Our Orthodox Church.

It's not your Orthodox church; it's Christ's church, and representing him, the bishops of the church. And you aren't a bishop, and none of the websites you've linked to here are those of Orthodox churches or bishops or for that matter even Orthodox laymen. The fact is that you (and presumably any cleric or monk who is advising you) are perfectly willing to believe any heretic who encourages your delusions of conspiracies, and are utterly unwilling to accept anyone's criticism of your delusions, whether they be Orthodox or not. You fraudulently dress your secular nonsense in the vestments of ecclesial authority, but I would bet that no Orthodox church teaches the tripe that you dare to teach in its name.

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CGW wrote:

Are you saying that when thinga arise the Church doesn't speak out, because thats what I said and AM saying. Now People let us see what this Heretic is going to tell us on our Orthodox Site about Our Orthodox Church.

It's not your Orthodox church; it's Christ's church, and representing him, the bishops of the church. And you aren't a bishop, and none of the websites you've linked to here are those of Orthodox churches or bishops or for that matter even Orthodox laymen. The fact is that you (and presumably any cleric or monk who is advising you) are perfectly willing to believe any heretic who encourages your delusions of conspiracies, and are utterly unwilling to accept anyone's criticism of your delusions, whether they be Orthodox or not. You fraudulently dress your secular nonsense in the vestments of ecclesial authority, but I would bet that no Orthodox church teaches the tripe that you dare to teach in its name.

1.It IS our Church also, go and ask a Bishop are we "Laymen" wrong in saying it's our Church, and you'll get your answer which we are not wrong" now your saying you know more about our Church than us, well you don't because we are not wrong in calling it our Church go do exactly what I said to a Bishop, and you'll fell real stupid when you get the answer were not wrong. (And this IS exactly what I was saying about you saying wrong things about our Faith) and there's plenty of Laymen that have called it our Church and the Church never said it's wrong, but then again why should expect you to even believe this your a HERETIC. The Church has spoken about Conspirousies, it's even written in Books, but before I delve into it, I'll have to get these writtings from our Church Fathers, I'll get this info so I can back up my claim, so for now I won't say anything else Untill I get the Church writtings, so be prepared.

Last edited by ICONOPHILI on Tue 21 March 2006 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.