The fate of the Christians in Syria

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

Nadir, you first say I'm not reading between the lines and explain that you were referring to Jews and Masons, then you say that I'm putting words in your mouth when I talk about the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. But mentioning Jews and Masons in the same breath is practically the same as talking about a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy; what else could you possibly mean by that? If your objection is that you didn't use the exact words "Judeo-Masonic conspiracy", that is a pointless objection if in fact you do believe in such a conspiracy. If you don't believe in such a conspiracy, why introduce the topic of Jews and Masons as if they're relevant?

Anyway, enough silly conspiracy theories, Christ is Born!

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Lydia »

Christ is born!

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Maria »

Lydia wrote:

Christ is born!

Glorify Him!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by NadirGP »

US using al-Qaeda for Mideast dominance: Cunningham

The United States has been long using the terrorist al-Qaeda group as a cover for its imperialist policies in the Middle East, an analyst writes in a column for the Press TV website.

“Al-Qaeda has served as a protean ideological cover for imperialist predation in the Middle East and beyond,” Finian Cunningham wrote on Tuesday.

“The US has been working covertly with Saudi Arabia and British military intelligence for more than three decades to foster and fuel al-Qaeda extremists, beginning in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union from the late 1970s until 1990,” he added.
Cunningham described al-Qaeda as “a Western/Saudi creation” and a “ruthless proxy for waging regime change.”

His comments coincide with the escalation of al-Qaeda-led violence in Iraq and Syria.

Read more: ... dominance/

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

Interesting, though this is the mouthpiece of the Iranian government, which has its own agenda. While Iran has generally been opposed to al-Qaeda, it did cooperate with them for a brief period after the US invaded Iraq (the cooperation backfired when al-Qaeda started attacking Iraqi Shiites): ... ntPage=all

My own hunch is that the West is clueless, rather than deliberately trying to destroy Christianity in the Middle-East. The US is dominated by ignorant liberal internationalists and neoconservatives who think all you have to do is spread "democracy" and all problems will be solved. They don't realize that most Middle-Easterners are dominated by Islamic ideology and are fundamentally intolerant towards other religions, and that once you give the majority power, they will use it to persecute minorities (look at how Christians are treated in democratic Pakistan). The only hope for Christians is to maintain these admittedly brutal secularist dictatorships who can keep the majority under control.

I think it is interesting that the attacks on Christians have generally come from Sunni groups, not Shia ones. At least in Iraq, I have never heard of violent Shia groups, like the Badr Brigades, carrying out attacks on Christians, and the Iranian government, like the Syrian, is known for tolerance towards Christian minorities (though they're very intolerant of Muslims who convert to Christianity).

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