Icons of the theotokos without head covering

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Post by Liudmilla »

Jacqueline wrote:

"....pashminas..... stay most of the time."

I have loads of pashminas, and truthfully, on my head, the only time they stay in place is when I put my hair up and wear a bow. Otherwise...it's slip and slide... it's less distracting to those around me if I just leave it on my shoulders.


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Post by Lenexa »

When the services do begin, the faithful stand with arms folded with as little shifting of feet and body as necessary. It has always been custom in the Old Rite to stand at any time of prayer with arms folded much like the instructions given before the readings of the Six Psalms.

I may be wrong about all Old Believers and even the exact way that they fold their arms though this quote for the Church of Nativity in Erie website seems to indicate this practice as being all-the-time in Church. There are also several icons of St.Seraphim of Sarov with arms folded over the chest in pious devotion.

http://www.churchofthenativity.net/inde ... &Itemid=48

With Prayers for a Great Pascha!

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