The fate of the Christians in Syria

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Maria »

NadirGP wrote:

Jonathan wrote:

“There are plenty of liberals out there who jump on any criticism of Muslim behavior as "Islamophobic", so I don't know where you get the idea that Muslims are safe to criticize. Also, that quote by Voltaire is fake, and even if genuine I find it kind of weird to go around quoting a notorious atheist revolutionary as some kind of authority.”

I did not say “Muslims are safe to criticize.” That is your understanding of the quote I gave you, which says: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire.

I see now you are not reading between the lines. The intended message from that quote, applied appropriately today, is that we cannot criticize the powers that be [read International Jewish Money Power, freemasons etc.] because of political correctness [read censure]. Today, the Muslims are far from being the powers that be. Therefore, you read me wrongly.

Voltaire being a notorious revolutionary is beside the point here, because what he – or somebody else - said is still true today.



You do realize that the person who enforced the New Calendar upon us and therefore caused this schism between the New Calendarists (in charge of World Orthodoxy) and the True Orthodox was none other than EP Meletios Metaxakis, who was a freemason and who was buried with full freemasonry honors. These ecclesiastical masons who also booted St. Nectarios of Aegina from his episcopal throne in Alexandria, Egypt, have caused unknown damage to both the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodoxy. Yes, they are pushing for unity between the Roman Church, Protestantism, and World Orthodoxy (both Russian and Greek Orthodox) through the WCC and the New World Order in an obvious attempt to set up the Anti-Christ, if they can.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

Mainly what I take issue with is your earlier insinuation that all talk of Muslim barbarity is the invention of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy or whatever you choose to believe in. To me that indicates that you don't really know much about Islam and how it has treated its Christian subjects in the past, since if you did know this, you would understand that it's not a recent invention of our media, but has a very long history.

Now, if you did know about this after all, why are you saying that we should not believe it when we have yet more evidence of Muslim intolerance and cruelty? You seem to think there can only be one enemy at a time: if the Zionist conspiracy is the enemy, the Muslims must be our friends. This is clearly illogical.

I really don't buy the whole Zionist conspiracy thing, at least the notion of a worldwide Zionist conspiracy. Within the US, yes you can talk about the power of the Zionist lobby, but you don't see them exercise the same power in e.g. Europe, which has been much more hostile to current Israeli policies. Even in the US, the bulk of support for Israel these days comes from Christian Republicans, not Jewish Democrats.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by jgress »

Maria wrote:
NadirGP wrote:

Jonathan wrote:

“There are plenty of liberals out there who jump on any criticism of Muslim behavior as "Islamophobic", so I don't know where you get the idea that Muslims are safe to criticize. Also, that quote by Voltaire is fake, and even if genuine I find it kind of weird to go around quoting a notorious atheist revolutionary as some kind of authority.”

I did not say “Muslims are safe to criticize.” That is your understanding of the quote I gave you, which says: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire.

I see now you are not reading between the lines. The intended message from that quote, applied appropriately today, is that we cannot criticize the powers that be [read International Jewish Money Power, freemasons etc.] because of political correctness [read censure]. Today, the Muslims are far from being the powers that be. Therefore, you read me wrongly.

Voltaire being a notorious revolutionary is beside the point here, because what he – or somebody else - said is still true today.



You do realize that the person who enforced the New Calendar upon us and therefore caused this schism between the New Calendarists (in charge of World Orthodoxy) and the True Orthodox was none other than EP Meletios Metaxakis, who was a freemason and who was buried with full freemasonry honors. These ecclesiastical masons who also booted St. Nectarios of Aegina from his episcopal throne in Alexandria, Egypt, have caused unknown damage to both the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodoxy. Yes, they are pushing for unity between the Roman Church, Protestantism, and World Orthodoxy (both Russian and Greek Orthodox) through the WCC and the New World Order in an obvious attempt to set up the Anti-Christ, if they can.

I'm not sure how relevant this is. Nadir just said that he believes in a Masonic conspiracy, so how is this supposed to counter his argument?

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Maria »

I am not countering his argument, but agreeing that there is a diabolical conspiracy that has been going on since the time of Adam. We know that there are evil men present on this earth who conspire with the devil against God, and there always have been. C.S. Lewis gives us an inkling of all this in his book, Screwtape Letters and in his other spiritual writings. Would that this book be made mandatory reading in school! St. Peter also alludes to this conspiracy, when he states in his first epistle (I Peter: 5:6-9 NKJV):

  • Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

These evil men, whether affiliated with the neo-Nazis, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Gnostics, or Islam have all banded together in their hatred for Christ and his anointed ones.

Read the rest of the First Epistle of St. Peter. It is very enlightening. St. Peter tells us to honor the King (those who are persecuting us) so that in spite of persecutions, we will be good examples and help lead others to Christ. Thus by our love, even of Muslims, Christ's love will so shine, that the world may see His glory and unbelievers may be converted if they are open to Christ and His Bride, the Church.

This love and Christian zeal for souls infuriates those who hate Christ. Our love for Christ is our greatest weapon in these times. Look at how many abortionists have been converted to Christ by the pro-lifers who have showered these sick people with love and prayers.

So, while this post shows agreement with Nadir in that there is a diabolical conspiracy, which will prevail until the Second Coming when Christ will consign the Devil and his legions into Hell, nevertheless, it also challenges Nadir to reflect more on the love of Christ and Christian zeal for souls in his posts.

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by NadirGP »

jgress wrote:

Mainly what I take issue with is your earlier insinuation that all talk of Muslim barbarity is the invention of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy or whatever you choose to believe in. To me that indicates that you don't really know much about Islam and how it has treated its Christian subjects in the past, since if you did know this, you would understand that it's not a recent invention of our media, but has a very long history.

Now, if you did know about this after all, why are you saying that we should not believe it when we have yet more evidence of Muslim intolerance and cruelty? You seem to think there can only be one enemy at a time: if the Zionist conspiracy is the enemy, the Muslims must be our friends. This is clearly illogical.

I really don't buy the whole Zionist conspiracy thing, at least the notion of a worldwide Zionist conspiracy. Within the US, yes you can talk about the power of the Zionist lobby, but you don't see them exercise the same power in e.g. Europe, which has been much more hostile to current Israeli policies. Even in the US, the bulk of support for Israel these days comes from Christian Republicans, not Jewish Democrats.


Just as you put words in Sister Hatune’s mouth that she did not say, you put words on my mouth that I did not say. In this post I never mentioned the words, Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. You do not read me rightly; but only surmise that I said what in fact I did not say. This is lack of objectivity and understanding from your part. Is this because I’m wearing a different colour from you, that is, Orthodoxy? I really wonder.

You wrote: “You seem to think there can only be one enemy at a time: if the Zionist conspiracy is the enemy, the Muslims must be our friends. This is clearly illogical.”

I underline the words, “You seem to think” to show your reasoning and logic. Now what would you say, if using the same token I allowed myself to say, you seem to apply to me the old maxim, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

In the affirmative, such thought was never in my mind. I never consider Muslims my friends. I only respect them for what they are individually. They are people as everybody else in this world. Among them some are good and some are bad as in any other religion, or non religion on earth. We are all creatures of the one God, the Father of Jesus Christ.

The Importance of Understanding

"No man can know everything. The best and highest kind of man knows something, but is sure that there is something he does not know and seeks it. Next come those who know one point of view, but admit another point of view when told. Next come those who will not accept it when told, and the lowest are those who know one side of the question and hate to have people tell them the other side.
- It takes an intelligent man to listen.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Lydia »

The problem is not with Muslims, it is with the ideology of Islam.
Here is a video posted by a Buddhist from Myanmar. No Arabs or Jews or Christians. The common denominator is Islam

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Re: The fate of the Christians in Syria

Post by Lydia »

The story of Asia Bibi: ... hristians/
Will the Roman Catholics of the world lift their voices to save their condemned sister?

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