I'm very new, please forgive any errors or misunderstanding on my part, from my studies this is what I've found.
23(22) Universally Accepted Doctrinal Synods after the Seventh Ecumenical Council
861 Synod of Constantinople (First Second Council)
867 Synod of Constantinople (Photian)
879 Synod of Constantinople (Photian)
1082 Synod of Constantinople
1157 Synod of Constantinople (Blachernæ)
1166 Synod of Constantinople
1285 Synod of Constantinople (Blachernæ)
1341 Synod of Constantinople (Palamite)
1351 Synod of Constantinople (Palamite)
1484 Synod of Constantinople
(1583 Synod? of Jerusalem Sigillion?)
1593 Synod of Constantinople
1638 Synod of Constantinople
1642 Synod of Jasi
1672 Synod of Jerusalem
1722 Synod of Constantinople
1727 Synod of Constantinople
1819 Synod of Constantinople
1838 Synod of Constantinople
1848 Synod of Constantinople
1872 Synod of Constantinople
1895 Synod of Constantinople
1937 Synod of Ust-Kut (Catacomb Church)
For a little more context and by no means exhaustive but a very brief explanation
✓787 Second Council of Nicaea
×794 Council of Franfurt condemns Second Council of Nicaea
×809 Council of Aachen requires filioque for salvation
✓861 Synod of Constantinople (First Second Council) about confirming Second Council of Nicaea, monastic, and clerical reform
✓867 Synod of Constantinople (Photian Synod)
×869 Synod of Constantinople St. Photios deposed
✓879 Synod of Constantinople reestablished St. Photios
✓1054 Patriarch Michael Keroularios of Constantinople sent two epistles to Patriarch Peter of Antioch against Latin innovations
✓1082 Synod of Constantinople against John Italus
✓1157 Synod of Blachernæ in Constantinople against Basilakes Soterichus
✓1166 Synod of Constantinople against Constantine the Bulgarian
×1274 Second Council of Lyons
✓1285 Synod of Blachernæ in Constantinople against Second Council of Lyons
✓1341 Palamite Synod of Constantinople
×1344 St. Palamas condemned
×1347 St. Palamas condemned
✓1351 Palamite Synod of Constantinople St. Palamas vindicated
×1431 Council of Florence begins
×1439 Union of Florence (Next four Patriarchs of Constantinople are unionists until after the fall of Constantinople)
×1441 Metropolis of Kiev, Galicia and all Rus (former lands of Kieven Rus, then Lithuania and Poland) is founded under Constantinople
✓ 1444 Encyclical Letter of St. Mark of Ephesus
✓1448 Jonah of Moscow elected metropolitan of Moscow and all of Russia without Constantinople who was at that time in Union with Rome
×1449 Synod of Florence ends
×1453 Fall of Constantinople
✓1453 Confessions of St. Gennadius
✓1454 Patriarch Gennadius Scholarius who rejected the union elected as Patriarch of Constantinople
×1458 Pope Pius II and Patriarch Gregory III of Constantinople in Rome appoint Metropolitan Gregory the Bulgarian to the Metropolitanate of Kiev, Galicia and all Rus
×1466 Metropolitan Gregory the Bulgarian recognized by Patriarch Dionysus I of Constantinople
×1467 Constantinople and Moscow schism begins with Moscow refusing to recognize the Metropolitan of Kiev, Galicia and all Rus, cutting off all contact with Constantinople except Mt. Athos
✓1484 Synod of Constantinople rejecting the Union of Florence
%1551 Stoglavy Synod was against many innovations and Papists influences, at the same time rejecting legitimate Greek Orthodox practices and customs causing tension with Mt. Athos and the rest of the Greek speaking world which never accepted this synod
✓1560 Constantinople and Moscow schism ends with Constantinople recognizing Moscow as an exarch
✓1576 The First Answer of Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople to Tübingen
✓1579 The Second Answer of Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople to Tübingen
✓1581 The Third Answer of Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople to Tübingen
×1582 Gregorian calendar created
✓1583 Synod of Jerusalem Sigillion against the calendar (possibly not a real single document but a confused compilation)
✓1589 Constantinople elevates Moscow to the Patriarchate
✓1593 Synod of Constantinople approves Moscow elevation
×1595 Metropolis of Kiev, Galicia and all Rus (former lands of Kieven Rus, then Lithuania and Poland) is de facto dissolved because of the Union of Brest forming the Ruthenian Uniate Church
✓1625 Confession of Patriarch Metrophanes (Kritopoulos) of Alexandria
✓1638 Synod of Constantinople condemns the Confession of Patriarch Cyril Lucaris and related errors
✓1642 Synod of Jasi continuing the (1638 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors
×1646 Union of Uzhhorod converts most Carpatho-Ruthenians into uniates
×1653 Nikonian Reforms and Old Believer Schism (During which the churches of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Cyprus, Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Russia existed)
%1666 Great Moscow Synod attended by Metropolitan Athanasius of Iconium (representing the Ecumenical Patriarch), Metropolitan Ananias of Sinai (representing the Patriarch of Jerusalem), Patriarch Paisius of Antioch, and Patriarch Macarius of Alexandria (who was a crypto-papist), overturns the Stoglavy Synod, condemns the Old Believers, condemns innovations in iconography and other matters, accepts synodically that grace is present in the baptisms of the papists (specifically talking about the case of the Polish Catholics), and deposes Patriarch Nikon, appointing Patriarch Joasaph II of Moscow
✓1666 Following the Great Moscow Synod the Patriarch of Constantinople Parthenius together with the synod of his bishops deprived Paisius and Macarius of their patriarchal thrones precisely because of their uncanonical trip to Moscow to depose Nikon.
✓1672 Synod of Jerusalem continuing the (1642 Synod of Jasi) against related errors, and approved the revised version of the catechism of Metropolitan Peter Mogila, and the Confession of Patriarch Dositheus II Notaras of Jerusalem
✓1685 Metropolis of Kiev, Galicia and all Rus (former lands of Kieven Rus, then Lithuania and Poland) is de jure transferred from Constantinople to Moscow as the Metropolis of Kiev
×1721 Tsar Peter the Great abolishes the Patriarchate of Russia
✓1722 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1672 Synod of Jerusalem) against related errors
%1723 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1722 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors, as well as approving the interference of Tsar Peter the Great
✓1723 The Holy Governing Synod of Russia to the Non-jurors.
✓1723 The Eastern Patriarchs to the Nonjurors
✓1724 The Holy Governing Synod of Russia to the Non-jurors.
✓1727 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1722 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors
×1754 Kollyvades controversy begins
✓1755 Oros (Tome) of the Holy Great Church of Christ requiring all converts be baptized with triple immersion
✓1756 Sigillion against the new calendar (definitely a real single document accepted by everyone)
×1773 Synodal Encyclical condemning the Kollyvades movement
×1774 Kollyvades Fathers condemned
×1776 Kollyvades Fathers condemned
1795 Third Partition of Poland
×1811 Georgia is forcefully annexated by Russia
✓1819 Synod of Constantinople vindicates the Kollyvades Fathers
✓1824 Shorter catechism of St. Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow
✓1830 Longer catechism of St. Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow
✓1838 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1727 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors
✓1839 Synod of Polotsk reunited all the eparchies of the Ruthenian Uniate Church with the Russian Orthodox Church except Chełm–Belz
×1846 Metropolitan Ambrose of Belaya Krinitsa leaves The Church of Constantinople and joins the Old Believers Popovtsy founding the Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church
✓1848 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1838 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors
×1872 Bulgarian Schism begins
✓1872 Synod of Constantinople against Ethno-Phyletism
✓1875 Eparchy of Chełm–Belz reunited with the Russian Orthodox Church
✓1895 Synod of Constantinople continuing the (1848 Synod of Constantinople) against related errors
1900 The Churches of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Cyprus, Serbia, Greece, Romania, and Russia existed, Georgia was in annexation, Bulgaria was in Schism
×1917 Russian Revolution
✓1917 Synod of Moscow elects St. Tikon as Patriarch of Moscow
✓1918 St. Tikon of Moscow issues Anathema against the Bolsheviks
×1920 Epistle of Ecumenism Heresy
✓1920 St. Tikon of Moscow issues Ukaz No. 362 beginning the formation of ROCOR
✓1921 First All-Diaspora Council of ROCOR
×1922 Living Church promoting Renovationism Heresy is founded
×1922 Russian Exarcate goes into schism from ROCOR
×1923 Archbishop Nikola Pozdnev of Saratov of the Living Church joins the Old Believers Beglopopovtsy founding the Russian Old-Orthodox Church Novozybkovskaya hierarchy
×1923 Synod of Constantinople enforcing the Revised Julian Calendar, New Calendarist Schism Starts
×1924 American Metropolia goes into schism from ROCOR
×1927 Sergianism Heresy is proclaimed
×1929 Bishop Stephan Rastorguev of the Russian Orthodox Church joins the Russian Old-Orthodox Church Novozybkovskaya hierarchy
✓1935 Metropolitans Germanos of Demetrias, Metropolitan Chrysostom Kavouridis of Florina, and Chrysostomos Demetriou of Zakynthos join the Old Calendarists, issues the three confessions
✓1937 Catacomb Church Council of Ust-Kut
×1937 Florinite-Matthewite schism
×1945 Bulgarian Schismatics join the New Calendarists
×1948 World Council of Churchs founded
×1965 Anathema against the Papists lifted by the New Calendarist Patriarch Athenagoras
✓1974 ROCOR led by St. Philerat of New York issues Ukaze on the Old Rite lifting the Anathemas
✓1983 ROCOR led by St. Philerat of New York issues Anathema against Ecumenism