Theosis: the true purpose of human life

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Theosis: the true purpose of human life

Post by Unseen.Warfare »

The beauty of this book in its simplicity. In clear and simple terms it states the original purpose of the Christian life – namely Theosis. The idea of Theosis will be unfamiliar to the Westernmind, although it is not a new concept to Christianity. When Christ said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” this is a call to a life of Theosis.

Theosis is personal communion with God “face to face.” To the Western mind, this idea may seem incomprehensible, even sacreligious, but it derives unquestionably from Christ’s teachings. Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the messianic dream of Israel; His mission to connect us with the Kingdom of God – a Kingdom not of this world.

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Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32)

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