European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

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European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by Rumpelstiltskin »

This is more theoretical. But, I as working on a project and had the thought. Could the European immigrant crisis be a tactic that is actively being used by the "Global Communist/progressive etc" sphere?

To start. We know Moscow, for example, is trying to create a picture of the west being "fascists" etc, now, this is especially what they are, for the moment, mainly accusing Ukraine of (not saying it's entirely invalid to a degree, but obviously propaganda from the Kremlin).

Now, could it be possible that the immigrant crisis in Europe is an attempt to create (at a minimum the appearance of) a new arising "euro-fascism" or straight up "n@_is" (at least that's what they would call it). To create such a ridiculous crisis to encourage Europeans to lash out so the global communists etc can pin it as such (and maybe it literally does get that bad, if Europeans get mad enough [obviously would not justify it, as that would be evil]).

But could this immigrant crisis we have all seen over the years be an attempt to spark a reaction so that this "global" group can justify it's behavior for a sort of "finishing blow" to what's left of Europe?

To finish, and I know I probably didn't word it the best and wasn't really sure how else to. But this theory is also coming from the fact that we saw the USSR using the goal of "global peace" etc to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the world. Could this immigrant crisis be an attempt to start an outrage which they can spin and use it as justification to "finish off" Europe. I think it is possible, again, looking back at how Moscow is trying to pin the west as fascists etc. Maybe, what we are seeing is "global communism/progressivism/globalism etc" playing a long term game and a European immigrant crisis is a piece in that game.

Hope that wasn't too confusing, lol! :lol:


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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by Suaidan »

I really need to update the emojis....

I think at least some of the masks are already off at this point, and we're really dealing with a kleptocrat class which is trying to retain some semblance of power. I've see there are people in Russia moving to rural areas where it would seem their basic plan is to farm and grow vegetables. Which is the basic plan I've been suggesting for Americans for a few years now. I have a feeling that is going to be the go-to for the next few years. There is a new "cold war" happening, and it's likely these lunatics versus normal people. The people are going to have to physically stop what is going on, and while they're angry about it, they're not nearly as organized as they need to be.

Soros is trying to buy the second biggest radio network in the country. He bought Radio Mambi to neutralize it (which worked, and counter-resistance was fast, but likely flimsy.) He can't internet well, so he's aiming for grandpa's car.

Fr Joseph Suaidan (Suaiden, same guy)

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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by eish »

They're not migrants, they're real Europeans. It's official and any historian will tell you that Islam is integral to British history.

Which is why I insist that these real Brits must pay me my reparations for colonialism in Africa.

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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by Barbara »

What do you mean by that last statement, eish ?
And what does Fr Joseph mean by "He can't internet well and is aiming for grandpa's car" - ?
These allusions didn't sound familiar, but I'm always out of it !

You all do know that Soros Jr is engaged to none other than Huma Abedin, former aide to "her majesty" hillary ? Sulky-looking pictures of the latter and her new beau [ahem, remember the previous husband] emerged in Vogue and a few other outlets.

Anyone able to speculate about THIS match, speaking of globalists etc ?

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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by Suaidan »

Barbara wrote: Tue 6 August 2024 10:52 pm

Anyone able to speculate about THIS match, speaking of globalists etc ?

image.png (508.31 KiB) Viewed 5923 times

Fr Joseph Suaidan (Suaiden, same guy)

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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by Barbara »

YES ! That is the right pair !
Who are the other guys, though ? One of them is Alex Soros when younger, but who are the rest, perhaps his brothers ?

Meanwhile, one of the original engagement pics of the left-Democratic pair. After this set appeared in a few media outlets, other, better pics were used in the articles instead. I notice the difference !
This was the original, however.

Notice the creepy pests on Huma's dress. A spider, a dragonfly, and a butterfly, it appears. Notice their random placement, too, revealing that Huma is maybe more bizarre than most people realized.

A July 11, 2024 article in the Hong Kong paper, the South China Morning Post, mentioned that a source stated,"He's immensely wealthy and powerful - everything that Huma cares about"-!

The same article noted that Alex, as the sole heir of his father George, has said that he will spend the USD 25 billion hedge fund fortune [according to Fortune magazine] left to him last year to "boost support" for voting and abortion 'rights'.
I assume the voting part means getting more of the population to vote.
How would that help this oligarch ? I can't see the answer immediately.
I'm sure someone else here will know.


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Re: European Immigrant Crisis, a Globalist Tactic?

Post by eish »

This is turning into gossip.

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