Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

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Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by Barbara »

[center] [/center] Image

"The Icon of Christ the Redeemer falls to the ground during the Vatican Easter Mass - the fallen Christ the Redeemer in front of Pope Francis, what does it mean? Omens and alleged mysterious signs[center]
by Franca Giansoldati, Il Messagero [Excerpts][/center]
April 2, 2024
"On Easter Day, during Mass at the Vatican, a powerful gust of wind caused the ancient icon of the Christ the Redeemer on the courtyard facing St. Peter's Basilica to fall ruinously to the ground. Two attendants immediately intervened to put back up the heavy support that had collapsed just a few meters from the Pope during the Easter ceremony. An anomalous and curious episode that has caused many many to find message, as if this fall could be a heavenly sign, able to unveil future events.

It is certainly an unforeseen anomaly that was inevitably viewed in relation to other signs that have occurred in recent years, coinciding with major Vatican changes. For example, the
famous lightning bolt that struck the large iron cross located on the top of St. Peter's in 2013 on the very day that the then pontiff Benedict XVI renounced the throne of Peter to retire to private life on Vatican Hill. It was February, it was pouring rain, and that eerie image taken by the Ansa photographer on the stormy day immediately went around the world, symbolizing a historic, almost apocalyptic moment with a prophetic meaning for many.

Among the list of emblematic images captured by the lenses of photojournalists - but also by the cell phones of ordinary believers - there are some rather curious ones that, when viewed in retrospect with the distance of time, actually seem to warn of impending radical changes or important transitions. During the conclave on Vatican square, for example, a never-before-seen individual, barefoot and dressed in a tattered Franciscan habit, was glimpsed wandering through the crowd. The man stood praying motionless amidst the cold drizzle of those days.

Then, shortly afterwards, there was the release of
the dove of peace during an Angelus that was immediately attacked and mortally wounded by a crow and a seagull while in flight. And again, during a solemn Mass in the square, one of the curial cardinals fell from his chair and ended up on the ground, becoming a symbol of a curia that would shortly be turned inside out by Bergoglio's draconian action. At that time he was preparing the reform to give the apparatus a new structure and revised rules, wiping out old secular privileges and resetting many customs to zero. A strong action that had enormous backlashes across the Tiber."

Then there were the doves that were released during the Pope's trip to Armenia on the Turkish border. The birds inexplicably returned. Francis was in the medieval monastery of Khor Virap, together with Armenian Patriarch Karekin II. To the surprise of those present, the birds flew through the air for a few meters, circled about, and then inexplicably turned back. They refused to cross the border...

Then it was the turn of the sudden collapse of the roof of the Carpenters' Church near the Capitol, a sacred building entrusted to the Jesuits and dedicated to St. Joseph who is the patron saint of the Church. Fortunately, the disastrous collapse claimed no lives, yet questions about the metaphysical significance were not long in coming on that occasion either."

Source :   Fr. Salva y Salvani, YouTube & Bad Omens 

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Re: Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by SavaBeljovic »

This sort of stuff has been happening for years. It does seem like it has become more common after Vat. II but that might just be documentation bias. I think it does need to be elaborated that sometimes these are legitimate omens and then other times it could be more innocuous. All we can do as Orthodox Christians is say the prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina and say Lord have mercy!

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Re: Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by eish »

SavaBeljovic wrote: Tue 16 April 2024 11:34 am

This sort of stuff has been happening for years. It does seem like it has become more common after Vat. II but that might just be documentation bias. I think it does need to be elaborated that sometimes these are legitimate omens and then other times it could be more innocuous. All we can do as Orthodox Christians is say the prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina and say Lord have mercy!


You implicitly assume that documentation bias* must be innocuous. Remember, there is no such thing as chance.

If the spiritual reality is asserting itself more and the demonic influence is becoming stronger, then an increased display of that influence and an increased awareness of the signs--even absent any increase in the events per se--is itself a sign by which its presence is asserted. One could argue it much further but if nothing else then the fact people are commonly looking for and disseminating such information, tells you what is on their minds and hence, the spirit of the times. Right now the collective thoughts of society are resonating like an antenna and I do not like the tone. By saying it I am in a small sense doing it, and the irony is not lost on me.

The prayer against antichrist, I presume. I agree. The times are dark and while I don't know exactly how close the end is, I do know that it is one day closer every day.

For those looking for a link: https://www.stjohnthebaptist.org.au/en/ ... rayer.html
 *There were certainly periods in the past with bad signs. The pornocracy and Renaissance papal occultism in the West, for example. The Book of Gomorrah. But this one seems bigger and more obvious at least from my perspective. Some rural peasant did not have to care for rumoured abuses even if he did hear of them; they would have sounded outlandish and probably slanderous. The government was not going around reclassifying roosters as hens and demanding their share of the eggs.

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Re: Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by Barbara »

Here's one more, from a sedevacantist writer :Image
Statue of Saint Peter, Buenos Aires

"On Sunday December 17, 2023, lightning literally pulverized the key and halo of the statue of Saint Peter, located on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas , north of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The news was reported by the Telegram channel "The Pope's Pearls" : it seemed to be fake, given that no news could be found on the web, but the event has just been confirmed by the Reverend Father Justo Lofeudo, a priest who is certainly a Bergoglian.A typical "Ratzinger effect", evidently, that particular phenomenon whereby the Bergoglians or the una cum, (Bergoglio's legitimist conservatives) unconsciously offer information, documents and testimonies that are very useful for the reconstruction of the Magna Quaestio. In this case it would obviously only be a "sign from Heaven" which, however, has been interpreted by many Catholics without too much difficulty...

What is striking, in fact, is that the event occurred on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's birthday, the day before the publication of the "Fiducia supplicans" declaration which opens up blessings for homosexual couples.This measure marked a sort of point of no return: the faithful are starting to understand that something isn't working.

 Even the place where the accident occurred is rich in meaning: first of all, the Sanctuary of San Nicolas is in Argentina, homeland of the anti-pope, a few kilometers from Buenos Aires, the city of which Bergoglio was bishop for a long time.

We can remember the lightning that struck the Dome the same night as Pope Benedict's "resignation"; the inexplicable blocking of the bells of Castel Gandolfo following the invalid election of Francis; the killing of the doves released by Bergoglio by crows and seagulls; the fire of the Bethlehem chapel a few hours after Francis' visit; the fire in the Consistory Hall of Castel Gandolfo a few months ago, in the same days in which we published this appreciated report and many other events that Catholics of just a century ago would have interpreted as unequivocal "press releases" from the Eternal Father...

It seems that the time for antipope Francis is coming to an end: heaven would have symbolically destroyed his halo of sanctity and disintegrated the key, which represents the pope's authority. Strange that the statue only held one key, it seems. Symbolically, the golden key alludes to power in the kingdom of heaven and the silver key indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth. The rope connecting the key eyelets alludes to the link between the two powers. 

Andrea Cionci- "Buenos Aires: lightning on the halo and keys of St. Peter. Bergoglio at the end of the road?"

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Re: Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by SavaBeljovic »

eish wrote: Wed 17 April 2024 3:10 pm
SavaBeljovic wrote: Tue 16 April 2024 11:34 am

This sort of stuff has been happening for years. It does seem like it has become more common after Vat. II but that might just be documentation bias. I think it does need to be elaborated that sometimes these are legitimate omens and then other times it could be more innocuous. All we can do as Orthodox Christians is say the prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina and say Lord have mercy!


You implicitly assume that documentation bias* must be innocuous. Remember, there is no such thing as chance.

If the spiritual reality is asserting itself more and the demonic influence is becoming stronger, then an increased display of that influence and an increased awareness of the signs--even absent any increase in the events per se--is itself a sign by which its presence is asserted. One could argue it much further but if nothing else then the fact people are commonly looking for and disseminating such information, tells you what is on their minds and hence, the spirit of the times. Right now the collective thoughts of society are resonating like an antenna and I do not like the tone. By saying it I am in a small sense doing it, and the irony is not lost on me.

The prayer against antichrist, I presume. I agree. The times are dark and while I don't know exactly how close the end is, I do know that it is one day closer every day.

For those looking for a link: https://www.stjohnthebaptist.org.au/en/ ... rayer.html
 *There were certainly periods in the past with bad signs. The pornocracy and Renaissance papal occultism in the West, for example. The Book of Gomorrah. But this one seems bigger and more obvious at least from my perspective. Some rural peasant did not have to care for rumoured abuses even if he did hear of them; they would have sounded outlandish and probably slanderous. The government was not going around reclassifying roosters as hens and demanding their share of the eggs.


I agree that it seems the demonic influence is becoming stronger, I wrote elsewhere on this forum about what Archbishop Leonity of Chile had to say about the RCC post-Vat II, he wrote it was very concerning events that should concern all Orthodox Christians. Blessed Averky wrote in similar terms. However I did not make an explicit claim that documentation bias is innocuous, those two references were in different sentences. I only posit that maybe this stuff has been happening far longer, as we have to recognize the Romans have been outside the Church for almost a thousand years, and it's only been documented as well as it has recently, or the slight possibility (though I agree, there is no such thing as chance) that this icon fell over because it simply fell over -- though I wouldn't believe this personally.
I also like what my priest, Father Mark, always has to say about the end times, "why worry if we're in the end times? We've been in the end times since our Lord ascended into Heaven!"

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Re: Evil signs haunt PopeFrancis' Pontificate

Post by eish »

SavaBeljovic wrote: Thu 18 April 2024 12:02 pm



Implicit and explicit are indeed opposites. But let us not split hairs when we agree on the matters at hand anyway. I have that bad habit. I also think it has been happening for longer, and suspect that it has been increasing in frequency, while at the same time it is ironic how we are now able to raise awareness of the signs using the very same technologies which are being put in place to allow worldwide totalitarian rule, which we know where that must eventually end.

Fr. Mark is right, of course. We were warned not to be anxious.

At the same time we watch the signs of the times as they get more and more crazy. I wish I could say to grab the popcorn and laugh as papism destroys itself. Unfortunately these are real human souls being lost and most still refuse to notice what is right in front of their faces. Also unfortunately, much of World Orthodoxy has become so explicitly papist that even if Old Rome disappeared tomorrow, they would just fill the vacuum.

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