Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Maria »

I have merged two similar threads both dealing with World Orthodox Elders.

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

At least this time the fake 'miracle' was acknowledged and retracted.

My question is : how many OTHERS of these made-up stories are purveyed regularly regarding various World Orthodox figures such as Abp Luke of Simferopol as well as an entire palette of others whose images have been carefully painted and peddled by the MP and other jurisdictions ? Or the story about the Icon which was supposedly delivered by a fleet of dolphins to the shore of a Sochi beach. I actually believed that one at the beginning.

I bet most, if not all, the miracles attributed to these MP and GOA favorite sons are FAKE>

The retraction paragraphs from the Pravoslavie/OrthoChristian site follow :

"Last week we published a news piece on a story that was circulating, mainly around the Greek-language internet, about a supposed miracle in which Elder Ephraim of St. Anthony’s Monastery in Arizona appeared to prevent a plane crash after the pilot had passed out.

The story originated with The Cyprus Times newspaper, which later retracted the story, stating that it had turned out to be a false story. It seems to have been a fabrication based on a real incident that occurred on October 9, in which the pilot passed out on a flight headed for Cyprus.

We would like to clarify that there was no such incident involving Elder Ephraim, and that there were no incidents with TUS-Airways on flights from Cyprus to Israel on October 9.

Here is the image which was used with this retraction story. Here the elder looks a little downcast as though disappointed that the story was quickly found to be fake. "Shucks!" he seems to be lamenting.

The image illustrating the original miracle story showed the Arizona so-called holy man in the foreground with a jumbo jet etched in behind, as though he controls the flights of even 747 aircraft.


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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Justice »

More slander from the Worldly Orthodox, this time addressing the Matthewites and the Florinites.

Link: ... bresthena/

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

More slander from the Worldly Orthodox, this time addressing the Matthewites and the Florinites.

Link: ... bresthena/

Yes, this story about the abbess, Mother Miriam, supposedly anointing the body of St. Matthew with perfume is a lie, that is being perpetuated by those in the New Calendar. The original source of this slander comes from the freemason-controlled Greek press, which served as a propaganda piece for the anti-Christian socialist Greek government.

I have a piece of a handkerchief which touched a piece of the skull of St. Matthew. Several times, when I have awakened in great pain, the application of this relic has provided immediate relief. I have no doubt that St. Matthew is in heaven.

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

I discovered that there is a little-heard of St Anthony the Great Monastery in Phoenix itself. I was imagining this could have formed the nucleus of Elder Ephraim's effort in Florence, but it must be an earlier Russian Church Abroad monastic foundation. I see St Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery began quite a bit later, in 1995.

Just so no one else is confused, here is the description given both on the monastery's own website and the Rocor main site :

"Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Monastery was founded in 1983 as a monastery for men, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Nektary of Seattle (Vicar Bishop to St John Maximovich and later to Archbishop Anthony of San Francisco). The monastery is located in central Phoenix Arizona and is custodian of the miracle-working "Phoenix-Bogorodskoe" Icon of the Theotokos.
Many precious relics are housed in the monastery including portions of St Equal-to-the-Apostles, Helen the Empress Mother of Saint Constantine the Great, St Therapontos of Cyprus (attended 1st Council of Nicea), St Joseph of Arimathea, Holy Forerunner and Baptist John, New Martyrs of St Sava Monastery in Judea, New Martyr of St Theodosius Monastery (between Jerusalem and Bethlehem), and New Martyr of St George Hozebite monastery. Also preserved here is a Gospel (in Japanese) belonging to St Nikolai of Tokyo, and other antiquities of the Holy Orthodox Faith. The current abbot, Schemahegumen Anthony, is a spiritual son of blessed Father Seraphim of Platina (Rose). Hieromonk Sylvester is a graduate of the Theological Seminary and the Theological Academy in Moscow, Russia, and served many years in the Chinese Mission of the Patriarchate of Moscow. There are also 2 subdeacons and 1 Reader (the ponomar) attached.
The monastery also maintains the Kellion (Podvorie) of St Anthony the Great, a hermitage in the desert of southern New Mexico. For more information about the Kellion, contact Abbot, Schemahegumen Anthony. --

This monastery looks beautiful with tiled roofs. The photos are not copying over or I would post pictures.

Perhaps it is a better alternative to Elder Ephraim's for those men seeking more authentic Russian Orthodox experience.

Recently, it made the news when :
"St. Anthony the Great Monastery (ROCOR) in Phoenix announced on its Facebook page that Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis, formerly of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and Fr. Ioannis Maridakis, originally from Crete, have also joined ROCOR.
Fr. Emmanuel is also known as the author of several popular books, including The Heavenly Banquet and Jesus: Fallen? The Human Nature of Christ Examined From an Eastern Orthodox Perspective. He is also the founder of Orthodox Witness, an organization dedicated to uniting clergy and parishioners of all Orthodox jurisdictions in evangelism. He was received into ROCOR by its primate His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York....
Fr. Ioannis is a married priest with grown children who moved from the island of Crete to America in order to leave Constantinople and join ROCOR, although he does not know English. On July 8, he was assigned to serve as assistant priest to the abbot of the Monastery of St. Anthony the Great, Schema-Igumen Anthony and will handle house visits, sick calls, and some confessions.
He is also the caretaker of a traveling portion of the True Cross and has visited America with the precious and wonderworking relic many times, and will continue to travel with the relic as a blessing to the faithful.
A collection of miracles worked by the relic of the Cross can be found on the website of the Holy Virgin Cathedral “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in San Francisco." -

The facebook page of this monastery posted an original [at least to me ] hypothesis for which it deserves praise :

"In 1918, Russia was still using the Patristic calendar as the civil calendar. The Bolsheviks martyred the Royals because it was July 4th (American indendence day) – they wanted to make it seem like they were mimicking the American independence from the king."

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

Oops, only 2 of those Priests remain. Shortly after the widely announced reception of the 3, Met Hilarion of Rocor-MP reversed his previous ukaz :

". Father Ioannis Maridakis was apparently taken into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia as priest and assigned to the Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in Phoenix, Arizona.


However, on July 23, 2019, the reception was withdrawn because of “serious allegations” leveled against the priest that “require an investigation.” ...

In 2013, the Chancellor of the Metropolis of San Francisco of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America said that Father Maridakis had been suspended by his bishop in Crete, and that he was not permitted to work in that diocese or to communicate with parishes or parishioners."

About the purported True Cross piece enshrined in a metal Cross, the Facebook site of St Sava Serbian Church in Phoenix noted in 2012 :

"Father Ioannis Maridakis from Greece is a priest at the parish of the Birth of the Theotokos in the town of Galata on the island of Crete. He has a metal cross with a piece of the Precious Cross of Christ with a drop of His Blood. The cross was given to Fr. Ioannis in September of 2003 by Maria Panou, the mother of the current representative of the Holy Sepulcher in Athens, who in turn received this cross from Patriarch Diodoros of Jerusalem. A month later after receiving the cross, Fr. Ioannis blessed with this cross a sick person at a hospital in Athens and the patient got well the next day. Since then Fr. Ioannis has blessed thousands of people with this cross in many countries. In the last several years, hundreds of people were healed from various illnesses, including cancer and infertility. Miraculous healings from various illnesses have been documented. The cross gives off a sweet scent and at times streams myrrh." - taken from the Holy Virgin Cathedral in SF Facebook Page


Coming right up is the August 14 Feast of the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. One wonders whether Fr Maridakis is a false "elder" and promoter of a fake splinter of the Cross -- despite the list of dramatic healings ? Why would Maria Panou bestow the supposed relic upon this particular priest out of all the Greek clergy ?

As always, I think it's safer to stay with veneration for today's Saint, St Panteleimon. No need for Abp Luke of Simferopol and other false saints, elders and purveyors of inauthentic relics.

Fr Maridakis' travels with this purported piece of the True Cross apparently ceased or greatly diminished after the 2013 proscription by the Greek Archdiocese official.

What happened after that ? Why did the native of Crete suddenly surface in Russian Orthodox Rocor-MP ?
All these and other questions await clarification.
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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

Just recalling that one of the hierarchs mentioned in the course of this thread, Bishop Nektary, St John Maximovitch's vicar, reposed this day, February 6, 1983.
The board was off line last year, or we could have remembered Bishop Nektary's 40th year since his repose.

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