Well with Constantine XI I've had people insist that even if a Uniate he is still a "national martyr." I dare say that attitude was what got them into the mess in the first place. Put the political entity first, go to the heretics for military help and lose everything, country included, only to then claim the consequences of one's own actions as "martyrdom."
They're pretty serious about the marble emperor. The story I heard was that when the city fell the clergy disappeared into the walls of Hagia Sophia because the liturgy cannot be stopped, so when the marble emperor returns they will come right back out and continue. Rhetorical question: Assuming there was a service in progress when the city fell, was it Orthodox or Uniate? You know the answer.
People I know, already want to go see him when he comes. My gut reaction to that was that, although it would be good if it did happen, over-eagerness to go see the marble emperor would lead one to worship Antichrist if he were the one to show up instead.
It would have been nice. How lovely it would be if we could live in a sane world. Unfortunately the world we grew up in is gone. It never existed; only the scales fell from our eyes. I think that to accept that is merely adulthood. Even under Christian Empire the world still preferred sin to Christ.
Thanks for confirming regarding St. John. I'm already at the point where nearly every time there are false prophecies, miracles, and visions telling people to stay with the New Calendarists and wait for the Big Reveal, I want to start looking for the hand of Elder Ephraim. There's something very seriously wrong there.