I would like to get a better view of the current situation of the Romanian Old Calendar Orthodox Church (Slatioara Synod). The last 2-3 years were marked by several events within the synod:
- deposition of the previous Metropolitan Vlasie, who refused it (but all the material on their website about this topic was removed and I did not download it)
- publication of a confession of faith where they condemned the "Ecclesiological thesis" of the late Cyprian of Fili (see here https://www.manastireaslatioara.ro/stir ... e-credinta)
- break of communion with the GOC-Kallinikos, ROCOR-A and Bulgarian old calendarist
- death of Metropolitan Vlasie
Their website is https://www.manastireaslatioara.ro/
What is the current situation? Is the communion still broken with the GOC-Kallinikos, ROCOR-A and Bulgarian old calendarist? If so, is this concretely respected ?
How do they justify condemning the "Ecclesiological thesis" of the late Cyprian of Fili after years of communion?