Pseudo Saints

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Pseudo Saints

Post by Unseen.Warfare »

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Living in an Age of Many False Teachers

by Fr. Seraphim Rose -

Never has there been such an age of false teachers as this pitiful twentieth century, so rich in material gadgets and so poor in mind and soul.

Every conceivable opinion, even the most absurd, even those hitherto rejected by the universal consent of all civilized peoples — now has its platform and its own ‘teacher.’

A few of these teachers come with demonstration or promise of ‘spiritual power’ and false miracles, as do some occultists and ‘charismatics’; but most of the contemporary teachers offer no more than a weak concoction of undigested ideas which they receive ‘out of the air,’ as it were, or from some modern self-appointed ‘wise man’ (or woman) who knows more than all the ancients merely by living in our ‘enlightened’ modern times.

As a result, philosophy has a thousand schools, and ‘Christianity’ – a thousand sects. Where is the truth to be found in all this, if indeed it is to found at all in our most misguided times?

In only one place is there to be found the fount of true teaching, coming from God Himself, not diminished over the centuries but ever fresh, being one and the same in all those who truly teach it, leading those who follow it to eternal salvation.

This place is the Orthodox Church, the fount is the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, and the true teachers of the Divine doctrine that issues from this fount are the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.

~ Fr. Seraphim Rose (1934-1982)

† † †

God's Revelation to the Human Heart by Fr. Seraphim: "This was sufficient for worldly people to hail the recluse as a prophet. It is observable that worldly people and even monks without spiritual discernment are nearly always attracted by humbugs, imposters, hypocrites and those who are in demonic delusion, and they take them for saints and genuine servants of God." Page 18

† † †

2 Peter 2:1-3

The Deceptions of False Teachers

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.†
2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.
3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.

† † †

“Did any of the genuine Saints of Orthodoxy have any need to... feel the pulse of visitors, in order to divine?

Did they assume - with their bodies, like the sorcerer Porphyrios did - a "mystical" posture-pose at the Oracle at Dodoni?

Did they admire... the statue of Zeus in the Athens Museum, instead of enlightening the people and uncovering the demonic religion of idols?

Did they "see" ancient ruins buried under the earth? And in fact, the way that Porphyrios "saw" the antiquities that were in Belgrade?!
Did they hold the hand of a patient, the way that the sorcerer Porphyrios did, and cauterize him without sedation in the operating room?

Did they pounce... like felines, the way that the sorcerer Porphyrios did, and strip their interlocutor, in order to prove that he had indeed undergone surgery, and thus confirm their... gift of divination?

Did they "go through walls", the way that the sorcerer Porphyrios did, because -according to the enthusiastic narrations of his spiritual children- he had an excellent knowledge of molecular structure and the splitting of matter?

And if Porphyrios was indeed a saint, why did his disciples translate his relics by night? Could it be that on exhuming him, there were signs that debunked his fame as a saint?

(Magazine "Agios Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2005 Issue 211)

† † †

What should one admire first, of all the nonsense and the sophistries of the deluded Paisios? When the entirety of the Church teaches the Orthodox to turn away from the cacodox, the Latin-minded and the Ecumenist bishops, are we to heed the deluded extoller of the cacodox Bartholomew and worshipper of the Mason Demetrius?
No! Ten thousand times NO!

(Magazine "Agios Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2005 Issue 211)

† † †

Unfortunately, this is the picture that today's Holy Mountain presents. It strives - with crutches the various pseudo-saints such as Paisios and Porphyrios - to keep the faithful in communion with the heresy, and at the same time accusing and persecuting the Zealot fathers, in order to please its master, Bartholomew the Latin-oriented...

(Magazine "Agios Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2004 Issue 212)

† † †

On False Teachers and False Prophets

By St. Nikolai Velimirovich

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction" (2 Peter 2:1).

Man is at war in this world. Continual is the battle and numerous are the enemies. Among the most dangerous enemies belong the false teachers. Only if the mind of man is directed toward the Living God will he be safeguarded from these dangerous enemies.

False teachers are either as blindmen or as thieves; first, because of their blindness they [false teachers] lead both themselves and others into destruction and second, because of their hatred and envy they intentionally lead others astray, and hand over both their souls and bodies to the fires of hell.

The Lord Himself prophesied: "Many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many" (Matthew 24:11). The apostle only confirms the words of his Lord. Both false prophets and false teachers will sow the seed of destruction among the people. These are "damnable heresies" by which some will deny their Lord Who redeemed mankind by His All-pure Holy Blood. Many false teachers have already appeared and have sown many heresies, damnable as tares, throughout the world. Brethren, if you know those "damnable heresies" which the Holy Fathers condemned at the Councils, then you will be able to recognize the principle seed of poison, which the devil through his servants sow in the field, over which the Savior had sown pure wheat.

But even if you know or, if you do not know, direct your mind toward the Lord, enclose your mind with the sign of the Cross, call to your assistance the Holy and All-pure One [The Theotokos], chosen ones of God and especially your guardian angel and do not be afraid. Along with this always ask the Church and the Church, being more experienced and victorious against all falsehoods, will tell you what is the truth. For you are from yesterday and the Church is from time immemorial. Your memory is shorter than the memory of the Church.

O Lord Jesus, You are the only Path, the only Truth, the only Life. O Lord do not permit, that we be led by false teachers and to apostate ourselves from You. To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

More Info ... y-struggle ... of-paisios ... r-paisios/ ... rom-within

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by eish »

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by SavaBeljovic »

Not a defense of Porphyrios by any means, but he was involved with the "Schism of Montaner", he visited Italy and along with bishop Albino Luciani, who later became Pope John Paul I, convinced most of the people of the village of Montaner to join the New Calendarists.

Only difference was Albino Luciani convinced the people of Montaner to become New Calendarists because of how unlikeable he was, whereas Porphyrios was apparently rather likeable.

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by Unseen.Warfare »

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SavaBeljovic wrote: Tue 27 August 2024 8:02 am

Not a defense of Porphyrios by any means, but he was involved with the "Schism of Montaner", he visited Italy and along with bishop Albino Luciani, who later became Pope John Paul I, convinced most of the people of the village of Montaner to join the New Calendarists.

Only difference was Albino Luciani convinced the people of Montaner to become New Calendarists because of how unlikeable he was, whereas Porphyrios was apparently rather likeable.

What I think is interesting is the document brings up the point of Porphyrios teaching thoughts effecting people telepathically. Also, the monks of esphigmenou mention “Did they "go through walls", the way that the sorcerer Porphyrios did, because -according to the enthusiastic narrations of his spiritual children- he had an excellent knowledge of molecular structure and the splitting of matter?“

This was mentioned in one of Leo Taxil’s books on Freemasonry “As a girl she betrothed herself to the Demon Asmodeus, afterwards appeared before Satan in Charleston,a n d was by him consecrated as his Masonic high priestess in the presence of Albert Pike! She possessed supernatural powers, such as the ability to turn herself into liquid and pass through a stone wall, and was a Very Terrible Personage i n d e e d”

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by Leonidas_456 »

The false Saints are probably their most dangerous weapon. They likely have done more damage to the spiritual state of the traditionally Orthodox nations than anything else. In Greece, Paisios especially is highly regarded even by the most secularized people I've met. A majority of people here now have these men in their mind as the prime examples of Orthodox spirituality.

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by Unseen.Warfare »

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Leonidas_456 wrote: Fri 30 August 2024 4:16 am

The false Saints are probably their most dangerous weapon. They likely have done more damage to the spiritual state of the traditionally Orthodox nations than anything else. In Greece, Paisios especially is highly regarded even by the most secularized people I've met. A majority of people here now have these men in their mind as the prime examples of Orthodox spirituality.

† † †

As for the deluded one, Paisios, who had anything BUT an Orthodox conscience, we shall continue with him in the next Issue. Suffice it to note here that Paisios had been disavowed by the Lady Theotokos Herself, who abandoned him and he died far from the Holy Mountain, as a monk, in a... women's convent, whereas Paisios himself, supposedly "far-sighted", dug graves on the Holy Mountain in order to have ...memory of death... and be buried there...

(Magazine "Agios Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2004 Issue 205)

† † †

Many of the pious new-calendarists say to us: «But, can't you see the miracles that father ...... performs? Can't you see father Paisios, who has become a saint? Can't you see father Porphyrios, who has become a saint?». Well, if that is what saints are like, we prefer not to be saints.

When father Paisios who started off here used to live with snakes, the previous fathers regarded him as a deluded one. When Bartholomew became Patriarch, he had stated: «God has given us the best Patriarch». He had even dug his grave near his hut, but fortunately, God does not go along with our wills, nor with our vainglories. God had granted otherwise, and he died in the world!

And the example is an awesome one, fathers. Because after living so many years on the Holy Mountain, I remember only two who have died outside it. Father Nikanor of the Chiliandarion Monastery, who had signed in opposition to our Monastery and whose fingers, after signing, became so twisted that he could not sign again, and the second one is father Paisios, both of whom were asked if they wanted to go to the Holy Mountain to die, and they replied «NO».

An obvious abandonment by the Lady Theotokos. Because the older fathers used to say: «May God make us worthy of dying on the Holy Mountain».

(Statement by Methodios, Abbot of the of Esphigmenou Monastery, titled «LOVE ONE ANOTHER», Magazine BOANERGES 2005, Issue 19)

† † †

“According to you (and according to all the monasteries of Mount Athos as well, except for the Monastery of Esphigmenou, the Skete of Prophet Elias, and many zealot Fathers), we are deceived and are schismatics. You find it difficult to admit that the Patriarchate of Constantinople is preaching heresy, because you would be required to admit that your holding communion with these wolves and not shepherds is worthy of condemnation, or you would have to cease following them, according to the command of all the Holy Fathers and Councils.

You attempt to justify the Phanar, but their words and actions show you to be in error. In vain do you invoke the opinion of Father Paisios and of others who are indulgent with present conditions and make concessions, that is, they deal with it by "economy," but when the time comes (supposedly when Demetrios shall enter into communion with the Pope, as you said), you will separate yourselves from whatever is not in concord with the teachings of the Holy Fathers and Councils. You greatly deceive yourselves.

As for the admonitions to which you refer—whether of Elder Paisios, or of your neighbor papa-Isaac, or of anyone else—which maintain that Demetrios rightly divides the word of truth, how can you expect us to accept them as being pleasing to God when they are clean contrary to Orthodox teaching? Since the Truth is betrayed, should it not be called iniquity rather than economy, concession, accommodation, or indulgence? You maintain your stand because Elder Paisios said, "Demetrios is misled by the hierarchs around him to do that which he does not want," and "If we stop commemorating [the Patriarch] we will be outside the Church!" and much more, to which can be applied the words of Saint John Chrysostom, "All their words are foolishness, and the tales of foolish children." These words of theirs are the fruit of a new theology, which the Phanar used in the notorious Encyclical of 1920 by calling heretics "fellow heirs of the grace of God."— Elder Savvas of Mount Athos ... rom-within

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Re: Pseudo Saints

Post by eish »

I shall share a brief story of the New Calendarist elders. Not personal, but close enough.

Now if you're on this website, you're either brand new or you've been around long enough to know how many New Calendarists run around from place to place looking for “spiritual” (emotional) experiences in general, and for clairvoyant elders specifically.

Certain people who are firmly in the camp of the ecumenists flew over to go see one of these clairvoyant elders. This is a man who tells people their secrets, that kind of thing. They got their holocough shots (it was that time) and left. What do you think he told them?

“You're fine. Just keep doing what you're doing.”

That's the story. Short, but perhaps the MOST DELUDED SPIRITUAL ADVICE I HAVE EVER HEARD FROM ANYONE. Even if they weren't ecumenists, even if they weren't using falsified texts of the services, even if they hadn't taken their shots, even if they were True Orthodox, I would never imagine a true charismatic elder giving such advice. It is ruinous to the soul.

We can see how such elders know men's secret sins. The only source they have access to is the demonic power which inspired the sin in the first place, as evidenced by the demonic fruit of the knowledge.

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