Stylite Nous wrote: ↑Fri 30 August 2024 5:27 pm
to wit, I was actually familiar with the fact that Platina edited Blessed Fr. Seraphim's words for nearly as long as I've been interested in Orthodox Christianity. it weighed on my conscience, of course, as Platina isn't even on the "liberal" end of WO.
But you posted a photo above of some WO Hierarchs. I'm not sure what it's significance is; you'll have to give me a stronger hint. I see Met. Seraphim of Piraeus therein, a figurehead of "conservative new calendarism"
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“Orthodox people would like the World Council of Churches to be the Cradle for the One Church of the Future”— Patriarch Kirill of Moscow
"Clearly the World Council of Churches is the vehicle through which Antichrist will establish his one world church."—Statement issued by Jordanville in 1998-99
It is obvious to all that the calendar innovation caused a schism in the Greek Church in 1924, and the responsibility for the schism weighs exclusively on the innovators. This is the conclusion that will be reached by anyone studying the Patriarchal Tomoi…” letter from St. Philaret of NY to Metropolitan Epiphanios of Cyprus
“It is not we who go into schism by not submitting to Metropolitan Sergius, but rather you who are obedient to him go with him into the abyss of the Church's condemnation.”—Saint Joseph of Petrograd
"If every Orthodox Christian
is commanded by the canons to depart from a heretical bishop even before he is officially condemned, or be guilty also of his heresy, how much more must we depart from those who are worse and more unfortunate than heretics, because they openly serve the cause of Antichrist?”— Father Seraphim Rose, Letter 40, 1970
The MP has not changed since the time of Sergius. For this reason ROCOR has no union with it. ROCOR is in full communion with the True Orthodox Church in Russia, the Catacomb Church.
(Orthodox Russia, 1990, № 1, р. 8-10).
“The clergy in the last years will become an instrument of the Antichrist. They will teach blind obedience as a virtue of peace and salvation. A satanic obedience, which will require from the believer ‘ignorance’ and contempt for the teachings of the Saints and indifference to the truth and superficial piety.” — St. Niphon, Bishop of Constantia on the island of Cyprus (4th Century)
(“If you have a Bishop or Priest that teaches heresy by all means.. The Fathers tell you to flee them in the sense of contact… Not communion with the Church”— Fr. Peter Heers )
“All the teachers of the Church, and all the Councils, and all the Divine Scriptures advise us to flee from the heterodox and separate from their communion.” (St. Mark of Ephesus)
“Chrysostomos loudly declares not only heretics, but also those who have communion with them, to be enemies of God.” (St. Theodore the Studite, Epistle of Abbot Theophilus)
St. Maximus the Confessor said: “Even if the whole universe holds communion with the [heretical] patriarch, I will not communicate with him. For I know from the writings of the holy Apostle Paul: the Holy Spirit declares that even the angels would be anathema if they should begin to preach another Gospel, introducing some new teaching.” (The Life of St. Maximus the Confessor)
May you find the path of good disagreement, as Saint Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain teaches in his Interpretation of the Fourteen Epistles of Saint Paul, saying, "If he [the abbot or bishop] is evil in Faith, that is, he believes heretical and blasphemous doctrines, flee from him, though he be an angel from Heaven."
St. John the Almsgiver said: “We shall not escape sharing in that punishment which, in the world to come, awaits heretics, if we defile Orthodoxy and the holy Faith by adulterous communion with heretics.”
“With all our strength let us beware lest we receive Communion from or give it to heretics. ‘Give not what is holy to the dogs,’ says the Lord. ‘Neither cast ye your pearls before swine’, lest we become partakers in their dishonour and condemnation.” (St.John of Damascus, Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, IV, 13.)
“Are all the many quotations from the holy Councils and Saints not enough for you? Or do you fear, perhaps, being cast out of the synagogue of the heretics? The fact that the other patriarchates hold communion with the Phanar is not really important. What is important is, who follows in the footsteps of the Saints and is with the truth?”— Elder Savvas
“Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)
“Some have suffered final shipwreck with regard to the faith. Others, though they have not drowned in their thoughts, are nevertheless perishing through communion with heresy.” (St. Theodore the Studite)
“Guard yourselves from soul-destroying heresy, communion with which is alienation from Christ.” (St. Theodore the Studite, P.G. 99.1216.)
“Chrysostomos loudly declares not only heretics, but also those who have communion with them, to be enemies of God.” (St. Theodore the Studite, Epistle of Abbot Theophilus)
"Having called these false teachers "deceivers and antichrists," the apostle forbids her to accept them into her house or even to greet them, clearly because whoever becomes friendly with a false teacher subjects himself to the danger of being affected by his heresy. This unusual strictness of the "Apostle of love" is striking and so contrary to the modern idea of ecumenism that hopes for closer cooperation with the heterodox for the sake of
'mutual understanding.”
- Archbishop Averky (Taushev), Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville
St. Nikephoros the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople (9th C.): Even if false hierarchs, while being in heresy, “will succeed in deceiving and enticing a certain number of ignorant ones and in gathering even a considerable number of followers, then they are outside the sacred walls of the Church just the same. But even if very few remain in Orthodoxy and piety, then it is precisely these that are the Church, and the authority and leadership of the ecclesiastical institution remains with them.” [Minor Apologetics, 8, P.G. 100, 844 D; quoted in “The Fifteenth Canon of the First-and-Second Council,” Vertograd-Inform, December, 1999, p. 18.]
St. Nikolai Velimirovich: "Are the people at fault if godless elders and false prophets lead them onto foreign paths? The people are not at fault to as great an extent as their elders and the false prophets, but they are at fault to some extent.For God gave to the people also to know the right path, both through their conscience and through the preaching of the word of God, so that people should not blindly have followed their blind guides, who led them by false paths that alienated them from God and His Laws." (The Prologue from Ochrid, Birmingham: Lazarica Press, 1986, vol. II, p. 149)