The Reversed Cross

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The Reversed Cross

Post by JamesR »

Is it appropriate for an Orthodox Christian to wear a reversed Cross? Many people often associate it with Satanism or see it as a defamation of Christianity, but it's actually the Cross of St. Peter--who was supposedly crucified upside down because he did not see himself worthy to be crucified in the same manner as Christ. Now, I feel a strong connection with St. Peter. Being the eldest, firstborn child in my family in charge of taking care of my siblings, I feel a sense of similarity with St. Peter--who was kind of like the eldest, firstborn child of the other disciples since he's generally seen as being the leader of them and Jesus personally ordered him to feed His lambs, tend His sheep, and to feed His sheep. These are similar duties that the eldest child has to fulfill for their younger siblings. And so, I feel a strong sense of closeness with St. Peter and I want to wear the upside down St. Peter Cross, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate in Orthodoxy and I know that most people will view it as being Satanic or offensive. Does anyone here have any feedback?

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Re: The Reversed Cross

Post by Lydia »

Hmm, you certainly ask interesting questions!
All I can say is, I've never seen an upside-down cross other than behind the Pope. So, I would say that it is not within Orthodox tradition.
My first reaction is that it is not appropriate, but I can't give you a good reason why. Hope that helps! :D

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Re: The Reversed Cross

Post by arcmode »

You are right that it's Saint Peters cross, but this is not common knowledge. If you were to wear an inverted cross outwardly in our society even the very rare people that know about the tradition of saint Peter's crucifixion would still assume that you are promoting anti-christianity and satanism. Most believers would assume you were a satanist and all satanists would assume you were a satanist. I don't think you want that. The only reason to wear such a thing would be your own personal desire to express something that almost no-one is ever even going to get. Not really worth it, is it?

While this devotion to saint Peter may well be in your mind and heart, if you wear an upside down cross, what people are going to get from it is that you are a satanist, and not a casual one, but a militant one. This will bring dismay to Christians who don't know about Saint Peter's cross and are already dealing with so much satanic imagery in the culture, a feeling of triumph for satanic people who see it, and joy for the demons over both these effects. What is important about our appearance is not what we mean by it, known only to us, but what it will mean to those who see us. Our desires are secondary.

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Re: The Reversed Cross

Post by joasia »

JamesR wrote:

Is it appropriate for an Orthodox Christian to wear a reversed Cross? Many people often associate it with Satanism or see it as a defamation of Christianity, but it's actually the Cross of St. Peter--who was supposedly crucified upside down because he did not see himself worthy to be crucified in the same manner as Christ. Now, I feel a strong connection with St. Peter. Being the eldest, firstborn child in my family in charge of taking care of my siblings, I feel a sense of similarity with St. Peter--who was kind of like the eldest, firstborn child of the other disciples since he's generally seen as being the leader of them and Jesus personally ordered him to feed His lambs, tend His sheep, and to feed His sheep. These are similar duties that the eldest child has to fulfill for their younger siblings. And so, I feel a strong sense of closeness with St. Peter and I want to wear the upside down St. Peter Cross, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate in Orthodoxy and I know that most people will view it as being Satanic or offensive. Does anyone here have any feedback?

To be crucified on It is martyrdom. To wear it is showing devotion to satan. I think this is clear enough to understand.

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Re: The Reversed Cross

Post by NadirGP »


My two cents, read here below and you might the answer to your question.

Misunderstood By:

Satanists, heavy metal bands.
Modern Satanism walks the narrow line between bona fide religion and juvenile attention-seeking farce; like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but with a lot more chains, hair dye and self-mutilation. Generally intended as a giant middle-finger to Christianity, Satanists deliberately adorn themselves with symbols that they think will inspire random people to try to give them a stern talking to.

One of the most popular Satanist symbols is the upside down cross, the reasoning behind which seems obvious enough. With the possible exception of that pentagram thing with the goat's head inside it, the inverted cross is the most immediately recognizable symbol of defiance against Christianity. It's certainly the easiest to tattoo onto your own face.

Read more: ... z2jzI00j77 ... think.html

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Re: The Reversed Cross

Post by Maria »


If you wish to be different, then wear the Cross of St. Andrew.

However, it is best neither to distinguish yourself, nor to stand out from the crowd by the dress and adornments that you choose to wear. Many Orthodox Christians wear their Baptismal Cross underneath their clothing. We only need one Baptismal Cross. In addition, with all the metal and gold thieves who will not hesitate to cut off a finger just to get a gold or platinum ring, it is probably wise not to display one's jewelry or Christian symbols such as the Holy Cross.

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