Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

Updating this thread a little, I happened upon this anecdote of a purported "miracle" by Elder Ephraim by chance today.
I will let readers decide whether they believe this or not.

I am skeptical, as the person in question likely suffered from his or her serious seizures due to demon possession.

But it doesn't take a bona fide saint to drive out demons as far as I know : the ability could have come from ANY realm o existence.

Thus, I raise an eyebrow when I read accounts like this :

Fr. Peter Alban HeersDecember 3, 2020 

“A couple of years ago, I had four seizures within eight hours which hospitalized me for five days. The diagnosis was epilepsy or seizure disorder. A little later when, just a few months before Geronda’s repose, I travelled to the monastery, I had another episode on the airplane. When I arrived at the monastery, I was standing in line to get a blessing from Geronda after Vespers. I was struggling with walking and was not feeling well. Geronda is usually non-talkative during these blessings, but when I approached, he all of a sudden said loudly, “Po, po, po. . .” (Which means ‘Oh my’) and then staring deeply into my eyes, he said, “Empathia, empathia, empathia,” referring to the passions. I stood there with tears running down my face, smiling at him, unable to say a word. When I leaned down to kiss his hand, he blessed me three times on my head and said, “Katharos!” meaning “clean” and my seizures have never returned! How blessed I have been to have received so many miracles through this precious Saint!”

- This account has been confirmed by the Holy Monastery of Saint Anthony in Florence, AZ., the monastery founded by the ever-memorable Elder.

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Rumpelstiltskin »

Regardless, it seems like the World Orthodox like to "shout from the roof tops" anytime they think they have witnessed or experienced a miracle. They seem to easily forget that seemingly "miracles" by themselves are not proof of much of anything. Especially as the final Antichrist comes closer and closer. We've been warned so many times to not follow anything based purely on "miracles" or potential tricks of the eye or blatant demonic delusion, who knows. 

People need to stop seeking external miracles, because whether they like it or not, that attitude will lead them to Antichrist. How could it not? In my view, the point should always be pursuit of truth not what my deceitful eyes think they see, I want what is! I don't want some weird fantasy of "ooo go find a miracle working elder" as if we are living through times where holiness is everywhere, no! To not follow Antichrist we must be loyal to truth, not "miracle workers" even the Antichrist will do that!!! But the truth cannot deceive. 

As many have already pointed out, if figures like Elder Ephraim didn't align with the Old Calendarists (True Orthodox) or even condemned them, that would cast huge doubt towards them.  

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Rumpelstiltskin »

A really good quote from Fr. Nikita Grigoriev's book "Faith and Delusion" from the 45th chapter "The Spiritual Delusion of the anti-Christ" (page 225):

"The mystery of iniquity has been long at work in the world and the spirit of the anti-Christ continues to grow stronger. Wherein does this spirit of the anti-Christ lie? In one word - it lies in "prelest" (spiritual delusion). Prelest is a spiritual counterfeit. Every person unfortunately is afflicted by prelest, to a greater or lesser degree.

Most of us humans, in our fallen condition, tend to live between spiritual apathy and indifference on the one hand, and spiritual conceit and delusion on the other. 

It is only with much sustained and prolonged effort and with much help from God that we begin to acquire that spiritual sobriety that allows us to see spiritual phenomena for what they really are. 

The anti-Christ will not be a clear and open enemy of Christ, by no means! He will imitate Christ in all ways, in order to convince people he is Christ himself. His moniker is derived from the prefix "anti", which means "instead of"; and "Christ", which means God's Anointed One, or Messiah. In appearance, he will be kind, gentle, patient and merciful. He will attract everyone by his "love" and will amaze everyone with his "miracles" but this "love" will be false just as the "miracles" will likewise be false.

Moreover, this "love" will not be salvific for the people, but destructive because it will not call people to genuine repentance, to take up one's Cross, to spiritual rebirth through the Holy Spirit in the True Church of Christ - the Orthodox Church. No, the anti-Christ's love will condone human passions."

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

Thank you, Rumpelstiltskin, for these most a propos remarks ! You described this dynamic so well, as did Fr Nikita Grigoriev.
Thank you for taking the time to copy out that right-on-target passage !

Perfect replies for the many converts especially who follow either fake-elder Ephraim directly or indirectly through Orthodox Ethos' leaders.

I hope they will find your remarks on this thread !!!

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Sun 14 April 2024 12:09 am

Updating this thread a little, I happened upon this anecdote of a purported "miracle" by Elder Ephraim by chance today.
I will let readers decide whether they believe this or not.

I am skeptical, as the person in question likely suffered from his or her serious seizures due to demon possession.


The man may have been cured. I do not know and glory to God, who grants rain and shine to the Orthodox and the heretics alike.

What I do know is that visions and miracles and all manner of private revelation are commonly used to keep people from leaving the Greek New Calendarists. These are often spectacular, always convenient, and sometimes more than a little fishy.

An egregious example involving Elder Ephraim is the vision which supposedly goes like this: A pious Orthodox woman is concerned over the whole schism in the Ukraine and wonders if she should leave GOARCH. She prays and fasts and [at the time recently reposed] Elder Ephraim appears. He tells her to stay where she is and wait because the truth will be revealed soon and then it will all be set right.

I know that one; I heard it circulated at the time. I still hear it cited as proof that one must not leave WO bishops and that it will all be fixed soon when Christ heals the heresies and fixes the Church.

But, I ask you--who is this woman? Why should I believe that she is not under demonic delusion? And why should I believe that she is not simply a fiction of Arch-Heretic Elpidophoros or one of his associates, keeping the ever gullible conservatives in line?

Miracles are also the reason I am somewhat sceptical of Elder Paisius. The miracles are awfully convenient as proof that there is power in the official church structure, yet the descriptions read like parlour tricks. Flashy and showy, and usually leaving me wondering what this is supposed to have to do with the Gospel. When I started coming to (World) Orthodoxy I read that book The Young Man, The Gurus, and Elder Paisius (I may have the title slightly wrong) and I must admit that I smelled a rat. I told myself for a while that I guess it must be true, but in hindsight my intuition may just have been functioning normally. I can think of other examples.

I am sure both these elders were good people. Only that being a good person is simply not the crux of the Gospel.

(What @Rumpelstiltskin said.)

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

Thank you, wonderful answer, eish ! That's SO important for all of us who don't know already to grasp WHY these way too facile stories of miracles are circulating. I had not understood that at all. Are you saying that the Greeks [Greek Archdiocese] are losing people due to some of their outrageous behaviors ?
So they are struggling to keep their regular flock and stem the exodus, is it like that ?

I read that book too. Wasn't it rather bizarre ? I think the young man kept fluctuating between Elder Paisios and his eastern guru, whatever that person was, maybe Hindu ? I seem to recall some really strange experiences he recounted that were clearly demonic in origin when he kept returning to that practice. But still, the book was disjointed and odd.
I didn't think it was inspirational, though it was probably published with the idea of attracting other adherents of Eastern religions to convert to Orthodoxy. Wasn't it published by St Herman of Alaska Press, at Platina ? Very weird book- better left unread !

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Tue 16 April 2024 11:48 pm

Thank you, wonderful answer, eish ! That's SO important for all of us who don't know already to grasp WHY these way too facile stories of miracles are circulating. I had not understood that at all. Are you saying that the Greeks [Greek Archdiocese] are losing people due to some of their outrageous behaviors ?
So they are struggling to keep their regular flock and stem the exodus, is it like that ?

I read that book too. Wasn't it rather bizarre ? I think the young man kept fluctuating between Elder Paisios and his eastern guru, whatever that person was, maybe Hindu ? I seem to recall some really strange experiences he recounted that were clearly demonic in origin when he kept returning to that practice. But still, the book was disjointed and odd.
I didn't think it was inspirational, though it was probably published with the idea of attracting other adherents of Eastern religions to convert to Orthodoxy. Wasn't it published by St Herman of Alaska Press, at Platina ? Very weird book- better left unread !


When it comes to conservatives rather than liberals--who just marry off into Roman Catholicism and attend there or stop going altogether--they are losing people mainly to the MP. Not that many, but I certainly have heard my share of discussions online and IRL with people thinking of or deciding to join the MP. It is enough to make them invent stories and circulate those among the conservatives, which makes me think that there must be knowing agents posing as conservative priests. A disturbing thought. Perhaps intelligence agencies are involved, since they do do such things and try to manipulate religious communities. If they were being rational they would abandon ecumenism because the number of people they lose to mixed marriages is much greater, but evil isn't rational.

The young man  of the book had several Hindu gurus over the years. The book was originally published in Greek, so St. Herman Press would only have done the translation. The impression that I got from it, and which I get from a great majority of Elder Paisius stories, is that it tries to tell you about how the elder had more power than the gurus. This is also the main issue that I have with it and it is similar to the critique which St. Nicholas of Japan gave of Buddhist miracles. WOs tend to claim that miracles by their elders and the Holy Fire, etc. prove power and therefore that they are the church.

But--immodest displays of power do not make a good argument for Orthodoxy. They are commonly performed by wizards--this one shows he has enough power to do something, that one comes along and shows he has power to do something even bigger. It may work temporarily but the one convinced by such a display has no depth and will run after whichever wizard comes along next with a more flashy display. Miracles which display the truth of Christianity are rather those which display a different category of power instead of a greater intensity of power.

I'll illustrate with two example miracles, both of which I think come from World Orthodoxy.

There is a story in which a man embroiled in Hinduism comes to Elder Paisius. He talks about what power the gurus have. The elder traces the sign of the cross over a boulder and it explodes, showing that he has more power. It has the problem I just pointed out. Should I believe Hinduism instead, since Oppenheimer quoted its texts when making a much bigger boom? Or perhaps "scientific atheism," since the Tsar bomb of the Soviets was even bigger and that was their teaching? Biggest display of power won't ever work because as long as the observer survives, it could have been bigger.

In another story a priest receives a Buddhist wizard. The sorcerer is eager to show off how his familiar spirit invisibly carries objects, and drinks from a cup lifting off the table. He wants the priest to show if he can do the same. The priest answers that, no, he cannot. He cannot do this thing because his God is humble but hold this cross and try it again. The spirit is as you would guess, terrified of the cross and can do nothing. This demonstrates to the wizard that Christ has power in a completely different class from that of the spirit.

I don't have to question whether the elder really blew up a boulder or not. If God so willed it he could have ended that boulder for the sake of the visitor and He certainly does answer prayers according to His judgement, not what I think of someone's ecclesiastical status. All I need to say is that ironically the priest performed a greater miracle than the elder by not doing anything at all. Humility has power.

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