Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

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Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Barbara »

As reported on the Natural Health 365 site, a recent Idaho Shakespeare Festival play was 'dosed up' with an injection of evil.

5 minutes of shameless propagandizing were tackily tacked onto the end of an adaptation of Jules Verne's classic, Around the World in 80 Days". Here could be why :

"Idaho has one of the highest vaccine exemption rates in the country. If you were pro-vaccine and wanted to wage a propaganda campaign, this would certainly be the place to start.

The current generation of children suffer more health problems than ever and are receiving 300 percent more vaccines. With so many reported vaccine side effects, many parents are opting to exempt their children from receiving them.

And, remember, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out almost $4 billion to victims and families of persons who have suffered ill health or death from vaccines. It’s almost hard to believe that they call this medical intervention, “safe and effective.”

Some of the play’s creepy song lyrics [ aimed at children Kindergarten through 6th grade ] are as follows:

“There are so many diseases you need to be protected against if you are going around the world
By injecting you with a small sample of each of the diseases your body will be able to fight those pesky illnesses away”...
"Don't Cry
Just Comply" ... -2506.html

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Orthodox in Michigan
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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

As a parent , I would be interested in how most orthodox Christians feel about vaccines , I have heard not many studies in America are being done as to health if vaccinated versus unvaccinated. I would be interested if any one has views about orthodox friends or family view vaccinations.

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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Maria »

There is concern that the vaccinated could shed bacteria and viruses to senior citizens, adults, priests, and unvaccinated children as the vaccines are quite dirty.

The main concern expressed by Orthodox priests is that all these vaccines contain aborted human fetal cells.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Thank you , I did not know that. My wife’s parents were in the medical field and we chose not to vaccinate since we have the option here do so ,we will need a waiver for school but have had a ear full from family members who think we are in the wrong for not doing it . I had a feeling that they are not safe as some or her cousins children had rashes and fevers.

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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Barbara »

OrthodoxinMichigan, you and your family are doing the wisest thing possible in refusing vaccines. Don't EVER be tempted !
It's appalling that one has to obtain a waiver to avoid something so deadly. This is true in Europe, too, at least in some countries. Parents both there and here agonize over the process when they should be free to do whatever they wish.

{I wonder what the situation is in the Russian Federation in this regard ?}

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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

"To Whom it May Concern:

The administration of vaccines of any kind conflicts with my strongly held religious, moral, and philosophical beliefs.

The use of cells, cellular debris, protein, and DNA from willfully aborted human children found in Adenovirus, Polio, Dtap/Polio/HiB Combo, Hep A, Hep A/Hep B Combo, MMR, MMRV Pro Quad, Rabies, Varicella, and the Shingles vaccines violate the very basic commands found in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:15 which instructs us to not murder. I have strong religious, moral, and philosophical convictions which find the development of modern vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines morally reprehensible and declare it a practice I cannot condone, support, or in any way participate in.

The following ingredients were derived from no fewer than 107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons and then used in past and ongoing vaccine research: PER C6, HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8, WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18, WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-38, WI-44, and MCR-5 plus many other ingredients obtained from human children not required to be listed by FDA guidelines.

Supporting vaccinations and vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those, and the continuing sacrifice of, other human souls.

Genesis 4:1, 17 and Jeremiah 1:5 demonstrate that the deceased children used in the aforementioned vaccinations were recognized by God as human souls from the point of conception in the same way that I, as a parent, recognized each of my children as a human from the moment I was aware of her presence in my womb.

Genesis 1:27 - 28, 4:1, 2 Kings 17:17-18, Psalm 22:10-11, 106: 35, 37-38, 113:7-9, 127:3, 139:13-16, Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4, and Matthew 19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned children as blessings from God that are valued and loved by him, their Creator, in whose image they were created, and that their killing is condemned and causes God's destructive anger to burn against their murderers and those complicit in those murders.

Exodus 20:13, Leviticus 18:21 & 20:2-5, Deuteronomy 5:13, 12:30-32, 18:10, 2 Kings 16:3, and Psalm 106:38 illustrate that all child sacrifice is condemned with no exception clauses allowing for the greater good or public exception clauses found anywhere in the sacred scriptures.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and 10:31 remind us that we are to regard our bodies as temples of God's Holy Spirit and that we are to honor God, our Creator and possessor of our very bodies by not defiling them.

Notwithstanding the presence of socially sacrificed human cells and debris in vaccinations, I firmly believe that the presence of neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal cells, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens, and chemical wastes is in strict violation of our imperative to treat our bodies as holy temples of the very Spirit of God.

Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:10-11, 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:23, Acts 15:20 and 29 inform us that blood represents the life force of human and animal species and that human blood was to be kept pure under all circumstances and free from contaminants such as animal cells, parts, and blood.

In direct contrast to God’s commands, documents from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website and the individual vaccine inserts published by the manufacturer reveal:

• Vaccines contain monkey, dog, cow, mouse, chicken, and insect DNA, and this has never been tested for safety or adverse effects on humans.
• Vaccines contain DNA from aborted human fetuses, and this has also never been tested for safety or adverse effects on humans.
• Vaccines contain numerous potential allergens including, but not limited to, antibiotics (such as streptomycin, neomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin sulfate), food allergens (egg, chicken, soy, peanuts, casein from cow’s milk, gelatin from pigs and cows), fetal bovine serum (from the blood derived from the fetuses of cows found pregnant at slaughter), mercury (still used in flu vaccines), latex, yeast, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).
• Vaccines contain toxic, poisonous, and carcinogenic substances including, but not limited to, acetone, aluminum, formaldehyde, alcohol, phthalates, food dyes (FD&C Yellow #6), and preservatives (sodium metabisulfite, phenoxyethanol).
• Vaccines contain neurotoxins such as aluminum and thimerosol that far exceed the safe levels determined by the FDA.
• Additionally, getting any vaccine does not ensure that I would be protected from the disease, and in fact, I could get the very disease I was vaccinated for either in spite of or directly because of the vaccine.

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Re: Vaccines peddled to kids :"Don't cry, Just comply"

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

I found this for any one interested.

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