Russians robbedof 1MillionEuros Arriving in Paris

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Re: Russians robbedof 1MillionEuros Arriving in Paris

Post by Barbara »

CDG - Charles De Gaulle Airport - named for the postwar French President who had led the Free French resistance to the Germans - is now high on the list of threats as well. Frighteningly, these miscreants don't stop at trying to get in the vehicle the regular way by forcing a door open ; read what they do below.

Before that, there is a useful warning about another type of attack which applies everywhere, including in one's own country.

"Even shopping in Paris's fabulous department stores can pose a risk – and not just to your credit card limit!

There have been reported bag snatches and theft in stores such as Printemps (closest metro stop is Havre - Caumartin), and the magnificent Galleries Lafayette


(metro Chauss'e [correction : Chausee ] d'Antin La Fayette).

Tourists who leave their wallets or credit cards on cashier counters during transactions have turned to find them gone.

A new type of theft has been reported by the local news in recent years. This one is simple yet brazen. Thieves target taxis carrying tourists or well-to-do locals from Charles de Gaulle international Airport into the city.

The traffic to and from the airport is more often than not completely jammed along the A1 highway, and thieves lie in wait until the taxi is stationary, and break the windows to get to the passengers' bags.

It's a much better idea to put your luggage in the boot [ British English for trunk ] of the cab, or better (and cheaper) to take the very safe Air France shuttle bus." ... -in-france

Last edited by Barbara on Tue 23 October 2018 12:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Russians robbedof 1MillionEuros Arriving in Paris

Post by Barbara »

Car number 6543 of the Metro happily trundles along beneath classic Parisian architecture - hopefully, all the passengers are equally at ease, having followed sensible advice as to keeping safe on the Metro and while traveling in Paris - and elsewhere as well.

Paris Metro scams for robberies have multiplied in the years since my sister lost that $ 5 worth of francs. But one factor remains the same : the thieves scrutinize the riders on the Metro to see who may be a foreigner, [ today ] who may have a costly iphone, who is extra well dressed -- and above all, who is NOT paying attention around themselves.

Thereby brigands pull tricks like grabbing that iphone out of the Metro rider's very hand and jumping out the door just as the car is at a stop but about to close its doors and take off. No one can catch them that way. Or they snatch the iphone out of a pocket as the victime goes through the turnstile ; the thief disappears in the opposite direction. The victim fumes in frustration, since, already on the other side of the turnstile, he or she is powerless to go back through to pursue the evildoer.

The remedy is obvious: one must keep that phone out of sight at all times when anywhere in public, on the Metro or off of it.
If one needs to consult a phone [ this would never be a problem for me, since I never plan to have any smart phone ], do so only when the Metro doors are closed and the train is underway. Coming up to a stop, get that phone into a
ZIPPERED compartment - not a loosely fitted one which can be easily pickpocketed - and keep it hidden until the train picks up speed again en route to the next station.

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