Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Yes for me it was very hard to internalize all this and really get is it was a very slow process to see how the world really works.

There are too many examples of 911 on movies made years ago the prime example that predictable programming is real and in your face fact.

I think most of us never really will see this or fully accept it just like you mentioned roman catholic baggage or other vestages of false beleifs and programming we had growing up i find myself slipping in some of these delusions now and then and have to hard check myself.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Barbara »

Thank you for the vastly informative answer, Cyprian. Now I see better why the arguments, name-calling, sparring etc is all staged. That makes sense. I thought it was more superficial, just toying with creating these cardboard characters who are the leaders in these various fields that like you say, are none but the Illuminati's choices.

However, small point : when you wrote "Anthony Quinn plays Pope Kiril I", didn't you mean Pat. Kiril I ? Knowing the way you write, everything is so precise and articulate that maybe you were hinting at something - ?!

About Anthony Quinn, the name is familiar to me. Why ? Because he starred in one of the few films I was interested to see. That was a little-known movie made from James Michener's book Caravans, a classic for those interested in Afghanistan.
Anthony Quinn was the main character in the quickly forgotten film. I might look around and see if that's available on youtube, since it was fun to see. Probably not too good of a movie, though. Have you heard of that film ? If so, does it have any foreshadowing of future events ? The American horrible invasion of Afghanistan, for example ??

I never could stand Ernest Hemingway. His writing was nothing. He must have been an Illuminati creation too. Such blah books. I didn't know he had lived in Cuba, though. Under Castro ? That's weird, if so. I thought I recalled he lived in Sun Valley at one point, or maybe it was a ski resort in Colorado, but that town in Cuba ? Strange how it does parallel Francis' name. And that Papa Hemingway movie came out only a few months before the Pope-Patriarch meeting at the airport ? That's very strange.
You must have cracked the code of these evil elite manipulators of mankind.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Cyprian »

Orthodox in michigan wrote:

Yes for me it was very hard to internalize all this and really get is it was a very slow process to see how the world really works.

Yes, OiM, it is a long and arduous journey to begin to unlearn all the lies and propaganda that we have been immersed in our entire lifetimes. We have been lied to and propagandized from our very birth, by our government, our press, our educational and cultural institutions. We have been inculcated with false history, false science, false religion, and a false reality.

None of us are able to unlearn in a single month, or even a year, all the varied deceptions that have permeated every aspect of our lives, for our entire lifetime. It is a lifelong process unlearning the false reality which has been foisted upon us, and this process can only begin when we have the sure and true guidance of the Church, the pillar and ground of truth. First we must become solidly grounded in the Faith, before concerning ourselves with a critical examination of the world, just as bank tellers know how to spot a counterfeit bill not from spending all their time studying counterfeits, but by repeatedly handling the true currency. Then, when an occasional counterfeit is encountered, something does not feel right.

Some of us are simply a bit further along in this unlearning process than others, and it would behoove those who have made choices in life that mean they are left to care for the things of the world, in order to please their spouse, would exhibit some humility and recognize that they can learn from those who have foregone a career, a spouse, children, and other worldly cares, etc.

We cannot have it all, reaping where we have not sown. We cannot be encumbered with worldly cares, attending to the needs of our spouses, and children, and grandchildren, spending what little free time that remains worrying about what chemical in this food might be poisoning us, gazing up at the stars and space weather, etc, and then be legitimately qualified to tell everyone how the world works.

Folks that spend a large percentage of their precious free time concerning themselves with carnally-minded endeavors such as this, must inevitably resort to shortcuts. They clutter their mind with things that are inconsequential and not profitable, and do not properly spend the necessary time needed to vet the sources they depend on, so they resort to allowing NaturalNews, Infowars, Gordon Duff, Breitbart, QAnon, Fox News, or some other propaganda outlet to do their thinking for them. None of these aforementioned are Orthodox, and they should not even be considered Christian, in my estimation.

Fox News is pure Zionist propaganda, and that is why the Zionist Trump is cozy with the network. All it takes is a modicum of discernment to see this, and a rudimentary understanding of the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Holy Fathers. Anyone who spends even a few minutes reading about this Zionist Rupert Murdoch, a proprietor of filthy supermarket tabloid journalism, and the owner of Fox Broadcasting Company, which produces vile and demonic programming such as The Simpsons and Family Guy, and can stomach listening to the tripe on Fox News for longer than 5 minutes, is completely delusional. I cannot stomach it myself, and have to turn it off after only a short while. Can an evil tree bringeth forth good fruit? Is not Family Guy one of the most disgusting and diabolical programs on television? Rupert Murdoch's Fox Network has been broadcasting this vile filth for many years, and who is stupid enough to think that this evil-worker is going to tell them the truth about news events on his news channel? An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

"Rupert Murdoch is such a hard-right supporter of Israel — Ariel Sharon was his great hero (he even visited him on his farm) — that many regard him as a Zionist."
https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2007/12/t ... ddle-east/

The fact of the matter is, some of my detractors on this forum are themselves obviously Judaized, and simply do not have a proper Orthodox formation. They would rather spend time gazing at upside down rainbows than reading St. John Chrysostom's eight homilies against the Jews, and then they have the audacity to accuse me of being a "Jew-hater" or so-called "anti-Semitic".

These hypocrites need to read these sermons before accusing me of hating the Jews. I can assure them that nothing I have said about the Jews eclipses anything than what the saint felt compelled to say:

John Chrysostom, Against the Jews
http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/index ... t_the_Jews

How anyone could stomach the Zionist propaganda coming from the likes of Fox News and Donald Trump after reading these beautiful sermons is beyond me.

There are too many examples of 911 on movies made years ago the prime example that predictable programming is real and in your face fact.

Yes, you are correct, it is very much in our face. I am not even telling people to go out and watch all these movies. It is not necessary. They can learn enough about what Hollywood is about from reading my posts. It is so in our face, that Trump's handlers scripted a fake sex scandal involving a woman named "Stormy" Daniels, with her lawyer MICHAEL Avenatti always prominently featured all over TV advocating on her behalf. In fact, they arranged for him to represent the third accuser of Kavanaugh, Julie Swetnick, in the eleventh hour of the confirmation process, just so they could plaster him all over the news some more. Who is so blind as to not be able to recognize that they wanted Trump's attorney named MICHAEL (Cohen), involved in a pay-off scandal with another attorney named MICHAEL (Avenatti), who represented one of the phony accusers of Brett MICHAEL Kavanaugh, to associate STORMY and her attorney MICHAEL, and Trump and his attorney MICHAEL, to "Stormy" Hurricane Michael?

As I have said repeatedly, Trump and Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti, Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, and the Senate Judiciary Committee who confirmed him, are ALL LIARS and MURDERERS. The blood of the deaths of those killed by the tsunami in Indonesia and the storms that they perpetrated in the Carolinas and recently in Florida are on their hands.

OiM, just ask yourself one thing. If you are thoroughly convinced that Hollywood knew all about the plans for the attacks of September 11th many years in advance, and embedded this foreknowledge in many of their public productions, do you really think they would do this in only one instance, for only one single event? An attack as massive and transformative on society as the attacks of 9/11 have been? I can assure you, without an iota of doubt, that all the other major attacks this secret society has perpetrated, are also shown ahead of time in film as well. There are countless works of literature, films and tell-a-vision programs about this phony Brett Kavanaugh and his phony accuser Dr. Ford. All Supreme Court Justices are groomed for the Supreme Court decades in advance, and Kavanaugh is no exception.

George W. Bush is culpable for the deaths of all those killed on September 11, because he was obviously in on the attacks. That lying fraud Kavanaugh boasted in his testimony that he served with George W. Bush for several years, flying around the world with him on Air Force One, privy to the government's most sensitive secrets.

George W. Bush is a liar and a murderer, a member of a secret society at Yale, Skull and Bones, like his father before him, who proclaimed a New World Order eleven years to the day prior to September 11, 2001. There is nothing remotely Christian about the Bushes in any sense. Many people know that the number of Skull and Bones is 322. Kavanaugh's handlers in the secret society arranged for Brett Kavanaugh to attend Yale as well, and have a birthday of February 12, because there are 322 days in the year after February 12, and 322 is the number of Skull and Bones.

I think most of us never really will see this or fully accept it just like you mentioned roman catholic baggage or other vestages of false beleifs and programming we had growing up i find myself slipping in some of these delusions now and then and have to hard check myself.

As long as all of us are aware that we are all under Western influence, and all of us need to be constantly vigilant about unlearning all the unorthodox habits we have acquired our whole life, we will be just fine. The danger lies in becoming proud and believing we are no longer under any Western influence, as if we have conquered it. I think most all of us will have to struggle to unlearn our Western ways for the remainder of our lives. It is a never ending process, to try to detach ourselves from the world we live in, and perceive it in a more critical fashion.

The beautiful and liberating thing about the Orthodox Church is that we can totally and completely depend on Her, and we do not have to worry about viewing Her critically. She will always be a faithful and trustworthy guide and will never lead us astray.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Cyprian »


It serves the interest of the Antichrist to have a lot of orchestrated bickering and fighting and chaos associated with politics and society at large. It serves to weary and dishearten people and make them completely apathetic to the whole process. That is precisely what the Antichrist wants. He wants people to become so disillusioned and disgusted with government, politicians, religion, the Church, etc., that people's hearts and minds are prepared to accept him when he comes and pretends to offer a solution that will seemingly please everyone.

Now, the Antichrist simply cannot come if politicians and government rulers are loyal to the interests of the citizens of their own respective country. The Antichrist wants to establish a one world government. How can the Antichrist come if Putin is genuinely a patriot, looking out for the best interests of Russia, and Trump is a patriot looking out for the best interests of our country?

What the Antichrist wants, are world leaders who outwardly pretend to appear as if they have their country's best interests at heart, while in reality they are secretly colluding with all the other world leaders to bring us closer to a one world government. As I said, the appearance of bickering and fighting among world leaders serves the Antichrist's purpose. He wants all this squabbling and fighting so he can come on the scene and appear to rise above it, showing himself to be different and not like any other ruler or politician that has come before.

The way to do this is to have world leaders who are afflicted with one sensational scandal after another (all faked), so the bar is set very low. Trump supposedly has affairs with Playboy bunnies and porn stars, Putin supposedly has a love child with a much younger Russian gymnast, and all the rest. It is not hard for Antichrist to appear better than what we have now. Of course, what Putin and Trump actually do in secret is so much worse and shameful than these faked sensational scandals in the press, but they are very careful to only reveal the fake scandals that they have created, in a measured and controlled way, and it is not in their interest to reveal the shameful debauchery these politicians engage in that they do not want reported in the press.

Antichrist wants many of the leaders pretending to despise one another, or at least strongly disagree with one another, as a mere pretense or show, but have them all secretly obedient and subservient to the secret society which installed them, so when the time is right, they will all do what they are told, and champion the Antichrist as being the answer to all our problems.

The Antichrist simply cannot come if the world leaders are actually genuinely disliking each other. If Angela Merkel, Theresa May, or whomever, and Trump actually despised one another like they pretend to do on TV, how could they all suddenly get along and fall in line, throwing their support behind the Antichrist? The Antichrist needs to make sure that he has most everyone in power behind the scenes falling inline, all his ducks in a row, before he can make his entrance on the world stage.

It is for this reason that so many people resist the way I portray the world. The way I present the world is not very pleasant, but dark and ominous. Antichrist is very near, and not far off.

So, many people prefer the disinformation of say, a Vladimir Moss, because he does a disservice by teaching that Antichrist is still far off, and he teaches people to blindly trust mainstream news sources and in general what the government leaders tell us. Mr. Moss may claim that he interprets the information they present through a different prism than the media or government does, but he is always teaching people to accept the basic facts that the government and media presents us. For example, Vladimir Moss in his published writings presents the lie that "They were all Muslims who destroyed the Twin Towers in 2001". You see, he is not teaching people to distrust the fake news of government and media news accounts, but all his analysis is based upon the premise that the government wouldn't lie to us about the basic facts. So, all his political writings are leading the blind into the ditch, and should not be taken seriously.

That is much more pleasant and light for lovers of this world to accept; the types who wish to see their children grow up so they can bounce grandchildren on their knee. Their hopes and dreams rest on growing old and seeing their grandchildren grow up. They want to believe in a worldly savior, who is going to "Make America Great Again". (this is just a re-cycled motif from Ronald Reagan's campaign, btw.) I tell people it would be better not to even have children in these diabolical times we live in. You can see, for obvious reasons, why the paradigm I present is not going to be a very popular one, and why some folks will prefer to think that if we just fall inline behind the despicable Trump and the Republicans, they are going to make it all better, and how Brexit is a blow to the NWO, and the people are going to take the world back from the NWO gang. It is all a deception, resting on false and unreasonable hope. It is not reality. It is pure fantasy.

Trump is an obvious Zionist. Only those who do not have a proper Orthodox formation, and are ignorant of the Scriptures and the teachings of the Holy Fathers, would ever rest their hopes on a Zionist.

As I said, everyone read those sermons of St. John Chrysostom for an accurate understanding of how the Orthodox Church views the Jews and Christians who Judaize. Put away all the reading about QAnon, SSPX, and other diversions, and distractions, and read those sermons carefully.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Cyprian »

Barbara wrote:

However, small point : when you wrote "Anthony Quinn plays Pope Kiril I", didn't you mean Pat. Kiril I ? Knowing the way you write, everything is so precise and articulate that maybe you were hinting at something - ?!

No, I was not mistaken or hinting anything. Quinn's character is actually a pope of Rome named Kiril I in the film.

The Shoes of the Fisherman
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shoes ... _Fisherman

They made a character who is a pope named Kiril because the film is about this time we live in, of Pope Francis and Pat. Kirill. That is why the actor Quinn also plays Hemingway, and they made the film Papa Hemingway in Cuba (2015) about Pope Francis and Pat. Kirill meeting in Cuba. These two films are deliberately connected. I will say it again and again. Pope Francis and Pat. Kirill have both been groomed by the secret society from their youth. Bartholomew as well.

It makes no difference to me whether people refuse to accept this reality or not. I know it to be true, and will not apologize for stating this truth or let anyone dissuade me from proclaiming it. My detractors are carried away by worldly concerns and fantasies about the world getting better, and they have husbands and wives and children and grandchildren, and many cares to distract them, but I have made sacrifices and dedicated several years of my life and thousands of hours research and contemplation to discover how the secret societies operate and how world leaders are installed. If others choose not to benefit from all of my labors, that is their choice, but it is obvious that a number of my detractors are simply not qualified to tell us how the world works, and it shows.

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Re: Political Schism: Communion Ruptured between MP and EP

Post by Barbara »

Cyprian, that's GREAT that you are soundly trouncing all these empty houses of cards [ ie., lies ].

I have looked at one Fox News program that I can think of, something about Americans retiring in Mexico [ of course even the word Mexico is tarnished by this latest "Stormy Michael". Aside : do you think it was an attack on our wonderful Protector, Archangel Michael, that the hurricane was given that name ? Speaking of how the Church is the trustworthy guide and stalwart help upon which one can depend ]. That was apolitical. Otherwise, I have never once looked at any links that I can recall. The minute I see that name, I run. Perhaps I have clicked on a few reports, but I have strenuously avoided that place since I heard of its existence : it goes without saying that it's a tool of is-not-real, as is of course the current charade of a president's family. That is so embarrassing that his daughter converted to that religion and surely the relatives hold heavy sway over the fake-American-leader. He would never have been elected anyway if he did not evince unflinching support of is not real. Just as Brother Nathanael showed in his video about the diabolical Wailing Wall, all these people are bought and paid for by the Zionists. No one can stay in any office who is not their willing tool ; a few have tried but were chased out after a term or so.

I have to read those St John Chrysostom sermons : he knew EVERYTHING ! I did celebrate his repose day Sept 26 with reverence.

It's great that you can point to his inspired words so that the huge force of that steamroller machine and its brainwashed foot soldiers won't accuse you. You can always point to the heavenly words of St John Chrysostom. Too bad he was exiled so cruelly ; how many more sermons by him might have been written by this brilliant Saint to help guide the Church through the ages ?

I honestly can not read Vladimir Moss on anything besides Church politics which means primarily the history of the MP takeover of Rocor or the situation with TOC's. At the sight of his titles he on other subjects, my eyes glaze over. Now I see why : I can hardly believe such a thinking person would surrender his power of reason even at the beginning, let alone years later after all the evidence has been amassed, that that operation was nothing but a false flag. As if any Muslim on the whole planet - or even the billion or so Muslims all working together - could have arranged and pulled that off !

Another aside : I found a book in the library a few years after that 2001 episode by an Al-Jazeera journalist who purported to meet with KSM [ the supposed mastermind according to the Ill's script ]. After praying in a suitably pious manner to establish his bona fides with KSM, the journalist was given exhaustive details by a willing KSM as to how he figured out his master plan. The book was long, chock full of supposed revelations. In fact, I stopped reading after a few chapters for I could see how it was a setup to persuade many who were skeptical of the party line. The Arab World and the Muslim World did not believe a word of the feeble American attempt to blame a small band hiding out in caves and mountains of Afghanistan ! So - this book, by a credible reporter for the Arab [ but still Ill-run ] news service, Al-Jazeera, was I think meant to persuade the many Muslim skeptics to keep them from murmuring and digging up the truth. Gullible Westerners who originally swallowed the ridiculous verdict of the media -- "We know it was those awful Muslims because we found a Saudi passport lying whole and unharmed on a New York City street despite the fact that the aircraft its owner flew on was incinerated into nothing " -- might catch on to alternative theories if other angles were allowed to be presented by non-Western news outlets.

A different aside : if I am reading something and I see the author write that the leader of the US - Saudi - Is not real- funded fake terrorist group was killed by American forces, I immediately stop reading. Who could believe that, either ? Yet every source, even Church writers, accept the Ill's line like infant children. That's why it's difficult to read Orthodox writers who are unskilled at understanding the real world situation. I am pointing here to the fact that they have to wake up and realize all that you wrote above about de-brainwashing oneself from the inundation with programming. Few of these are even at the stage of realizing that something is wrong with their interpretations of contemporary life, because they are based on the same generated myths.

So, Cyprian, if you could only get THEM to see the light ; even A PART of the Light, they could write truthful things.

I notice most Orthodox writers about American politics are conservative. This is good ; but they are not seeing the real picture that the current fake-president is as evil as his opposites. In theory, Republicans should be much better than Democrats, but how many Republicans are homosexuals ? Just for one aspect. Then how many are in the pocket of is not real ? ALL, virtually all. So they are working for the devil just as much as what you term the demoncrats.

This is why I refuse to waste my time on anything to do with life in America, particularly politics or social phenomena. These are all so transitory that they do clutter up one's mind.
This may be also a plot of the Ill. to give as many people Alzheimers as possible due to overworked but 'under-truthed' brains. In short, they analyze wrong things in the wrong ways, thus spinning wheels and wearing out their brain synapses. Only when real truth is reached does the brain feel rejuvenated, not drained. That process can take tedious days, months and more of poring over material. But the payoff is worth the effort -- as some of the remarkable findings you have unearthed, Cyprian.

By the way, I did see your facebook page where a new arrival [ I think it was a Kaz, who I figured might be the one with that awful blog ] wanted to learn how you had the time to do all this research. You said the same thing as above, though more briefly. This brings out the point useful for everyone that it does pay to live a life where one can concentrate on what is really the most important and rewarding for each person.

I think it's helpful to see that Pat Kirill and the Russian leader are a wholesale part of this international operation to control the world. I didn't think they were 100 % so - maybe 80-90 % - but you are insisting that they are full-fledged members of the 'club'. So why should I not accede to your findings after your intensive study of the subject ?

That's scary about the depraved stuff that the political figures have to be involved in in order to be elevated to their -- to their acting roles. Appalling.

PS About Gordon Duff, as you said a few years ago here, he is a democrat, and a-religious, which are definite strikes against him. But he has the right point of view regarding Ira. and Syria and the Muslim world. This is unheard of for the Alex Jones crowd, who are all slavish Zionists directly or indirectly. I think Veterans Today is better than any of the other alternative news by far. Kevin Barrett, I still say, is the only person who has a clue about Iran anywhere in the English-speaking world.

I don't mean to start up an argument ; I only like to give credit where it is due. Brother Nathanael takes much of his information probably from there and from Press Tv, which used to rely on interviews with Gordon Duff and Kevin Barrett ; perhaps not any more after the Ill-choice, the ineffectual [comparative] liberal, Rouhani, got in. From that time, Press Tv became noticeably more mainstream, but still has a more independent point of view by far than any station in the Western world.

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