Ecumenists, Eastern Religions, and loss of the Faith

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Ecumenists, Eastern Religions, and loss of the Faith

Post by Maria »

Some ecumenists and even priests in World Orthodoxy, especially the Greek Orthodox, are saying that it is better if a Buddhist becomes a devout Buddhist rather than converting to Orthodox Christianity in order to marry an Orthodox Christian, or that it is better for a Jew to become a devout Jew rather than end up as a lukewarm or apostate Orthodox Christian. Indeed, a person who converts to Orthodoxy should be converting because he or she has found the True Faith, otherwise, that baptism will be a lie and their conversion will not be sincere.

Sadly, these priests have baptized Buddhists and Jews prior to their marriage to Orthodox Christians only to have them return to their vomit after the marriage failed, or worse, persuade their Orthodox spouse to abandon the faith for the sake of their marriage.

Now, these priests are discouraging all potential spouses, including Protestants and Catholics, from converting to Orthodoxy. Instead, Protestants and Catholics are encouraged to become better Protestants and Catholics before marrying in the Orthodox Church. Is there any wonder then that these inter-faith marriages between non-Orthodox and Orthodox Christians are resulting in the spouses and/or children leaving Orthodox Christianity altogether? Many articles are being published in Greek Orthodox periodicals on the increased rates of divorce and of people leaving the Orthodox Church for non-Christian religions due to the increased pressure of their non-Orthodox spouses or their in-laws to come visit their churches.

Father Seraphim Rose warned us against Eastern pagan religions, that these would become the basis for a New World religion under the Anti-Christ. In Roman Catholicism, there was the ecumenist Thomas Merton who wrote and preached about Eastern religions. Francis continues to promote the lie of ecumenism when he says that all religions lead to God. Within World Orthodoxy, I have met many Greek Orthodox priests who have fallen for the ecumenist lie preached by Francis that all religions are good and that these people will go to heaven because our God is a God of Love.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Orthodox in Michigan
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Re: Ecumenists, Eastern Religions, and loss of the Faith

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

This is a good post Maria . I was lulled away when i was younger to this lukewarm almost unwritten rule of political correctness mindset.

It lead be to have doubts about the faith and struggle , its truly is a subtle evil creeping in the churches today.

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