The Antichrist in Hollywood Films & Political Ramifications

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Re: The Antichrist in Hollywood Films & Political Ramifications

Post by Barbara »

What about Tabitha ? I need to read that verse. Already due to the TV show, the name has come to be readily associated with witches.

About the fiancé Caledon, you know that Caledonia is the old Roman name for Scotland ?
So that would fit with princess "die"'s ancestry and who knows what else ? The story of Macbeth of course takes place in Scotland. Macbeth was killed in 1057 by the future King Malcolm III, but there were no real witches around there.
That was "Shakespeare's" invention as was much of the play.
So you think Shakespeare was a front for a Rosicrucian group ? That doesn't sound too far off. Some believe that it was Sir Francis Bacon who was brilliant to write the plays. Supposedly there are ciphers embedded in the plays, but saying what, I don't know : however, that would fit with a Rosicrucian origin.

Skipping over to the shocking information about Princess Diana's apparent affinity for homosexuals, that is AWFUL.
What could this imply ?
Or was it like you say, a script from the Illum. to get homosexuals accepted by better society ? After all, her era was before they took such overt power in Western countries.

About the Greek letters, isn't it "Eta", not "Ita" ? I remember that from my early childhood recitation of the Greek alphabet. I never got farther than that stage with the language. Except for spanokapITA...

So -- upon which tropical island does Diana currently reside, do you think, Cyprian ? You must know for you have studied the hidden messages of the Ill more than anyone else, I am sure. Fiji ?

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Re: The Antichrist in Hollywood Films & Political Ramifications

Post by Cyprian »

Barbara wrote:

What about Tabitha? I need to read that verse.

I was simply pointing out that the TV show title 'Bewitched' was purposefully taken from Acts 8:9, because Nixon was scripted (decades in advance) to resign on 8/9, and that it is not a coincidence that Tabitha is the daughter on the show, and Tabitha is also mentioned in the following chapter of Acts (ch. 9), being raised from the dead. The actress who played the girl Tabitha (Erin Murphy) was born on June 17. June 17 was the hoax Watergate break-in psy-op in 1972. Watergate was not a real break-in, but a government psy-op. Watergate was planned out long before the Illuminati installed Nixon as president. Nixon was groomed for the presidency (like all the others, including the latest liar, Trump), and knew the script called for him to resign. It was the same for Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict was groomed from birth to be pope, and he knew before he ever took office that the script called for him to resign. All these conspiracy theories which suggest that Pope Benedict was forced to resign are lies and disinformation. You ladies need to stop paying attention to these disinformation sites and think independently. None of these disinformation sites that you are addicted to are Orthodox, or even Christian. That is why you get so easily confused. You are listening to liars who are not real Christians filling you with disinformation. I do my own independent research and do not listen to lies emanating from Alex Jones,, "ex-CIA agents," etc.

Pope Benedict was not forced into resigning. It was planned out decades in advance that Benedict would become pope, and then resign. The date of the announcement of his resignation, the day that was chosen for his resignation to take effect, the date of the gathering of the conclave to choose his successor, the election the following day, and even the exact minute that the white smoke was scripted to go up, was all done according to occult numerology, taking into account the phases of the moon. I already explained all of this before.

The College of Cardinals scheduled to hold conclave to elect the successor to Benedict XVI on March 12, because that is the anniversary of the deliberately perpetrated St. Francis Dam failure of March 12, 1928. It failed at 2 1/2 minutes to midnight, and it took several hours for all the water to be discharged out of the dam, so the St. Francis Dam failure carried into the following morning, March 13. That is when Pope Francis was scripted to be elected, the following day, on March 13. The Illuminati arranged for the current pope to be from Argentina, because of the silent film The Temptress (1926), which is about Hollywood publishing foreknowledge of the St. Francis Dam failure. This film The Temptress actually features real footage of the St. Francis Dam (while it was under construction), and the film is about a man who is building a dam in Argentina, and later it is sabotaged and dynamited and the dam fails. Yes, Hollywood released a film showing the St. Francis Dam, in a film where a dam is deliberately destroyed, a year and a half before they destroyed it in reality, in 1928. The film The Temptress was released on October 3, 1926, because October 3 is the anniversary of the death of Francis of Assisi. The death of Francis of Assisi, for the nearly 500 dead from the St. Francis Dam failure.
The St. Francis Dam failure was also shown ahead of time in The Ten Commandments (1923). The remake in 1956 stars Charlton Heston, because his birthday, October 4, is the day Catholics celebrate the feast of Francis of Assisi. Charlton Heston films are all about dam failures for this reason, and he also plays Neil Armstrong in his films, which are also about the faked moon landing, and he also plays President Jimmy Carter in his films.

So the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin, which has been installing popes since before our lifetime, arranged for the conclave and election on March 12 and 13, the anniversary of the St. Francis Dam collapse, the second deadliest in American history, and Bergoglio was instructed by his handlers (this was all decided decades in advance) to take the name Francis, to allude to the dam failure.

Donald Trupp lived and worked on the Teton Dam, which was deliberately made to fail June 5, 1976 (I've written many FB posts about this), and testified that the dam showed no indication of problems the night before its failure.

Do you think it is just a coincidence that the Illuminati installed Donald Trump as president, which is almost identical to Donald Trupp? Do you think I am just pulling your leg? Google "Donald Trupp Teton Dam" and see for yourself.

Do you think it is just a coincidence that the Illuminati arranged for Barack Hussein Obama to have a mother and grandfather both with the name Stanley Dunham? Google Stanley Dunham St. Francis Dam, and read about the construction supervisor of the St. Francis Dam which failed with the same name as Obama's supposed mother and grandfather.

Why do you think the Illuminati chose for the 44th president to have the middle name Hussein? Have you ever heard of the Saddam Dam, named for Saddam Hussein? (Saddam was installed by the Jewish-Masonic Sanhedrin too, and never was an enemy of the Bushes. People need to stop trusting what the lying government and lying media tells them). It is considered the most dangerous dam in the world. It is now named the Mosul Dam.

Mosul Dam could collapse at any minute 'killing 1.5 million people'
Huge Saddam Hussein-era dam near Isis territory is unstable, experts warn, with even a partial breach capable of causing flooding as far away as Baghdad ... 10686.html

Barack Hussein Obama also was scripted to have the name Hussein, for Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, the second president of Egypt, who oversaw the construction of the Aswan Dam which Damien and Harvey destroy in the film Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981).

The fake gymnastics sexual abuse psy-op and Larry Nassar is all about the dam failures. Larry Nassar did not abuse all those gymnasts, just as Bill Cosby did not drug all those women, and O.J. Simpson did not kill Ron and Nicole.

As I have explained before, the Illuminati chooses to orient the perpetration of dam failures in relation to parables about the birth of the Antichrist. When a woman is about to give birth, her water breaks. A female mammal parent is called a "dam". Therefore a dam failure is symbolic of the Whore of Babylon giving birth to the Antichrist.

That is why the Illuminati scheduled the Teton Dam failure in Idaho for June 5, 1976. Actually it reportedly failed at 11:57 AM, to coincide with the St. Francis Dam failure at 11:57 PM. Why June 5, 1976? Because The Omen (1976), about the birth of the Antichrist Damien (i.e. Prince Harry) was released on June 6, 1976 in the UK, which is late in the evening June 5, local time in Idaho. So yes, all afternoon of June 5, 1976, water was rushing out of the Teton Dam, flooding Rexburg, Idaho (That is why Rex Tillerson was scripted to be Trump's Secretary of State, for Rex-burg, Idaho, which was flooded by the Teton Dam failure), and right after her "water broke," you have the birth of Damien on June 6, at 6:00 in Rome.

The faked Son of Sam murders in NY were also shown ahead of time in this film The Omen.

Hurricane Harvey was obviously all about the Antichrist as well. I have written many posts about this, and the next Harvey they have planned for Nashville Tennessee.

Damien is Prince Harry in The Omen films. He is also Forrest Gump, and The Lyin' King (Lion King), i.e, the Antichrist, and his fake marriage to Meghan Markle was planned out decades ago and shown in countless Hollywood films.

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Re: The Antichrist in Hollywood Films & Political Ramifications

Post by Cyprian »

Barbara wrote:

About the fiancé Caledon, you know that Caledonia is the old Roman name for Scotland ? So that would fit with princess "die"'s ancestry and who knows what else ?

Yes, Scotland is known as the "land of darkness," and is where the remaining Templars fled to from France after the arrest of Jacques de Molay. Diana, Princess of Wales/Prince Henry of Wales, and Wales has a prominent red dragon on its flag. As I believe I've mentioned here before, the fake moon landing done in honor of Diana is oriented around Revelation 12, and the devil is referred to as a "great red dragon" in Revelation 12:3. So the flag of Wales features the image of the devil. St. David is the patron of Wales, Christ is spiritually called David and a prince forever (cf. Ezekiel 37:25) and Prince Harry's Hebrew name is David (Prince Henry Charles Albert David), and the so-called "Star of David" is the sign and seal of Antichrist.

The character Caledon in Titanic also likely alludes to the Greek city Calydon and the Calydonian Boar that Artemis (Roman: Diana) sent to ravage the region.

So you think Shakespeare was a front for a Rosicrucian group ? That doesn't sound too far off. Some believe that it was Sir Francis Bacon who was brilliant to write the plays.

I was in fact referring to the Rosicrucian Francis Bacon, and others of the Elizabethan Court. I do not assert that the works of Shakespeare were written by one lone man, Bacon, however, but rather a committee of secret society writers. This continues to this day. Popular books are written by a committee of skilled writers steeped in the occult, and then a front-author is put forward to take credit for the work. Tom Clancy, Stephen King, and John Grisham do not write all the books attributed to them, and neither did "soccer moms" write the Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Twilight series. Popular books like these are all written by the Illuminati. They choose soccer moms as fronts, so parents will be more easily beguiled into thinking these books are harmless.

The secret society created the name Shake-speare to refer to Leviathan (a beast that rises from the sea, i.e. a type of Antichrist, the first beast of Revelation 13) in Job 41:29:

(KJV-1611)  Job 41:29 Darts are counted as stubble: he laugheth at the shaking of a speare.

Skipping over to the shocking information about Princess Diana's apparent affinity for homosexuals, that is AWFUL.
What could this imply?

The implication is that like the virgin goddess Diana of mythology, (and Wonder Woman, who is Princess Diana), Diana is a man-hating lesbian.

Or was it like you say, a script from the Illum. to get homosexuals accepted by better society?

Sure, that is the devil's plan too, to demoralize society.

About the Greek letters, isn't it "Eta", not "Ita" ? I remember that from my early childhood recitation of the Greek alphabet. I never got farther than that stage with the language. Except for spanokapITA...

Yes, you are right, eta is the far more conventional transliteration, although I have also seen ita used, because phonetically it is pronounced ita or eeta. Instead of typing it out, to save time I hastily copied and pasted that from a file I created years ago, which I had entered or copied and pasted as ita. I notice I also put yiota, as well. I could drop the y and just go with the more conventional iota. yiota is used more for the purpose of indicating pronunciation.

So -- upon which tropical island does Diana currently reside, do you think, Cyprian ? You must know for you have studied the hidden messages of the Ill more than anyone else, I am sure. Fiji ?

I could not say for certain, but could only make conjectures. It is not important enough for me to have spent a lot of time dwelling on it. I will say this. First of all, the Titanic disaster was an orchestrated psy-op, revealed in advance in works of literature, for example: The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility (1898)

The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility ... ,_Futility

A couple of years after Leonardo DiCaprio starred in Titanic, he played the main character in a film called The Beach (2000). His romantic interest whom he has an affair with is Françoise played by French actress Virginie Ledoyen. Virginie obviously alludes to Diana, the virgin goddess. Virginie's birthday is 15 November (15/11 or 11/15) which you will notice the digits total 1/7, the 1 July or 7/1 July 1, Diana's birthday. It is not a coincidence that they chose Diana's birthday to be 1 July, i.e. 1/7, and 1/7 (January 7) is the Nativity of Christ (N.S.).

The movie features a treasure map that leads DiCaprio to a hidden paradise island, where a secret society lives unbeknownst to the world. Paradise Island is the origin of Wonder Woman, who is Princess Diana of Themyscira. As I have mentioned before, the Illuminati views Diana, Princess of Wales, to be the "Wonder Woman" of Revelation 12:1. I explained how the occultists at NASA oriented the fake moon landing around Revelation chapter 12. I also have explained how Lady Diana is the Sandy Hooker (Prostitute or Whore of Babylon), born in the Sandringham.

"Sandringham is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as "Sant Dersingham", the sandy part of Dersingham, subsequently shortened to Sandringham."

Sandy Hook was about Diana and Prince Harry, the "Atomic Kid" (among other things) and the Sandy Hook fake school shooting psy-op was on Friday (day dedicated to Aphrodite) December 14, a crescent moon, for the crescent moon goddess Diana. Sandy Hook 12/14 was deliberately associated to Revelation 12:14, and Prince Harry, whose birthday is September 15, meaning his conception 276 days prior (if you count back on the calendar) would be December 14. Christ was in the womb for 276 days, from March 25 to December 25.

Rev 12:14  And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 

As I said, they enemies of Christ oriented the fake lunar landing around Revelation 12, and the two wings of a great eagle refer to the two very large wings of an eagle seen on the Apollo 11 patch, for "the eagle has landed". Apollo, of course, in mythology, is the twin sister of Diana. Luke Skywalker alludes to Apollo, and his twin sister Princess Leia Diana, in the Star Wars franchise. That is why Carrie Frances Fisher plays Princess Leia, because Diana's middle name is also Frances, and Han Solo is Harrison (for Harry-son of Diana) and Harrison Ford is also Henry "Indiana" Jones, because Prince Henry was in Diana of Wales (Jones is the most popular surname in Wales). Both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films are about the faked death of Diana.

The Beach (film)

Fiji? That is not remote enough one would imagine, and is a popular tourist place. I was thinking more along the lines of something like the French Austral Islands, some of the most remote islands on earth. They are thousands of kilometers from land, and the severe weather conditions of the Southern Ocean make for very rough seas, so special ships are needed to navigate there.

Marion Dufresne II

French Southern and Antarctic Lands ... ctic_Lands

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Re: The Antichrist in Hollywood Films & Political Ramifications

Post by Barbara »

This is GREAT< Cyprian ! Thanks so much for answering. I will return to read your thoughtful writing carefully - it's too late right now.

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