Alexei II homage paid to by Rocor-MP bishop

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Alexei II homage paid to by Rocor-MP bishop

Post by Barbara »

On a trip to the Moscow area end of February-early March 2018, Rocor-MP Bishop Nikolai of Manhattan [ a position often leading to the Metropolitan position in the past ], performed a pannikhida at the - cough, cough - tomb of Alexei II, the previous MP patriarch of Russia. This is truly a terrible development. Even if prodded by overbearing MP personnel, still this bodes badly that Rocor has had to sink to this level of near-veneration for this frightening figure, better known as KGB agent Drozdov.

Looking back at pictures of Alexei II, one gets a cold feeling down one's spine, as if he were a robotic servant with no heart or soul.

A little known event occurred in April 2007. News spread that Alexei had died suddenly of poison. Surely that would have put the brakes on the union with Rocor coming up right around the corner. It was quickly proclaimed by the MP to be a hoax - interestingly, with the goal of stopping the union. That tells us how intent the MP [ and KGB, no doubt ] were on seeing the union with Rocor accomplished that they ascribed this rumor immediately to a provocateur from the Rocor side.

Today, the smug MP overlords of Rocor would never harbor such a fear, as Rocor is largely tamed. Evidence shows in the illustrations for the report of the Bishop's visit.

Out of 7 photos of an entire trip through a few interesting monasteries -- like the Vysoko-Petrovsky where St Gabriel of the Seven Lakes Monastery [ Kazan region ] served as a newly tonsured monk after having been a novice at Optina -- a shocking 3 are of various angles of The Ogre's tomb, which - ominously - is fancier than those of some genuine Saints !

[ In fact all the photos look to be from the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, the previous seat of the MP patriarchate. I didn't identify even one of the tomb of St Alexei Metropolitan of Moscow, which I think was on the right in the front of the Cathedral. This worship of a worldly man over a true Saint and Miracle Worker is so typical of Sergianism.
Of course, met. Sergius Stragorodsky is buried in this same church, on the left side partway up as I dimly recall. Probably that has been lavishly built up into a major shrine as well. ]


The different views must be intended to convey respect for Alexei II, or else compliance with Rocor's new masters' request. However, they make the objective viewer appalled to see such a veritable shrine built for an absolutely mediocre hierarch : the very best which could be said for this shadowy figure. Guess he must have been a top asset for the secret services.

PS - EP head Bartholomew was also "invited" to pray at this tomb some years ago. Photographs of the Greek patriarch piously perched at one of end of the tomb were splashed on the MP website Somehow this reminds one faintly of the Soviet days when foreign visitors were obligated [ read : forced ] to visit the tomb of The Unmentionable Evil Thing near the Kremlin Wall or risk the wrath of their Communist hosts.

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Alexei II homage paid to by Rocor-MP bishop

Post by Barbara »

Picture of a young Bishop Alexei looking to me like a Soviet apparatchik wearing a cassock.
. . .


Last edited by Maria on Mon 23 April 2018 1:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Removed final sentence. Barbara, please do not make unnecessary comments.
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