Name-Glorifying's Encroachment into Russian Orthodoxy

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Re: Name-Glorifying's Encroachment into Russian Orthodoxy

Post by Maria »

Again, this erroneous teaching called Name-Glorification (aka Name-Worshiping) is a form of Protestantism born from within Roman Catholicism and known as devotion to the Holy Name through the Holy Name Society. Protestant Pentecostals and Catholic Charismatics refer to this body of teachings as THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME, from which the NAME IT AND CLAIM IT theologies have developed.

Sometime before the establishment of the Holy Name Society, but after the Great Schism of 1054, Catholics also began to teach the idea of "Spiritual Communion" where one could simply ask Christ to commune them without receiving the Holy Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion, and without the need of priests. This was during the time when Catholics would rarely approach communion. Interestingly, this idea of Spiritual Communion without the need of priests and/or bishops has also taken root within those who teach Name-Worshiping. It facilitates Home-Alone Christianity.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Name-Glorifying's Encroachment into Russian Orthodoxy

Post by Maria »

Someone asked me if praying the Jesus Prayer:

  • O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

is part of Name-Worshiping or Name-Glorification.

Certainly, this prayer, which has been prayed by early Christians from biblical times, is good for one's salvation. When prayed properly, the focus is on Jesus as the Son of God. It begs for His mercy and humbly acknowledges one's sinful condition. However, it is always best to seek the advice of one's spiritual father because praying this prayer incorrectly can lead to prelest (pride), with the dangerous thinking that one is superior to one's spiritual father, and then in that state of demonic pride, one can easily fall into heresy and/or schism.

The problem lies not with praying the Jesus prayer, but with focusing on the Name as in "There is Power in that Name." Worse is the Protestant/Catholic Charismatic push to Name it and Claim it. "In the Name of Jesus, I declare you healed of arthritis [or whatever else ails you]." or "Oh, there is Power in the Holy Name of Jesus, if you would only believe." This puts the guilt of not being healed on the person asking for prayers, so she will say publicly, 'I am being healed, and I am healed. Thank you Jesus." However, as often happens, if she walks away unhealed, then she might feel so embarrassed and guilty for her own lack of faith that she might not step again into that church. What a way to put a guilt trip on someone and turn them against the Lord Jesus!

These people seeking healing are not cautioned that sometimes the Lord sends people crosses in the form of an illness, and that illness, if they accept it will lead to their salvation.

I remember the father of a priest who was dying of ALS. The dad asked his priest-son to pray for healing, and the priest did, often anointing his father, but his dad did not improve. Finally, in the end stages of this disease when his dad was struggling to breathe, he asked his priest-son not to pray for his physical healing but to pray for his spiritual healing and salvation instead. He confessed to his son that this illness had brought him back into the Orthodox Church, and shortly after saying this, he reposed in Lord with no more pain, no more suffering, but joy in the Risen Lord. As I recall, he died during Bright Week, the week which immediately follows the Great Pascha of the Lord.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him.

So, I urge you to pray the Jesus Prayer with simplicity of heart, trusting in the Lord that He will save you.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Name-Glorifying's Encroachment into Russian Orthodoxy

Post by Extranjero »

So, I urge you to pray the Jesus Prayer with simplicity of heart, trusting in the Lord that He will save you.

Good post and conclusion Maria, thanks.

For me the best way to avoid the temptation of to use the Holy Name as a magic tool, is remember that pray more than "make something" is "to call Someone"

I am a beginer in the Jesus prayer practice. But at least I know it is not a technic of self improvment or healing like if were one of the "new age" teachings.

For the moment I can't ask for guide to the only Orthodox father I know here, so I'll keep practicing the Jesus Prayer triying to learn from the prayer it self, and reading some books (I have some, for example The Jesus Prayer by a Monk of the Eastern Church -Lev Gillet-).

But if there is a section here or a thread about Jesus prayer, please tell me. Although pray is a personal thing, interchange of experiences, tips and warnings is always good.

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