ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

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ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

Here is the main website of Metropolitan Anthony, who had St. John of San Francisco as his friend and spiritual Father. He served under Metropolitan Vitaly until his death in 2006, whereupon ROCIE split unto two Synods: ROCIE-V under Metropolitan Vladimir (who was born in 1966 but who was ordained in 2001), and ROCIE-A under Metropolitan Anthony (who was born i 1932, but who was ordained in 2002).

Here is the latest sermon of Met. Anthony, which was delivered on Palm Sunday, April 2017.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

Who is Met. Anthony (Orlov)?

Here is a copy of his most recent sermon given on Palm Sunday, 2017 in Russian as posted on youtube:

Митрополит Антоний (Орлов), первоиерарх Российской Православной Церкви, в своей проповеди в Вербное воскресение (Великий пост 2017г. от Р.Х.), сказал:

... Видевши чудеса, которые Он сотворил, и детей, восклицающих: "Осанна Сыну Давидову", вознегдовали и сказали ему: "Слышишь ли, что они говорят?" - Иисус же говорит им: "Разве вы никогда не читали в Священном Писании Ветхого Завета - из уст младенец и грудных детей Ты устроил хвалу?"..
Вот и сегодня, во дни крушения Зарубежной Церкви, Святая Православная Церковь остается, как непоколебимая сила. На нас направлена вся злоба врагов. Но к Ней стремится - к нашей Церкви, единственной, Которая осталась на этом свете - тот, кто в Ней ищет спасения. В других "церквах" спасения нет. И Ей возглашает "осанна", Православная Церковь гонима, Ей объявлен смертный приговор...
Итак, мы не можем кляться антихристу - советской церкви, и повиноваться слугам его, вовсе не потому, что они составляют определенную политическую партию, а потому, что они враги Христовы! Какое же может быть согласие между Христом и диаволом? (2 Кор. 6, 15).
Да укрепит нас Господь!.. Ему одному взывать мы будем: "осанна", то есть у Него искать спасения, а не ждать милости от слуг сатаны, преклоняя пред ними свою освященную голову. Аминь.

Google Translate gave this translation:

Metropolitan Anthony (Orlov), First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, in his sermon on the Palm Sunday (Great Post of 2017 AD), said:

... Seeing the miracles that He created, and the children crying, "Hosanna to the Son of David," were exasperated and told him: "Do you hear what they are saying?" - Jesus said to them: "Have you never read in the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament - from the mouth of an infant and infants, did you give praise?"
Today, in the days of the collapse of the Church Abroad, the Holy Orthodox Church remains as an unshakable force. All the malice of the enemies is directed at us. But to Her aspires - to our Church, the only One that has remained in this world is the one who is looking for salvation in Her. In other "churches" there is no salvation. And she is proclaimed "hosanna", the Orthodox Church is persecuted, she is condemned to death ...
So, we can not swear to the anti-christ - the Soviet church, and obey his servants, not because they constitute a certain political party, but because they are the enemies of Christ! What is the agreement between Christ and the devil? (2 Corinthians 6, 15).
May the Lord strengthen us! .. To Him alone will we cry: "Hosanna", that is, He has to seek salvation, and not wait for mercy from the servants of Satan, bowing his consecrated head before them. Amen.

Here are some youtube comments in Russian from his followers (translated by Google Translate)


БОЖИЙ угодничек.Русский.С четырёх лет и всю жизнь присуживал в Алтаре Истиной Православной Церкви Зарубёжом.Прислуживал святому Иоанну Шанхайскому..Святой Иоанн Шанхайский был его другом.Святой жизни,архиепископ Антоний Сенкевич,был его духовным Отцом.Митрополит Антоний (Орлов) является, в данное время, единственным русским истиным епископом.

,,, His whole life he planted in the Altar Truth of the Orthodox Church ... St. John of Shanghai was his friend. The holy life, Archbishop Anthony Sienkiewicz, was his spiritual Father. Metropolitan Anthony (Orlov) is at this time, the only Russian true bishop.


настоящий антикомунист и православный,храни его господь

A true anti-communist and orthodox, God bless him


Разве бы запретили бы не истиному Божьему угоднику въезд в Россию и на Афон???? Люди добрые! Подумайте об этом.Весь Афон сегодня переполнен не только экуменистами,а и извращенцами.А нашему первоиерарху запрещено.Вот как правду Божию ненавидят враги России и православия.А сатана праведных боится и трепещет.А те,кто запрещает говорить слово Божие на Руси и на Афоне, являютсяслужками сатаны.

Would not they forbid the true God's servant to enter Russia and Mount Athos ???? Kind people! Think about it. All Athos today is filled not only with ecumenists, but with perverts. And our first hierarch is forbidden. This is how the truth of God is hated by the enemies of Russia and Orthodoxy. And Satan of the righteous is afraid and trembling. And those who forbid speaking the word of God in Russia and on Athos, are the services of Satan.


чувствуешь какая мощь в его словах казалось бы обычных,но как хочется окормляться у таких старцев..

You feel the power in his words seemingly ordinary, but how you want to be nurtured by such elders.


находится за пределами России. У него множество общин, разбросанных по США и Европе, сотни людей, жаждущих окормления. Он постоянно служит, все время в дороге. Но сердцем и всеми помыслами он всегда остается с нами, с Русским народом и с многострадальной нашей Россией. Он любит приезжать к нам, готов часами общаться с людьми, помогать по мере сил, НО - вот уже года 3-4 лишен этой возможности властями РФ - не дают визу, без объяснения причин... 

Save the Lord for support. Yes, our First Hierarch is outside of Russia. He has many communities scattered throughout the US and Europe, hundreds of people who are hungry for their care. He always serves, all the time on the road. But with his heart and all his thoughts he always remains with us, with the Russian people and with our long-suffering Russia. He likes to come to us, he is ready to communicate with people for hours, to help as much as possible, but - for 3-4 years this power has been deprived of this possibility by the Russian authorities - do not give a visa, without explaining the reasons ...

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

Here is Metropolitan Anthony's sermon from 2016 as posted by his youtube channel

Уважаемые братья и сестры!
Предлагаем вашему вниманию проповедь первоиерарха Российской Православной Церкви, Митрополита Антония (Орлова), сказанную 21.08.2016г. от Р.Х.:
«… Господь всегда видит наши бедствия и каждую минуту готов прийти к нам на помощь. …
Св. Апостол Павел говорит: «непрестанно молитесь» (1 Сол.5,17). Постоянно поддерживайте у себя огонек веры, чтобы нерушимо хранить связь с Богом, без Которого мы «ничего не можем делать» (Ин. 15, 5). … Все делайте во славу Божию (1 Кор. 10, 31). Настраивайте себя так, чтобы вам всегда быть в лучах Божией милости, и тогда ничто и ни при каких обстоятельствах нам не будет страшно, т.к. и сегодня Господь, как и во время оно, вещает нам: «Не бойтесь, Я с вами. Не страшитесь ничего». И сегодня Он готов нам руку помощи подать, и сегодня Он также силен всякую буру утишить, лишь бы только не сомневались! Аминь


And the Google Translation:
Dear brothers and sisters!
We bring to your attention the sermon of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Anthony (Orlov), spoken on August 21, 2016. FROM:
"... The Lord always sees our calamities and is ready to come to our aid every minute. ...
The Holy Apostle Paul says: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Sol.5: 17). Constantly support the flame of faith in yourself, so as to keep intact the connection with God, without whom we "can not do anything" (John 15, 5). ... Do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10, 31). Customize yourself so that you always be in the rays of God's mercy, and then nothing and under no circumstances we will not be scared, because. And today the Lord, as in the time of it, is telling us: "Do not be afraid, I am with you. Do not be afraid of anything. " And today He is ready to give us a helping hand to give, and today He is also strong enough to ease all the storms, just so long as they do not doubt! Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

There is this dated information from the archives of E Cafe: ... =98#p36737

11/24 July 2006

To all the faithful archpastors, pastors and laymen of ROCOR

We hereby inform you that the recent turmoil in our Church has
culminated in an unprecendented act by Abp Anthony Orloff.

By his own Ukaze of July 10/23, 2006, he dared place himself in the
position of the head of administration of ROCOR because of the
alleged incapacity of the First Hierarch. He also deemed it his
right to make this kind of statement without a conciliar (soborny)
resolution of the Church, thinking he could do it "by the power
granted me of God".

I call upon all the faithful children of ROCOR to denounce the
mutinous deed by Abp Anthony, as well as all the subsequent ukazes
that may eventually be issued by him, as foreign to the Church of

Shortly, a proper conciliar resolution will be taken in regard of
the schismatic archbishop and his accomplices.

M. Vitaly,
First Hierarch of ROCOR

Not too long after this was written, His Grace Metropolitan Vitaly died on 25th of September, 2006.

Perhaps Met. Anthony has repented of this schism back in 2006. His recent sermons sound sincere.
There is so much confusion.
Lord have mercy on us and save us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Justice »

By the looks of there sermons I would also say that ROCIE-Anthony has repented. Though It doesnt look like they’ve officially announced it.

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Justice »

Has Met. Anthony shown any interest in dialogue with other TOC groups?

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Re: ROCIE - Anthony: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Suffering Orthodoxy »


I am also interested to learn of any developments on the ROCIE reaching out to other TOC synods. I am assuming they are not in communion with anyone.

How many parishes are in the US?

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