Please Pray As California Rains Threaten at Least 10 dams

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Please Pray As California Rains Threaten at Least 10 dams

Post by Maria »

Here in California, the infrastructure has been horribly neglected as bureaucrat after bureaucrat have stolen tax monies meant for dam and road repairs, and then they have headed south to Mexico.

Right now at least 10 dams in Northern and Southern California have reached maximum levels, so the water spillways are trying to lower the levels. As a result, many towns and agricultural areas are flooded with mass evacuations and several deaths. If these dams break, millions will be at risk.

This is urgent. Please in your charity, pray for us who live in California.

I may be offline at times this coming week due to rain in my phone lines. Our DSL is connected to our phone line.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Please Pray As California Rains Threaten at Least 10 dams

Post by Barbara »

10 dams at risk ?? TERRIBLE ! I thought the threat was over with the Oroville dam and that was the major looming disaster.
Once the evacuation order was rescinded, I figured everything must be OK and stopped paying attention.

Thank you for alerting us, Maria ! This is a terrifying prospect of even a couple of them failing.

I know another rainstorm was poised to come through your area yesterday. Not sure whether that is over by now or there are more storms on the way continuing this week, it sounds like from what you say.

PS - So that's what the officials did ? Pocket the money slotted for repairs and flee across the southern border ? Maybe there should be a air-wall to keep them from flying out the country with taxpayers' money !

It really is a serious problem across the country, though, of old infrastructure not being kept up. After 50 or 80 years, maintenance needs to be done. There is too much of a 'live for today, who cares about tomorrow' mentality inculcated by the media -- and this is one of the results.

Please keep us updated as you are able.

Maybe the Desert Fathers, who lived surrounded by miles of dryness, would be the ones from whom to ask help to prevent inundation ?

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