Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

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Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by tradbulwark »

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by Maria »

Normally, tradbulwark, in an Internet exchange of ideas and opinions, it is best when posting a link to make a comment concerning that link.

I did read the sermon you linked, "Do you ‘knock on wood’ after saying something positive about yourself?" When I was in a Dominican Roman Catholic convent, we would kiss our scapular (a blessed piece of white garment representing the Protection of the Theotokos) whenever we had said or done something inadvertently like mispronouncing a word when reciting the Divine Office or singing off key during the Divine Liturgy. If something had frightened us or shocked us, then we would make the Sign of the Cross. Knocking on wood was done when we inadvertently were boasting and saying something like, "I have never been in an automobile accident."

But why ‘knock on wood’? In the days when Christianity with all its blessed traditions was an integral part of people’s everyday lives, faithful Christians would make the sign of the cross when any unnecessary and undesirable words were spoken. I recall that my mother would always ‘cross herself’ when she said something of this sort or inadvertently judged someone. Now we live the days in which, under the guise of ‘political correctness’ a subtle campaign is being waged against Древа Крестнаго, Древа Жизни – the Tree of the Cross, the Tree of Life. Forgetting the words of Apostle Paul: “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” (ICor.1:18), Christians have relented to merely touching- tapping upon something made of wood because the Cross on which our Lord was crucified was made of wood.

If one watches some older movies made before the 1960s, then one will see Christians "knocking on wood" or making the Sign of the Cross. In older movies dealing with the demonic or witchcraft, even today, we will see an older person, especially a yiayia, making the Sign of the Cross, when referring to a person who is apparently possessed or obsessed by the demonic. It becomes a prayer, a forewarning, and alerts the audience that something spooky is about to happen.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by Maria » ... 010_EN.htm

But why ‘knock on wood’? In the days when Christianity with all its blessed traditions was an integral part of people’s everyday lives, faithful Christians would make the sign of the cross when any unnecessary and undesirable words were spoken. I recall that my mother would always ‘cross herself’ when she said something of this sort or inadvertently judged someone. Now we live the days in which, under the guise of ‘political correctness’ a subtle campaign is being waged against Древа Крестнаго, Древа Жизни – the Tree of the Cross, the Tree of Life. Forgetting the words of Apostle Paul: “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” (ICor.1:18), Christians have relented to merely touching- tapping upon something made of wood because the Cross on which our Lord was crucified was made of wood.

A good point is made in this sermon about the modern practice of making the Sign of the Cross or Knocking on wood. These acts of piety are rarely done in public today due to the "political correctness" that abounds today.

What customs do Orthodox Christians have whenever they make a mistake in Church like singing off key or mispronouncing certain words or dropping a book, or another inadvertent disturbance like a funny sounding sneeze. Is there a way to show sorrow and apologize without verbalizing it and drawing further attention to oneself?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by tradbulwark »

Sorry Maria.

...In our daily prayers we beseech God to deliver us from the evil one. “Be sober, be vigilant;” warns us Apostle Peter, “because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter, 5:8) He lurks about, seeking an opportunity to ruin our day, ruin our life, destroy our faith, joy, and the blessings given to us by our Lord. For this reason, when we enjoy the blessings of our Lord, whether health related, family related, work related, or whatever, do not brag.
This brings us to the custom of “knocking on wood.” Why does a person who says: “I never spent a day in the hospital” immediately ‘knock on wood’? Out of fear that the devil, upon hearing this, will take action against him, and he will “end up hospitalized the next day.”... It is for this reason that I would not call this ‘custom’ a superstition. If anything, it is a lame substitute for the power of the Cross – as if the hollow echo of a knock on a wooden surface is reminder enough to the devil of the ‘wood of the cross’. I sincerely doubt that tapping or scratching wood will make him flee and forget any plans he may be making against us. The interesting thing is: People are so fearful of Satan that even those who do not believe in God, or the devil – for that matter, will ‘knock on wood’. May we, the faithful, in contrast with these wood-knocking friends, consciously and deliberately remember and invoke the full power of the Cross as Holy Tradition teaches us to do. ... 010_EN.htm

I added this because I thought it might be helpful to those that may be inclined to fear about how bad "society"/"pop culture" has become. Do not be afraid, the Devil fears the cross and fears Jesus.

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by Barbara »

I must have missed this thread, but have read the sermon at the Rocor-Trenton website.
Well done essay by Bishop Stefan : thought provoking about why one says that expression. I used to say that myself when young.

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by Maria »

tradbulwark wrote:

Sorry Maria.

...In our daily prayers we beseech God to deliver us from the evil one. “Be sober, be vigilant;” warns us Apostle Peter, “because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter, 5:8) He lurks about, seeking an opportunity to ruin our day, ruin our life, destroy our faith, joy, and the blessings given to us by our Lord. For this reason, when we enjoy the blessings of our Lord, whether health related, family related, work related, or whatever, do not brag.
This brings us to the custom of “knocking on wood.” Why does a person who says: “I never spent a day in the hospital” immediately ‘knock on wood’? Out of fear that the devil, upon hearing this, will take action against him, and he will “end up hospitalized the next day.”... It is for this reason that I would not call this ‘custom’ a superstition. If anything, it is a lame substitute for the power of the Cross – as if the hollow echo of a knock on a wooden surface is reminder enough to the devil of the ‘wood of the cross’. I sincerely doubt that tapping or scratching wood will make him flee and forget any plans he may be making against us. The interesting thing is: People are so fearful of Satan that even those who do not believe in God, or the devil – for that matter, will ‘knock on wood’. May we, the faithful, in contrast with these wood-knocking friends, consciously and deliberately remember and invoke the full power of the Cross as Holy Tradition teaches us to do. ... 010_EN.htm

I added this because I thought it might be helpful to those that may be inclined to fear about how bad "society"/"pop culture" has become. Do not be afraid, the Devil fears the cross and fears Jesus.

Indeed, knocking on wood is the first step in divorcing ourselves from the Sign of the Cross.

Little by little, politically correct society habits replace true devout pious customs and traditions.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Knocking on Wood & Making the Sign of the Cross

Post by joasia »

I have actually experienced that result on many occasions. I would say I never did this or this never happened to me and lo and behold, it would happen. But, I didn't react by knocking on wood or crossing myself. I just learnt not to say it. When I wanted to say something, I remembered my lesson and I held my tongue. Then it occurred to me that when I had spoken that way, it was out of pride. I felt proud that I could say I never did that or that never happened to me and then God showed me that it can. Because what it comes down to is that it's God that allows what happens to us. So, that pride was like saying that I am in control, but I'm not. It's God. After that I shut up. It's part of God's lessons of humility in our lives. He does so much to bring us to Him.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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