World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshiping Heresy

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World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshiping Heresy

Post by Maria »

This blog by an OCA priest, quotes from Archimandrite Sophrony’s book On Prayer: ... -of-jesus/

  • The Name Jesus as knowledge, as ‘energy’ of God in relation to the world and as His proper Name, is ontologically bound up with Him. It is spiritual reality. Its sound can merge with its reality but not necessarily so. As a name it was given to many mortal men but when we pray we utter it with another content, another ‘frame’ of spirit. For us it is the bridge between us and Him. It is the canal along which the streams of divine strength flow to us. As proceeding from the Holy God it is holy and it hallows us by its invocation. With this Name and through it prayer acquires a certain tangibleness: it unites us with God. In it, this Name, God is present like a scent-flask full of fragrance. Through it, the Celestial One can be sensed imminently. As divine energy it proceeds from the Substance of Divinity and is divine itself.

Reference: Archimandrite Sophrony, On Prayer (Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1998), p. 133.

This teaching is typical of Name-Worshippers. Perhaps Archimandrite Sophrony did not realize he was teaching Name-Worshipping. However, he was highly educated and was mentored under St. Silouan, a Russian Athonite Monk. There is talk by those in World Orthodoxy of canonizing Archimandrite Sophrony. Lord have mercy.

Note that in the comments, not one person made a comment that this teaching of Archimandrite Sophrony is suspect.

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Re: World Orthodoxy and Name-Worshipping

Post by Maria »

Here is another blog that subtly endorses Name-Worshipping. Father P. Carras is correct when he says that clerics in the OCA are preaching the Name-Worshipping heresy as Arch. Sophrony's books have been published by St. Vladimir Press associated with the OCA St. Vladimir Seminary in Crestwood, NY.

Note this particular blog listed below is apparently produced by members of the Roman Catholic Church who quote from books produced by St. Vladimir Seminary Press.

por Manuel Sumares, Professor Associado da Faculdade de Filosofia, UCP – Braga.

The name of Jesus thus magnifies the I AM for, as itself energy of God, “Jesus” communicates the power and wisdom of God, who is entirely self-giving.

Read the entire article in English at: ... ge292.html

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Re: World Orthodoxy and Name-Worshiping

Post by Maria »

Here is a professional website that is pro Name-Worshiping ... f-god.html

And in opposition, here is a blog that exposes the truth about Name-Worshiping. Many of the contributors are from the GOC-K.

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Re: World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshipping Heresy

Post by Maria »

As I research this topic, I am astounded by the fact that Name Worshipping has now infected almost all the World Orthodox Churches. So far it has been found in some parishes of the ROCOR, the OCA, and the Greek Orthodox Church of North America.

In this particular blog, a deacon in the Greek Orthodox Church (GOARCH), promotes Name Worshipping.

  • In the Old Testament there is a close connection between someone's soul and his name. Knowing one's names indicates a certain control over Him. A change in name reflects a change in a person's life. Like Saul became Paul or a person who is ordained as a priest or monk receives a new name. In the Hebrew tradition, to do a thing in the name of another person, or to call upon his name are acts of potency. It makes them effectively present.

    In the New Testament devils are cast out and people are healed in the Name of Jesus. When the disciples were sent out to heal and bring peace to the world they returned with joy saying, "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name." (Luke 10:17) And in another time they said "...we say one casting out devils in thy name." (Luke 9:49)
    God's name is linked with His Person and invoking His name has a sacramental character. Repeating it serves as a sign of His presence and action.

Later on, this deacon quotes Arch. Sophrony. ... rayer.html

Information on how to live the Orthodox way of life from the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Greenville, South Carolina. Maintained by Deacon Charles Joiner.

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Re: World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshipping Heresy

Post by Priest Antonios »

Maria wrote:

As I research this topic, I am astounded by the fact that Name Worshipping has now infected almost all the World Orthodox Churches.

Thank you for all your hard work digging into this. I was not aware of it's influence in world Orthodoxy, not that it should surprise me.


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Re: World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshipping Heresy

Post by Lydia »

Yes, I agree. Well done, Maria!
"The Wonderful Name" website refers to several biblical quotes. In my KJV, I can't find the verses from the psalms. Are they numbering them differently?
The ones I can find, the "name" is never capitalized. However, in their quotations it is.

In the HTM Psalter, published in 1974, Psalm 30: "for Thy name's sake..."
In my Russian language bible, published in 1964, the "name's" is also NOT capitalized.

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Re: World Orthodoxy and the Name-Worshipping Heresy

Post by Maria »

Lydia wrote:

Yes, I agree. Well done, Maria!
"The Wonderful Name" website refers to several biblical quotes. In my KJV, I can't find the verses from the psalms. Are they numbering them differently?
The ones I can find, the "name" is never capitalized. However, in their quotations it is.

In the HTM Psalter, published in 1974, Psalm 30: "for Thy name's sake..."
In my Russian language bible, published in 1964, the "name's" is also NOT capitalized.

Subtle and sneaky, just like a serpent.

Dear Lydia,

For the Psalms, the KJV and the NKJV and other Protestant Bibles and Psalters use the Hebrew numbering, which differs from that of the Greek Septuagint used by HTM and other Orthodox Psalters. Therefore, Psalm 29 (Greek Septuagint or LXX) is Psalm 30 (Hebrew Text).

The 1974 HTM Psalter did not capitalize the Lord's name, but the newer editions do.

  • Psalm 148
    12: Young men and virgins, elders with the younger:
    let them praise the Name of the Lord,
    for exalted is the Name of Him alone.
    13: His praise is above the earth and heaven,
    and He shall exalt the horn of His people.
    14:This is the hymn for all His saints, for the sons of Israel,
    and for the people that draw nigh unto Him.

Reference: The Psalter According to the Seventy, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA 1974, 5th printing 2008, p. 236. Boldness is mine and has been added for emphasis.

  • Psalm 148
    12: Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:
    13: Let them praise the name of the Lord,
    for his name alone is excellent;
    his glory is above the earth and heaven.
    14: He also exalteth the horn of his people, he praise of all his saints;
    even of the children of Israel, a people near to him. Praise ye the Lord.

Reference: Holy Bible (KJV), Thomas Nelson Inc., Nashville, TN, 1977, p. 384.

A great book on Name-Worshipping is Vladimir Moss' On the Name of God, published in 2007. Apparently, the Name-Worshipping cult began to spread in Russia in 2000. Moss' very scholarly book can be downloaded for free at: ... OF_GOD.pdf

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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