Modest Clothing in Church

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Modest Clothing in Church

Post by Maria »

We in the True Orthodox Church take it for granted that men and women should be dressed modestly. However, some newcomers like to wear clothes that are fashionable, and they resent being told how to dress in church. They still must learn to give up their own will. This takes time and is part of the process of purification, illumination, and theosis.

Even within True Orthodoxy, there are those who have not truly embraced Christ, but remain cultural-Greeks or cultural-Russians. Therefore, could not some of the "faithful" begin to think that if Mrs. George wears a fabulous brightly colored skimpy dress that it must be somehow approved by the priest. What would happen if a second or a third woman started to buy and wear glamorous low cut dresses? Could a cascading effect or domino effect happen? Sure. Sundays could become a fashion statement. That is what has happened in many Greek Orthodox Churches in World Orthodoxy.

Because of these horrible immodest fashions, it is important for True Orthodox Churches to have a notice posted in the Narthex or on the church door with deportment and clothing requirements. In addition, it is important to have wrap around skirts and headscarves available in the Narthex to lessen the embarrassment of those who have just come from the beach and who would like to visit the church as any reasonable person would quickly know that they are out of place. Who would go to a wedding in a t-shirt and shorts? If so, who would repeat that mistake? Few. Thus, it is not be necessary to embarrass a person by taking them aside and telling them that they are immodestly dressed.

Will catechumens and inquirers learn modesty by simply observing how the Orthodox Christians dress? Elder Porphyrios seemed to think so. However, if a church were to be filled with catechumens and inquirers, who are in various stages of undress, then a visitor might get the wrong impression, and they might not learn modesty. Anyone who has visited a World Orthodoxy church recently, especially the OCA and Greek Orthodox Church, could attest that the fashions have gone amuck with sleeveless dresses, mini skirts and mini shorts, tights worn with with short revealing blouses, plunging V necks, and even Madonna-type expensive lacy underwear being worn in church. Only on the other hand, if the faithful were in the majority and if the faithful were to be modestly dressed, then catechumens, inquirers, and visitors can learn to dress modestly.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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