Please say a prayer for my country

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Seraphim Reeves
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Please say a prayer for my country

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

As some of you know, I'm a Canadian. As such, I ask you all, to please pray for Canada at this crucial time. It seems pretty clear there are plenty of legislators in this country who want to turn Ottawa into "New Amsterdam", with delusions that we'll out-do cold water Europe as far as "liberality" is concerened.

As it stands, the courts in Ontario (my home province) and British Columbia have essentially "legalized" so called "same sex marriage" in these provinces. Our federal government (parliamentry government, now controlled by the "Liberal Party"), in particular in the person of our shameless prime minister is pushing to enact a federal law sanctioning homo "marriages." It's very sad, and there's a very good chance it will happen. At the very least, it's very unlikely that the federal government (even if the "same sex marriage" measure doesn't go through) will never do anything to over rule the ruling of the courts in Ontario and B.C. (which it can do by invoking the "no withstanding clause" privilege they have, which can basically annul these type of court rulings).


Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

I use to pray for various countries, but sadly I've not done this for a while. I will make a new beginning today though, starting with our friends to the North. /\

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Sorry to hear about all the awful looting up there in Ottawa too. I just posted about it in my blog last night. I also posted an article there about how lots of people have also dies in France due to a heat wave.

I will pray for you, for Canada and for France as well as Russian and these United States of America.

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Seraphim Reeves
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Massive power outage

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

As many of you probably know, a big chunk of the north eastern U.S., as well as most of Ontario went through a blackout that stretched through yesterday and into this morning, with some areas possibly still in the dark. A prayer for people still in the dark (particularly the very young, the very old, and the infirm) in all of the regions still without power would be a good idea.

It was only for about 24 hours, but it was amazing to see how dependent we are on electricity. I hate to say this, but I can only imagine what would happen if some fiend actually took out a major power facility, or somehow traumatized the power grid (a situation which would not be remedied in days, but possibly in weeks or months) - sadly, those are the times we're living in, and I dread the thought of such a situation. Prayer for our leaders, and the peace of the world is certainly in order.


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