Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

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Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by Maria »

For the fire victims of New York

For those who have lost their lives

For those who have flooded homes

Lord have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by Maria »

Any word on the True Orthodox who live in the path of Sandy?

Are their homes and churches safe?

Lord have mercy. Most Holy Theotokos save us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by jgress »

I had to move out temporarily since our neighborhood is without power indefinitely. I've tried to get in touch with someone in New York, but I haven't heard back.

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Re: Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by Maria »

jgress wrote:

I had to move out temporarily since our neighborhood is without power indefinitely. I've tried to get in touch with someone in New York, but I haven't heard back.

Thanks, Jonathan.
Please keep us updated.

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by Barbara »

Ooh that's terrible to have to move completely away on short notice
and then have to set up somewhere else.
What a disruption.

Myself, I am avoiding reading or viewing anything about this storm,
because it is too overwhelming.

What I think, though, is that at times like this, True Orthodox groups
must have better organisation. Where there would be someone
even from here, Euphrosynos Cafe, calling parishes to check on
how they have pulled through.

You know, even if in misery, just the fact that people from other parts
of this country are concerned about their fate and safety CAN BE

I don't believe this is ALl that will be happening, either. It could
be a dress rehearsal for far greater catastrophes due to God's justified anger
with the direction the bulk of the people here have taken : walking into the
Devil's lap, and not minding at all !

So I think we have to prepare for other things like that happening where God chooses.

If there could be some nice people who could call around and check for any thing that
can be done to help out or minimally, offer encouragement and prayers,
it would salve some wounds I am sure.

True Orthodox are usually struggling anyway.

So they can ill afford to be in worse straits !

People can lose their valuable Faith in God, even, when no human shows concern for their

People today are cold enough anyway that they rarely identity with any pain of others.

Problems like this present a chance to make up for this widespread lack of caring in America today.

The youth are some of the worst, total narcissists. So this storm surely is a lesson for many
about the power of God.

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Re: Prayers for the victims of Sandy the Hurricane

Post by Matthew »

I think this is really an eye opener, that we should be like Noah and prepare our lives not only spiritually, but also with practical preparations for emergencies like this. Storable food, alternate power sources, candles, batteries, first aid kit, clean storable water, and so forth. Many people I heard are totally unprepared and the supplies in the average home are only enough for a few days, not even a week. If there was a serious disaster (like Sandy or worse, which is entirely possible if we live long enough) then we are more likely to be in an area that will not see basic supplies and needs being restored for weeks or even a few months if it is bad enough. Preparation is not paranoia, but ought to be seen as practical and down to earth "common sense." I think asking our priest about having the parish meeting form a set of protocols and plans in case of a neighbourhood, citywide, or regional disaster, and make some practical preparations as well, would be a good idea. What do you guys think?

I think I will repost this one in Praxis, too, as a new thread.

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