Serbian Christians Attacked By Mob

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Serbian Christians Attacked By Mob

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Published by Assist News Service, May 22, 2003

May 22, 2003 (ANS ) -- Serbian Orthodox Christians in Serbia's province of Kosovo continued to live in fear Tuesday May 13, amid attacks against their churches and priests as cries for protection from peace keepers remained unanswered.

"I open the church gates only on Sunday mornings and on major holidays for the faithful to come to liturgy," the Forum 18 News Service (F18News) quoted Parish priest Fr Miroslav Popadic as saying.

"If someone comes to church without a call in advance I do not open the gates. When I visit local villages, I make the sign of the cross, sit in my car and drive fast at my own risk," he told the news service, which covers religious persecution.

His Serbian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas in Kosovo's capital Pristina, was again stoned after nightfall on May 10 leaving many church windows broken, F18News said, citing church sources.

The violence has been linked to revenge attacks from the mainly Muslim ethnic Albanian majority of Kosovo, which suffered under years of oppression under former Yugoslav and Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic who has been accused of war crimes.

Serbian Church officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, KFOR, which arrived in the province after the defeat of Serbian troops in 1999.

While their was some protection in the past, KFOR guards reportedly withdrew late last year from Pristina's St Nicholas church, which was built in 1830 on the remains of the medieval monastery of St Nicholas.

However "there have been various attacks on this church before," despite the presence of KFOR forces and United Nations police said Fr Popadic, the only remaining priest serving the once thriving parish.

"On 27 December 2000 a hand grenade was thrown into the churchyard, causing minor damage. But people keep stoning my apartment regularly, since I live in the parish house in the yard, " he told F18News.

Human rights organizations and church officials have also complained about previous violence directed against other churches as well as church leaders, individual believers, monasteries and Orthodox grave yards.

Over a hundred Orthodox churches are said to have been destroyed or badly damaged in Kosovo since the international community took control of the province nearly four years ago

The most recent attacks were reported last November, when the church in the village of Ljubovo near Istok was blown up and the church in Djurakovac was also attacked, which lead to protests from United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Following a letter from Serbian Orthodoc Bishop Artemije's, KFOR commander Lt-Gen. Fabio Mini visited Fr Popadic two weeks ago, accompanied by police officers.

"I complained that I am unable to walk freely even in the churchyard, let alone in the streets of Pristina, that often in the night from 9pm to midnight my apartment is stoned, and that there are fewer than 200 Serbs now living in the whole of Pristina," Fr Popadic said.

"The police promised more frequent patrols, while General Mini told me we have to move forward and that he cannot give any more troops for the protection of churches." Like other believers, Popadic said he now lives "in a state of siege..."

Fr Popadic serves a community of 130 Serbs living in Pristina and, 70 Serbian translators working for the United Nations Mission In Kosovo (UNMIK) in Pristina. He also wants to start visiting a retirement home again where about 50 Serbian pensioners live, F18News reported.

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:cry: Islam is evil :x


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Albanian Hoodlums Stone Serbian Orthodox Church AGAIN!

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ERPKIM INFO SERVICE, June 27, 2003 --

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In all honesty...

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In all honesty, the quality of the "peace keeping" in Kosovo makes me believe that all it is up to is the facilitation of the take-over of Kosovo by Albanian Muslims. While I cannot say this is formally what someone is planning in some dark, smokey room, I can say that this is materially what is taking place.

These are strange days...particularly since it's well known that the KLA that the west has in effect become the protector of, has connections with Al-Queda, and to the larger anti-American/anti-western Jihadi movement. I'm tempted to say this is not accidental, but evidence that the "Islamic threat" in the east is being used, by certain western powers, to it's own ends - allowed to flourish when convienient, but also struck down when it is convienient (perhaps when western interests want an "in" into a particular area...say, like Afhghanastan, whose Taliban leaders at one point were being courted by American oil would seem those arrangements fell through...and voila, suddenly they constitute a human rights situation to be remedied, as if their human rights abuses somehow didn't exist when American oil interests were courting them.)


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An Orthodox church in Pristina attacked in May was again stoned late on 26 June, while tombstones in an Orthodox graveyard in Kosovska Vitina have been destroyed. "This latest wave of attacks is further proof that Albanian extremists are using all means to intimidate and throw out of Kosovo the remaining Serbian population, while the international community is doing little to prevent it," Fr Sava (Janjic), deputy abbot of the Decani Monastery, told Forum 18 News Service. After the May attack on St Nicholas' Church, KFOR spokesman Garry Bannister-Green told Forum 18 that "KFOR deplores all such acts of mindless vandalism". He denied that removing the KFOR guard had threatened the church's security.

KOSOVO: FURTHER ATTACKS ON ORTHODOX SITES - By Branko Bjelajac, Forum 18 News Service - In the latest attacks on Serbian Orthodox sites in Kosovo, a church in the capital Pristina that had been attacked in May was again stoned late on 26 June. The NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR withdrew its protection from St Nicholas' Church at the end of last year (see F18News 13 May 2003). Meanwhile, Fr Dragan Kojic from Kosovska Vitina reported on 29 June that fifteen more tombstones have been destroyed in the village's Orthodox graveyard.

"This latest wave of attacks is further proof that Albanian extremists are using all means to intimidate and throw out of Kosovo the remaining Serbian population, while the international community is doing little to prevent it," Fr Sava (Janjic), deputy abbot of the Decani Monastery, told Forum 18 News Service from the monastery on 30 June.

These latest attacks came a month after two other incidents. On 28 May unknown attackers fired at Spanish KFOR sentries guarding the Orthodox convent of Gorioc, near Istok, while on 31 May a hand grenade was thrown at the Greek KFOR checkpoint protecting the St Czar Uros Church in the town of Urosevac (Ferizaj in Albanian) in southern Kosovo. Five people were injured.

The United Nations mission UNMIK (which is in charge of policing duties) and KFOR are searching for the perpetrators of all these recent incidents, but in the last three years not a single person has been arrested and brought to justice in connection with hundreds of similar attacks on Orthodox churches or graveyards.

After the May attack on St Nicholas' Church, KFOR spokesman Squadron Leader Garry Bannister-Green told Forum 18 from Pristina that "KFOR deplores all such acts of mindless vandalism". He insisted that there is a comprehensive review process before "patrimonial sites" are handed over from KFOR to UNMIK protection. "Only when the correct conditions have been met will this process proceed. These conditions were met when St Nicholas' church was handed over in November 2002."

Bannister-Green denied that withdrawing fixed posts from outside Orthodox sites (known in the jargon as "unfixing") reduced their security. "After such individual attacks we undertake an investigation, in conjunction with UNMIK police, and review the situation based on the facts and make a new assessment on the appropriate course of action to take," he told Forum 18. "The unfixing strategy does not leave a vacuum in security. The security situation in Kosovo is complex and is dependent upon more than just fixed guards. We have confidence in UNMIK police and the Kosovo Police Service in their work." He said KFOR is currently protecting 26 patrimonial sites.
"I spoke with Fr Kojic by short-wave radio yesterday," Fr Sava told Forum18, "and he is in a desperate situation. One of his parishioners, while visiting family graves on 27 June, noticed that many tombstones had been thrown to the ground and smashed or broken." The parishioner told Fr Kojic, who alerted the local UNMIK representative, who went with the priest to the site. "The only thing they could do is to identify the damage," Fr Sava added. "The UNMIK representative offered some help in building a new fence, but no other means of protection."

Fr Sava reported that according to Fr Kojic, the situation in Kosovska Vitina - home to 150 Serbian families - has not improved, while in many ways it is worse. "Several families have already announced that they will move out to Serbia because of the constant threats and intimidations by the local Albanian extremists. The situation is no better in any Serbian-populated village or town in Kosovo."

During the stoning of the Orthodox Church in Pristina shortly after 9pm on 26 June, some damage was done to the entrance door of the church, while several windows were broken at the parish home were Fr Miroslav Popadic lives with his family. This incident occurred on the same day that, during a visit to Pristina, NATO secretary-general George Robertson appealed to Kosovo Albanians to show more tolerance and readiness to build a multiethnic society.

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren, again strongly condemned the latest attack and requested UNMIK police to arrest the perpetrators.

On 31 May, at 9.45 pm, unknown attackers threw a hand grenade at a Greek KFOR checkpoint in the centre of Urosevac which also guards the Church of St. Czar Uros, built in 1933. Five people were injured, including one of the Greek soldiers, UNMIK police reported in a 2 June statement. The following day the municipal council president Adem Salihaj, expressed his concern over the attack.

On 28 May, UNMIK police also reported an attack on Spanish KFOR soldiers, when a vehicle stopped in the vicinity of the Gorioc Monastery, near Istok, around midnight, two people got out and started to shoot toward the soldiers. When one of the Spanish soldiers returned fire, the attackers ran into their vehicle and quickly fled from the scene. The monastery, founded in the 14th century, was rebuilt in the second half of the twentieth century. It is today served by seven nuns and an 85-year-old monk. Nuns are not able to leave the monastery without a military escort.

"The situation is rather grim," says Fr Sava, "Albanian extremists want all the Serbs out of the province, and the international community does not have the means to stop it from happening. To us, the Church, this is a clear strategy. To the international community serving in Kosovo this is another reason to withhold information and hide the truth." He complained that international bodies speak of the eventual return of Serbian refugees, "but in truth we have not seen any significant number of Serbs returning to 'peaceful' Kosovo". He said some Serbs have come back, but only to check their possessions and leave again after a month or two because there are no jobs. "Where there are no atrocities, economic reasons are pushing the Serbian population to withdraw."

Forum 18 was unable to reach Fr Kojic as the telephone line has been disconnected and an automated message reports that the line is out of order. Forum 18 was told that on 30 June he left for Gracanica Monastery, the diocesan seat, to visit Bishop Artemije and report on the latest incident in his parish.

"Kosovo and Metohija is a unique postwar area in which four years after the conflict the restoration of Christian holy sites is impossible due to the prevailing intolerance of the Albanian Muslim majority," the diocese declared on 11 June in a sweeping critique of the situation four years after the international community took charge of Kosovo. "While at the same time dozens of new mosques have been built, many of them with ample funding from Arab states, Orthodox Christianity remains under persecution: nuns are stoned and verbally abused, priests cannot normally visit their flock, parish churches are stoned, the theological school in Prizren - which worked even in the times of the Ottoman Empire - is closed without any hope of reopening, cemeteries are being systematically desecrated, crosses are broken and holy icons burnt."

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Patriarchate, Belgrade - Fr. Miroslav Popadic informed the Diocese of Raska and Prizren today that on the night of Thursday, July 3rd, the courtyard of St. Nicholas Church in Pristina was again showered with stones. During this latest act of vandalism by Albanian hooligans, three windows on the parish home were broken. "The entire courtyard is full of stones," said Fr. Miroslav, adding that these provocations occur almost every night and that the church is completely unprotected. "Early this morning I called the police to make an investigation but no one has showed up yet (at 16,00 hours). One gets the impression that they tolerate these attacks," said Fr. Miroslav, visibly concerned, for the Diocese of Raska and Prizren Info Service.

Only a few days ago several windows were broken and the entrance door damaged by stoning. Despite protests by the Diocese of Raska and Prizren at the time, none of the international representatives undertook concrete measures to protect the only remaining Serbian Orthodox Church still in use in Pristina.

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PUBLIC STATEMENT REGARDING THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH BEING CONDUCTED DOMESTICALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY - Belgrade, July 5, 2003 - We are witnesses that campaigns are being launched against the Serbian Orthodox Church, its clergy and its highest officials from more or less the same centers with increasing frequency. This is obviously something inherited from the recent totalitarian and anticlerical past that is not commonplace in Europe nor is the same thing happening to any other Church or religious community. The latest campaign devoid of all sense can be seen in the "black lists" that include the names of some bishops of the Serbian Church. This is usually the work of people who are neither believers nor well-intentioned, and who plant their insinuations with certain international representatives or cite international insitutions, speaking or writing in their behalf. Sometimes they are initiated by individuals in international circles. Thus it was possible to find on the black list banning entry to the European Union the name of the late Vasilije Vejnovic, a United States citizen, a bishop of Mileseva who died five years ago.
Included on this list for imaginary crimes is also his successor, Bishop Filaret of Mileseva, and blind efforts are being made to include other senior church officials as well. The Church generally has left and leaves such campaigns unanswered, which such ill-intentioned persons, whether domestic or foreign, understand to represent a confirmation of their claims. The worst thing that can happen is for someone to actually believe deception of this sort and to take it seriously, whether it is conducted domestically or internationally. What can those who speak and think thus of representatives of the Church and the people only think of the people whom they lead and represent! By attacking them, they deny and attack the people themselves because they are the same as the people they lead and educate!

Therefore, the Holy Synod of Bishops believes that it is its duty to bring to the attention of the domestic and international public this and other such campaigns, which serve to continuously endanger elementary religious and human rights, while purportedly protecting those rights.

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