ND monks will be homeless without your help.

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Dear Fathers,

It would be great for you to allow others to stay if you could support yourselves, but I do not of a standard of monasteries to let whole families stay with them. Usually the men could seek refuge at a monastery and the women at a convent.

These days with our welfare system, these people can get the help in Unemployment, food stamps, medicaid, etc to pay for their way while they look for jobs. You can help them best by praying for them IMO.

I do not mean to say you should be selfish, but rather that until you can support yourselves you should not put these burdens on yourself.

Perhaps you can teach them to make lestovki and other Old Believer items (for instance I know of not place online that sells Old Believer lay clothing, rassas & vestments) and then sell these to make money to support yourselves and eventually others as well. Just my thoughts.

As I said on your blog, once you are able to get products to sell I will gladly help you in making a web site and pay pal account to sell the items.

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Thank You to Fr. Deacon Nikolai Stansosheck

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Dear Fr. Deacon Nikolai: Glory to God. I thank you, am not thinking totally clear, with all we have been through, so we shall take your advice to heart, and we thank you, and do not take this burden of helping the families for now...we can direct them to the appropriate agencies for now as you say.....We have only 4 folks on the list that have helped us, so no one sent any funds , for that purpose, and forgive me, but I did not see where you said you would help us build the web site, THANK YOU, THAT IS ALL WE NEEDED....So all who read, we will try to take care of ourselves, I have notified the family and they will have to go to minot (leave their county) but we must get on our feet like Fr. Deacon Nikolai has said.....I do not think too clear at times under the terrible stress we have been under, so please pray for us, and know dear Fr. Deacon Nikolai your advice is taken and your love and help is DEEPLY APPRECIATED. Thank the Lord we old believer monks have this family: all of us Traditional Orthodox who help each other, especially in prayer, and at the altar of God. Thank You Father Deacon Nikolai and know we send our love and deep gratitude for your counsel. Bowing to the Most Holy Trinity within you Fr. Deacon, and know we love you in the holy, pure, love of Isus Christ and His all Pure Mother...your Brethren
Stavrophore Monk Fr. John and Brotherhood. Holy Nativity of the Theotokos Skete....ND. oldbellieverskete@yahoo.com

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prayer for nd monks and appeal...URGENT UPDATE

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Dear in christ: Glory to God. To update you, we are working with Fr. Deacon Nikolai who is helping us set up website and must still await to hear from others who will donate us items to re-sell on our website, but in the meantime, we need to have $107.37 to keep our phone on, we are on prairie, 4O miles from hospital, if it get turns off, we cannot even call ambulance. Also: our electric bill is due: $115.9O and of course we don't have funds to pay $ 375.OO for our auto insurance. This amounts to almost $7OO.Oo and we are running low again on food. We have begged and begged on the list, we ask your forgiveness, but only 4 on the list helped, so we must continue to beg until the All Holy and Pure theotokos will melt your hearts to have compassion on us...Fr. Deacon Nikolai, moderator of the list is helping us, but it will take at least a couple weeks or month so we can get set up, the new website so we can sell items to you, so until then, please even if you can western union us, or send check: my secular name: Raymond Tryon, please, we are desperate. type in: http://www.oldbelieverskete.com and you will see Fr. Deacon Nikolai is starting to set up web site, pay pal, etc. so we can in future sell items to you, so we won't have to beg you....If our phone gets turned off and Fr. Matthew has a heart attack, I won't even be able to call the ambulance, please, I know you are tired of hearing us beg, but if you could , for the love of God either western union and help us, or send check to: Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Skete
Rural route #1-Box 35A-Voltaire, ND 58792. We will be without phone and electric soon, and without the electric, our heat does not come on....please come to our aid, and soon, very soon with Fr. Deacon Nikolai's help, we shall be able to sell items to be self sufficient..won't you please, I beg you you help us until I can get our website up to sell items...Thank You to all jurisdictions and May the Lord our Christ God and His All Pure Mother grace you. In deep gratitude for your prayers and financial help....Stavrophore Monk Fr. John (Raymond Tryon) and Brotherhood. "Lord Isus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, Amin."

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update on ND monks

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Dear in Christ: Glory to God. "Lord Isus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, amin." ust received check for $24.oO dollars, glory be to God, all will help from benefactor in santa barbara, calif. God Bless You...

Also: a Fr. Deacon Valery Timofeevfrom Moscow evers wrote us and wanted to know why we left Archbishop Sofrony, our former Hierarch..at present, we probably are stil under his omophor, as we never did get letter from him, nor have we become excommunitated..we left due to a monk of THEIRS, WHO IS INVOLVED WITH ECUMENISM....that is all we will say, as we are in dialogue with future hierarch and lay folks really should not approach their diocese for us, we monks must do that, and once we are accepted by new hierarch, we will let you know we have been accepted and who he is, thank you...

This Deacon Valery Timofeev claims to be from Moscow Old Believers, told him when we emailed him back to give us his phone, email, and address in russia and the office number of Meteropolitan Kornily...if he cannot do that, then something is amiss. he may be very valid, but why would a Deacon ask us from Moscow Old Believers when we have not attempted to join that particular Old Belief Jurisdiction....here we are suffering to have our electric turned off, our insurance cancelled, cannot drive even to doctor, and our heat shut off because without electric, no heat and these folks playing games with us....Our Hierarch: former one: Archbishop Sofrony of Oregon is holy, highly esteemed and loved by us and so is the parish priest: Fr. Porfiriy...they have done nothing wrong, but we could not stay as it had to do with one of THEIR OTHER MONKS OF OREGON...AND EVEN THAT, WE AS MONKS, DO NOT LAUNDER OUR LINENS, LAUNDRY, OPENLY, WE BE SILENT, PRAY FOR THEM, AND JUDGE NO ONE...OUR NEW HIERARCH WILL TELL ALL ONCE WE ARE ACCEPTED. If anyone knows if this Deacon Valery Timofeev is truly with Metropolitan Kornily, Moscow Old Belivers, let us know if yes, he is , or no, he is not and if you know his identity, who he is...so we know he is truly who he is...if he does not answer us back at all, then we know he not true........If he doesn't know office number to Metropolitan Kornily...SOMETHING WRONG, BECAUSE HE SHOULD KNOW IT AND WE ALREADY KNOW IT......please email us if anyone knows anything...please continue to pray for us, Fr. Matthew I fear will suffer stroke soon, as he is very bad with worry about our bills...we just needed help from you until we can get our website up with the help of Fr. Deacon Nikolai of Colorado Springs, your moderator. We did not want to come on the list complaining why we left, or bring up gossip, we should all be in prayer , instead of gossip, i am sure you will agree...as monks, we will not divulge and we certainly will not talk down about our former Hierarch His Grace Archbishop Sofrony. One does not talk down about people you love, no, you honour them and love them, and maybe disagree re: ecumenism, but you pray for them, for if you know they are holy and good hierarch and priest, speak truth with love..Archbishop Sofrony and Fr. Porfiri Toran of Oregon are holy , they are good...we are in good stead still, have not been excommunicated, and when our new hierarch write us, you will know his omophor....thank you, pray much for us, we still only received 5 donations so far from list...Please, pray for us, that is all we ask....and spend more time in prayer as we pray for each and everyone of you. "Lord Isus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, amin."God Bless You.

Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Skete
Stavrophore Monk Fr. John and Brotherhood.
Father Deacon Nikolai: we sent you routing number, etc. of bank to set up pay pal, etc...please let us know if you received our email with that information...We send our love to you Fr. Deacon Nikolai and all, In Christ our God and Bogoroditsa, the all Pure Mother of God.

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Post by Stavrophore Monk John »

Dear in Christ: Glory to God. You haven't heard from me for a while as Fr. Matthew had to be rushed to the hospital, Trinity Hospital in Minot, ND as his blood pressure was over 2OO/115, almost to stroke level as few have helped us , please, we are not finding fault, just pray for us if you cannot send funds to help us, please.

It had to be the all Pure Mother of God, who helped Fr. Matthew, while in hospital, he was admitted immediately and found out he has been living with DIABETES and due to our only eating once per day, he was in severe danger....Diabetics must eat 3 meals a day and two snacks, but even now, we are in dire need to buy food. Our car insurance will expire in few days and we are behind in many bills, electric, phone, etc..this is why I have begged over and over for you to have compassion and help us until we could set up our website...I have been back and forth 4O miles to Minot and back daily and even now it is URGENT FR. MATTHEW GET RIGHT FOOD. I had to write a check for over $28O.OO for prescriptions also, and do not have that money in my account, for Fr. Matthew's prescriptions...this is why we are asking for a large loan or many to send us widows mite, please, Fr. Matthew has to have the Insulin and food, if not, he could go unconscious, end up in DIABETIC SHOCK AND DIE....please, I am not totally educated about diabetes, but the Doctor at Trinity told us this is what is wrong with Fr. Matthew...without proper food and medicine, he cannot make it....Please, please, send whatever you can...If someone could loan us abut $5,OOO.OO dollars or more, this would put us on our feet...Fr Matthew , sick as he is, once he stabilizes on his meds and insulin, keeps saying he will go to work....He has much confusion at times, due to the high peaks and valleys, blood sugar, but without your help, I pray the Lord will spare this holy, holy, old monk and dear friend. Thank You. We do need western union or send check to:\\
Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Skete
Rural Route #1-Box 35A-Voltaire, North Dakota 58792
Raymond Tryon, secular name. Stavrophore Monk Fr. John and Fr. Matthew.....Thank You for friends who sent box of food two weeks ago, who wish to remain anonymous...we now are very, very low on food, and I do not have proper food to give Father Matthew.....I also am very ill, please, the stress is overwhelming ...pray for us, pray for us dear friends . May the Lord and His all Pure Mother Grace you and all who help, and those who don't, but pray for us, know we are deeply appreciative, we are praying for each and all who have asked us to ...even Fr. Matthew in hospital prayed for all of you...God Bless You.

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