pray for me in time of strugle and confusion

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pray for me in time of strugle and confusion

Post by Tessa »

Well, I'm back. A lot has happened and I need you prayers and advice.

Due to the fact that I am forced to work Sundays and the transmission in my van went out and I am driving a really terrible little interim car right now which makes it very difficult and scary to drive with three kids an hour to my Serbian Church, I visited an OCA church near my home for Liturgy last Sunday and again on Thursday.

It was great.

The priest is Russian and the people are so warm. The don't give the cold "who the heck are you stare" to newcomers like the Serbs do.

So I went on the website and posted a question to one of the priests in regards to my adherance to Church Calender and also about Halloween.

The answers I received were terrible. :ohvey:
Especially about Halloween \/

The problem is-where I live and the circumstances I now face make it almost impossible to attend my church on a regular basis. Is it wrong to take my kids to the OCA if I think things like the calender innovationn are a mistake? SOmetimes I feel just as bad at the Serbian church because I can't even take my kids to commune frequently without people talking smack -they think you can only commune during the fasts-alot western heresy mixed in with their thinking. And then theysay I am wrong because I'm American.

I am so lost.
I pray for St. John to guide me.

Please pray for me and offer you advice.
Lovingly In Christ
Tessa aka SrbMama

Господе Исусе Христа, Синe Божји, Помилуј ме грешну!

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


You will be in our prayers. I hate those type of situations, though being po'or myself I know them well enough. I assume you talked to Fr. John at the OCA website, but regardless of who you talked to, I'd say not to let any one person stand in your way of getting your family to Church (I like Fr. John anyway :) ). If you believe the OCA is a legit Orthodox Church, then I'd say go. But I wouldn't judge you either way, I just want the best for you. /\

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Post by Jakub »

Prayers for your situation...your heart will lead you through the stumbling precepts of many.


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