The Third Secret of Fatima states that MARY IS GOD.

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Post by joasia »


You are totally ignorant. Stop spreading your heresy here.

By the way, the Fatima apparation was a demonic wasn't the true Theotokos. Just like the one that appeared on the roof of a church in Syria. Why don't you read some Orthodox literature of saints lives; some of those saints have been visited by the true Mother of God. Start with St. Seraphim of Sarov. The papist church has been far from the truth for a long time and therefore is open to demonic influence. Just as the stigmata is demonic too. Nobody can suffer like Christ. That's just plain blasphemy.

Do you even know about the schism of 1054 A.D. and all the innovations the Roman church has invented since then? Wake up and learn the truth. Orthodoxy has been here for 2000 years; it means the straight teaching. The papist church was born, 1000 years later with the first innovation of the Filioque and the bishop of Rome claiming to be the head of the christian Church.

The Holy Spirit DOES NOT proceed from the Son also...He proceeds from the Father, alone. Read the passage of John 15:26. Christ, Himself states: "But when the Helper comes, Whom I shall send to your FROM THE FATHER, the Spirit of Truth who proceeds FROM THE FATHER, He will testify of Me."

By the way, there is no mention of the Theotokos in this passage. She is not part of the Holy Trinity. And the Holy Trinity is the only God.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)


Only Through The Grace of The Most Holy Spirit.

Post by dominicsfalar »

Only through the Grace of the Most Holy Spirit will you ever understand
us Catholics. I am stupefied by the way Orthodox's attack the Catholic Church, since as Catholics, we've always regarded the Orthodox Church as our nearest and closest Sister-church. Infact, my late father, who was himself an ex-seminarian, always mentioned to me the Orthodox Church with so much admiration and esteem especially when it comes to their devotion to Mama Mary.

I totally disagree with all your claims against the Holy Catholic Church.
But I am not here to convert you. I am only proclaiming the Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima.

Even with all your verbal assualts against the Holy Catholic Church,
I will still hold firm to my beleif that we are Sister Churches.
You and I see God according to our states of perfection. We must still
love each other and each others Church.

God Bless The Orthodox Church.

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Fed up with this

Post by Jean-Serge »

I am fed up with this messages : Mary is God etc. I think Dominic is looking for provocation... I would suggest to erase the messages. It is neither theology nor tradition, just papal fantasy

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Post by Ephraem »

Dominic has no interest in Orthodoxy, and no interest in honest discussion. He has made that abundantly clear.

I'm done with this thread (and with Dominic).

~He who seeth his own sins, seeth not the sins of others.

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Post by Jean-Serge »

Yes... very clear. I think he should have the same fate as the Hindu guy...

Priidite, poklonimsja i pripadem ko Hristu.


The Alleged Third Secret revealed by the Vatican is a fake.

Post by dominicsfalar »

Please don't beleive the alleged Third Secret revealed by the Vatican a few years ago. Even Priests and high ranking Catholic officials don't agree with the supposed Third Secret of the Vatican.

The letter was also subjected to scientific study and was consistently proven to be a hoax. Pope Benedict XVI, who was then Cardinal Ratzinger, was behind this SATANIC campaign of forgery.


I thank you all and God Bless us all.

Post by dominicsfalar »

Yes indeed I am posting my belief on every available web site that
welcomes me or at least allows me to post The True Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima.

And I thank you my Brethren, for giving me the opportunity to join and post in your forum.

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