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Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sat 12 January 2013 8:32 pm
by Maria

There have been two recent news stories about perverts who take pictures up women's skirts or dresses using either a hand held camera/cell phone or one attached to their shoe.

Here is a recent news story: ... kirts.html

If women wore long skirts, would these perverted activities cease or be less likely to happen?

Yes, I know that the above is a hypothetical question, but what are the chances that women wearing decent long dresses or skirts that are ankle length would be harassed by such perverts?

[Edited to correct some grammatical errors. Sorry.]

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sat 12 January 2013 9:03 pm
by Revnitel

As a man I like both. As an Orthodox Christian, it seems to me modesty is best reflected by something which covers more of the body.

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sat 12 January 2013 9:18 pm
by Lydia

If a man is degenerate enough to do things like this, he will find a way no matter how the woman is dressed. Look what happens to women around the world who wear niquabs, burkas, etc.
Let's not start blaming the victim...

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sat 12 January 2013 9:49 pm
by Revnitel

Men will be men and women will be women. Modesty and honor are rare commodities these days, but the more steps we take to make them reality, the less we have to worry about.

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sun 13 January 2013 12:05 am
by Maria
Lydia wrote:

Let's not start blaming the victim...

Oh my. That is the cry of the politically correct feminists who want the right to wear indecent clothing even though wearing immodest dress does tempt certain guys. Yes, those guys are out of control; yes, they are either perverts or they are under the influence, but that does not excuse feminists who flaunt and tempt men.

We Christians have put on Christ by our Holy Baptism. We are living temples of the Holy Spirit. As temples of the Holy Spirit, we should be modestly dressed. If we really acted like Christians, we would make a difference in this world. As St. Seraphim of Sarov stated, "Acquire the Holy Spirit, and a thousand souls around you will be saved."

Perhaps if we prayed unceasingly, acted with sobriety, controlled all our senses, and dressed modestly (guys as well as girls), then all of us would not be tempted so much. However, with the exposure to lurid TV, radio, billboard, and internet ads and programs, most of us are really struggling. If we are not struggling, then we are failing. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sun 13 January 2013 12:41 am
by Lydia

Please Maria, be realistic. When 80 year old women and months old infants are sexually assaulted , it is clear the motivation of these men is pure evil.Period.
It has nothing to do with the way these victims were dressed or how they acted.
Orthodox women and even nuns who dress and act modestly are victims of sexual assault. Do not blame the victim!

Re: Long Skirts (ankle length) vs. Short Skirts

Posted: Sun 13 January 2013 12:51 am
by Maria
Lydia wrote:

Please Maria, be realistic. When 80 year old women and months old infants are sexually assaulted , it is clear the motivation of these men is pure evil.Period.
It has nothing to do with the way these victims were dressed or how they acted.
Orthodox women and even nuns who dress and act modestly are victims of sexual assault. Do not blame the victim!

I am not blaming the victim.

Yes, nuns and innocent babes have been raped, and there is no excuse for the perpetrator of such heinous crimes.

Nevertheless, we must be realistic about the effect of racy TV shows and radio talk shows, distracting billboard advertising that causes drivers to have rubber necks, and immodest dress. We all must struggle against our passions until the day we die.