Polemics about Recent events in HOCNA

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Polemics about Recent events in HOCNA

Post by timothyvargas »

Metropolitan Ephraim of Boston

The inspiration for this article came from an essay in Theodromia (Jan.-March, 2012), a Greek theological periodical. In this extensive essay, the author, Rev. Theodore Zisis, a priest of the new calendar Church of Greece, deplores the anti-patristic mind-set (i.e. the Latin Captivity) of the theological schools of Greece.

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Theologically, one of the worst theological academies in the history of the Orthodox Church probably was the theological school of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the Island of Halki (in Turkish: Heybeli Ada) in the Bosporus. Fortunately, the Turks closed the school some years ago.
Its professors, for the most part, were trained in the Protestant and Roman Catholic schools of the West, and they absorbed many of their prejudices. Most of the professors were remarkable only for the rapidity with which their theological ideas went out of style in scholarly circles. Do most people know the names of some of these lamentable professors? No. But, in this article, I will torture you for a few moments by telling you something about a few of them, just to ruin your day.
First of all, around the turn of the twentieth century, one of Halki’s “bright lights” was the Dean of the school, Metropolitan Germanos Strenopoulos of Seleucia, later of Thyateira, who was one of the authors of the infamous Encyclical of January, 1920, addressed “To the Churches of Christ Wheresover They Might Be,” which is the Encyclical that became the big impetus for World Orthodoxy’s involvement in the Ecumenical Movement.
Then there was Deacon Basil Stephanides, another “luminary”, who was a contemporary of the above-mentioned Metropolitan. He had studied and taught in Germany, where he probably should have continued to study and teach. Instead, he came to teach at Halki, and there, the young Orthodox students were taught by Professor Stephanides that St. Symeon the New Theologian was a mystic who used “erotic” language in his religious poetry, and that the Saint’s writings, like those of many other such “mystics” in the Orthodox Church, (such as St. Dionysius the Areopagite), were Monophysitic  (a heresy condemned by the Fourth Ecumenical Council!), what with all that talk about the “deification” of man.
Then there was my own professor of Old Testament, D. Zaharopoulos, also a graduate of Halki, who taught us all the latest Protestant theories of “higher criticism” of the Holy Scriptures (i.e., no miracles or prophecies are true), who scoffed at and ridiculed the Holy Fathers, and obliged us to “correct” the Orthodox Church’s Old Testament text according to the more modern Masoretic Hebrew (and Protestant) text (that is some 1,300 years newer than the Church’s text).
As the seminary’s custodian once said after having had a theological discussion with our Old Testament professor: “Why, that man doesn’t believe in anything!”
Then there was my professor of Patrology, the priest G. Tsoumas, also a graduate of Halki, who taught us that the Hesychast Fathers (among whom was St. Gregory Palamas) were people who sat in their closets and stared at their navels (exactly the same slander that the heretics Barlaam and Acindynus uttered against those saintly fathers in the 14th century).
In other words, where the Saints saw and experienced God’s deifying and uncreated grace, these professors from Halki jeered and saw only heresy and pantheism.
Thank you, Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther.*
Oh, I almost forgot the plastic spoons. This same Patrology professor also believed and taught that the Church should use disposable (where?) plastic spoons when giving people Holy Communion, “because of the germs.”	
Should I continue? Have you had enough?
(“No, Metropolitan Ephraim. Please continue.”)
Okay, I’ll tell you also about Archbishop Iakovos of the new calendar Greek Archdiocese here in America  another graduate of Halki  who taught that we Christians should get rid of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
I could go on, but enough is enough.
In the middle of the 19th century, when the school of Halki first opened its doors, Cosmas Flamiatos, a popular and saintly lay preacher in the Peloponessus, prophesied that, “I foresee that out of this school [i.e., Halki] will proceed batches and batches [fournión, fournión] of bishops, like muffins out of a bakery, that will one day gather together in an assembly to dissolve Orthodox Christianity.”
These “muffin-bishops” are identical to the “astrologer-bishops” I wrote about earlier.
	Well, my beloved Orthodox Christians, do we not see Flamiatos’ prophecy coming true right before our eyes?

"Blessed are ye when men shall revile and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake". http://thewonderfulname.blogspot.com/p/ ... f-god.html

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Re: Letter of Bp. Demetrios about Recent events in HOCNA

Post by timothyvargas »

Another good article which HIs Grace Bp. Demetrios refers in his departure letter:

By Metropolitan Ephraim of Boston

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In the Church’s history, there have been occasions when local synods of bishops have made honest mistakes. One sees this again and again in the Lives of the Saints and in the chronicles of the Church councils.
For example, in the Minutes of the Councils (Mansi 9, 568E), it is recorded that “many times things are said during the Councils, either in defense [of the Church’s teaching], or in opposition, or in ignorance.”
By way of example, the Synod of Jerusalem in A. D. 415 acquitted the heresiarch Pelagius, who had been condemned in A. D. 411 by the Council of Chalcedon. Furthermore, the Council of Orange in A. D. 529 declared the teaching of St. John Cassian (whom St. Benedict of Nursia and all the Fathers of the East esteemed highly) heretical!
A professor of theology, V. I. Exemlyarskii, wrote, “If a theological opinion, or even a local council, is at variance with the word of the Lord [or the writings of universally acknowledged Church Fathers, or the resolutions of acknowledged Church Councils],* then such an erroneous ecclesiastical teaching should be subject to condemnation.”
And if we have read the Life of St. John Chrysostom, how can we forget that he had been condemned and anathematized by a Church Council, and that he was ultimately banished to the outer limits of the Roman Empire?!
Also, in the time of St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome (540-604), an African council, in an ill-considered decision, offered the title “Universal Bishop” to the bishops of Rome, thinking, as they supposed, that they would thereby honor the holy Apostle Peter. And what was the response of Pope St. Gregory the Great? He refused this unfitting title! The Saint explained that he refused this title “lest, by conferring a special status upon one [bishop] alone, all [the others] might be deprived of the honor which is their due.”
So much for Rome’s present day claims of universal jurisdiction!
Do you know that a Church Council promoted the use of indulgences — a Roman Catholic practice tied to the heretical teaching concerning Purgatory??
Well, in the year 1727, the Council of Constantinople, endorsed by Ecumenical Patriarch Paisius II, Patriarch Sylvester of Antioch, Patriarch Chrysanthos of Jerusalem and by other participating bishops — without, at least, openly ratifying the teaching about Purgatory — passed the following resolution:

The authority to remit sins, which if they are given out in writing, the Eastern Church of Christ calls “certificates of absolution” (synchorochártia) and the Latins call Indulgences, are given by Christ in the Holy Church. These certificates are given out [i.e. sold]** in the whole Catholic Church by the four patriarchs: of Constantinople, of Alexandria, of Antioch, and of Jerusalem.
(13th Article of the Council)

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In fact, just to make things perfectly clear, the very same Synodal resolution (Article 13) adds with emphasis: 

To say that only the Pope of Rome has the right to give out indulgences is a blatant lie!

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Certainly, indulgences are as good a Latinism as you’ll find anywhere — including the “Trinity” icon!
From an “official” point of view, the resolutions of this Council have never been rescinded. 
That is why the words of the Russian professor Exemlyarskii (see above) come to mind. For our own instruction, it is good to be aware of these “honest mistakes” committed in ignorance by Church councils. This is yet one more piece of information that we learn from the Lives of the Saints.
This brings to mind another type of “synod”: the Russian “Synod” after the time of Czar Peter the Great up until the time of the restoration of the Patriarchate in Russia in the early part of the 20th century. The “synod” established by Peter the Great was not a council or synod as we understand it, that is, in the sense of an ecumenical synod or a local council, as, for example, the Local Council of Carthage. Instead, in Russia, the “Holy Synod” was an administrative body of eleven bishops hand-picked by the Czar and overseen by an “oberprocurator” who was a lay-person (a government official) who, in some instances, was not even an Orthodox Christian, but, sometimes, a Lutheran! Hence, on one occasion, the “Russian Synod” even passed a resolution   that it was permitted for Orthodox Christians to receive “holy communion” from the Lutherans! Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky protested this violation.
Thus, in reality, the Russian Synod at that time was something more akin to a government Department of Religious Affairs, and not a canonical Council of Bishops. A proper Council of Bishops had not been convened in Russia for over 200 years.
Many decades ago, we often met with Roman Catholic clergy at an ecumenical seminar. Whenever they would begin to argue in favor of papal infallibility, we would respond: “Every Orthodox bishop is infallible — until he makes a mistake!”
And that’s still the way it is.
What is truly marvelous is that the Church has always had the divine illumination of the Saints to guide her in overcoming these human errors.

“We follow in the footsteps of the Holy Fathers.”
(4th Ecumenical Council)


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Re: Letter of Bp. Demetrios about Recent events in HOCNA

Post by Maria »

Was Metropolitan Germanos Strenopoulos, mentioned in the essay above, the Ecumenical Patriarch Germanos who condemned the Name-Worshipping Heresy in 1913?

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Re: Letter of Bp. Demetrios about Recent events in HOCNA

Post by timothyvargas »

Maria wrote:

Was Metropolitan Germanos Strenopoulos, mentioned in the essay above, the Ecumenical Patriarch Germanos who condemned the Name-Worshipping Heresy in 1913?

No, but EC Germanos did take the recommendation from Met. G. Strenopoulos and the Halki theologians in his decision to condemn the Name-glorifiers...

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Re: Polemics about Recent events in HOCNA, Re: Bp.Demetrios

Post by timothyvargas »

Letter of Bp. Demetrios about Recent events in HOCNA:

This thread was cut and my posts were put in this section. My posts were in direct response to the letter Fr. Siloun posted from Bp. Demetrios and his reasons for leaving HOCNA, which these two articles were mentioned.

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Re: Polemics about Recent events in HOCNA

Post by Priest Siluan »

BTW. I heard that Met. Moses of Portland, because of the HOCNA-GOC controversy, is sending some emails saying that in RTOC are some "imyabizhniki" or "name's worshipers. I do not know why he is saying such things, because as I know it is completely untrue. There are not "name's worshipers" in RTOC. This heresy is strange and rejected by the old ROCOR and true Catacomb circles, and it only was infiltrated inside the True Orthodox by former MP members or so, just like as was in the ROAC's case.

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Re: Polemics about Recent events in HOCNA, Re: Bp.Demetrios

Post by Priest Siluan »

timothyvargas wrote:

Letter of Bp. Demetrios about Recent events in HOCNA:

This thread was cut and my posts were put in this section. My posts were in direct response to the letter Fr. Siloun posted from Bp. Demetrios and his reasons for leaving HOCNA, which these two articles were mentioned.

Yes, I know, Timothy, sorry, I took the opportunity with your post to open here a new private and more "polemical" thread about the HOCNA-GOC controversy.

If you wish post again these documents from Met Ephraim, you could open a new thread in the "Traditional Orthodox Churches" section. So every document will be available publicly and we will avoid unnecessary and outrageous public polemics.

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