Teacher's religion lessons upset Ukrainian Orthodox parents

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Teacher's religion lessons upset Ukrainian Orthodox parents

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Teacher's religion lessons upset Ukrainian Orthodox parents
http://www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews - Portal-credo.ru, 4 August 2003

The press service of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the Moscow patriarchate received a phone call from a woman with the cry: "Help!" In the course of the conversation it became clear that an elementary teacher in one of Keiv's schools attends the track and field arena at Berezan market where a fugitive from Nigeria, Sandey Adelaja, regularly gives his "concerts," and then instead of the regular curriculum of the general education schools she "beats" into the children's heads all sorts of absurdity from the "lectures of the black pastor."

It is remarkable that the children have said nothing about this to their parents. The woman herself learned about it by accident when she found a school notebook in the bedstand of her eight-year-old daughter during house cleaning. According to the upset mother it is difficult to say precisely what the teacher deals with in the classes with the children, since every time she insists that the children "say nothing to mama and papa." The eight-year-old children have suddenly changed: they have stopped listening to their parents, they are rude, and they dissimulate. Many do not come home for a long time and when they do they behave like some kind of zombies with a "special program" in their skulls.

Seeing such changes in their children, some parents have begun to sound the alarm and to seek help from Orthodox priests. But when attending churches it has been discovered that many children are not able to endure even a half hour of service. Some lose consciousness and some begin to run around the church screaming. Even school psychologists are not able to help in this situation, so serious have been the consequences of the "nonstandard" school lessons. The shocked mother asked that her name not be published. But the time has come to say by whom and where their innocent souls are being "corrupted" by the "Christian" ideas of a man who has nothing at all to do with the faith, the church, and religion, instead of giving the children an education. This has happened in middle school No. 181 in the class of a certain Liudmila Ivanovna Melnik. The woman who called the press service of UPTsMP is not alone in her attempts to put Sandey Adelaja in jail. Recently there was formed in Kiev a whole "party" of mothers whose young children have suffered from the "criminal" activity of the "ambassador of God," "Pravoslavie v Ukraine" reports. 

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Post by Julianna »

:o This's why kids should be homeschooled!


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