Prayers, And Request For Help

Justin Kissel

Prayers, And Request For Help

Post by Justin Kissel »

This is exceedingly difficult for me to post, because of my pride, but at this point I think it is necessary. As you (whoever might be reading this) might know, my wife Mary is pregnant. Unfortunately, getting her medicines (particularly her blood thinner) situated has been quite a hassel, and quite expensive. Because of this expense and other problems, I had decided to not go back to school this semester after all, as I said I would be on another thread. However, before I could contact the school and cancel they had already taken out money from our bank account. This was money we didn't have. At this point, our bank account is nowhere close to being even. In addition to this problem, I haven't been working for the last week or so, because of a pinched (sciatic) nerve. The ER gave me a slip saying I should take a day off work and take it easy after that for a while. My employer, fearing that I would hurt myself more and then go on workmen's comp, said that I couldn't return until I was 100%. Mary needs medicines soon, our rent is due today, not to mention other bills we have to pay, and we have no money to pay for this stuff, and no real money expected to come in over the next couple weeks. One of the options that came to mind was selling stuff on ebay... ... propertyZ1

So the request for help part of this thread is, asking if you could stop by and see if you see anything you'd like, and if so if you could buy it.


PS. More stuff (mostly Orthodox stuff) will be added tonight.

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Orthodox New England
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Post by Orthodox New England »

Justin --

Please know that you and Mary are in my prayers. I know that this is a difficult time.


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Mor Ephrem
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Post by Mor Ephrem »

Lord, have mercy.

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Thank you, my friends.

God is good, and blesses us greatly. We very much enjoyed nativity liturgy this morning. We attended a Church where we were greeted not only with "Christ is born!" but also with a hug. We could not commune, but we felt very blessed.

Unfortunately, when it rains it pours.

My wife's blood levels are not where they are suppose to be. She is at risk for getting blood clots at this point, which means she has an elevated risk for having a stroke. My wife's doctor called us today and told us that she was very very worried about her, and wanted her admitted over the weekend until her levels were gotten to the right place (and just in case there is a clot forming, so that my wife will be in the best place possible). So, my wife will be in the hospital throughout the weekend.

Again, though, God consoles. As much trouble as we have been giving Wal-Mart (where we both work) over the past week or two as far as health concerns, they were very understanding, and expressed concern, over my wife's health (and mine).

I only pray that God continues to bless us, though we are so VERY unworthy. I only hope that this is not a last attempt of God trying to get through to us. If it is, dear Lord let my heart be softened.

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Re: Prayers, And Request For Help

Post by George Australia »

Justin Kissel wrote:

So the request for help part of this thread is, asking if you could stop by and see if you see anything you'd like, and if so if you could buy it.

And why, dear friend, are your items only available to people in the US? Is Australian money not good enough for you? Charge whatever you want for shipping, I'm placing bids. :)

"As long as it depends on Monothelitism, then Miaphysitism is nothing but a variant of Monophysitism."

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

If you want, please by all means do so! I really have no idea how much it costs to ship overseas, so I didn't want to put one price for shipping and then find out that it costed like 3x as much as I had put, possibly meaning I was going to lose money on selling an item. I of course have no problem shipping to anyone at anywhere in the world, so long as we can agree on the shipping cost (and if you can find the price given at a place, like Fedex or UPS or whatever you want) I would gladly use the lowest one you could find, or of course I could just look at the shipping options myself.

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Post by Giorgos »

Dear Justin,
we pray for you.
You are tested, and we beg your prayers too.
My family and I are very tested in this days, in a very similar fashion.

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                                            Lord, have Mercy.


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