Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by someguy »

The book seems interesting though what is its goal?

People that are already devout to a doctrine probably would'nt have the issue your book mentions as it definitely would be discussed prior to any proposal!

As all doctrines always teach followers to not follow another, well traditionally speaking anyways

I have heard of many couples that are "believers" though really are just born into something of which they don't really understand nor follow.... so go along with the relationship for however long till marriage or a child's baptism comes up and then the theological arguments break out unfortunately

For example even if two people truly believe in true orthodoxy it could still be a problem as aren't most true orhodox parishes in minor disagreements over patristic topics (eg: when/how to approach the chalice, iconography, fasting traditions) even though the core doctrine is agreed so therefore are not in full communion...

Let me ask this though how many true orthodox converts do you know of that have not gone to family member funerals as it is uncanonical?

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by Barbara »

What do you think regarding your last question ? [ I assume you meant in the case of reposed family members who belonged to other religions ].

As for that book, Nearly Orthodox, I still can't get over the way the author and her husband had such a lackadaisical approach to religion. That was probably the one thing that stood out in my mind about the book. Otherwise, it was a boring exercise in narcissism. The author, Angela Doll Carlson, spent an entire chapter named "Inked" talking about her tattoos. From pages 111- 119, she described each disgusting tattoo in loving detail, as if any average reader would care. I was repulsed - but then so was I by most other things about her too, such as the way she brags about having joined a 'punk rock band' for which she moved to Chicago to be with them, or drops in carefully about her swearing, quite a few mentions ; way overdone in order to shock the reader. Not to mention her apparently heavy smoking or her repulsion from wearing a skirt.

When she goes to Chicago and searches for an Orthodox Church there, she is turned off immediately by one that asks parishioners to wear dresses for women and suits for men. She never names which jurisdiction, but reacts with horror. How dare they ask for respectability from a counterculture person like her ? She flaunts her regular wearing of army boots into Church, and on and on. Absolutely a horrible book ! I can hardly imagine why Ancient Faith accepted it for publication.

By the way, Ancient Faith's blog admirably spoke AGAINST both Sister Vassa [Larin] and I think Kallistos Ware for their pro-homosexual statements. But in this autobiography, Angela Doll Carlson writes that when she is beginning to consider whether she can possibly join a World Orthodox jurisdiction, she nervously confronts the priest at the Greek Orthodox Church in Nashville, Fr. Gregory, about 'her homosexual friends'. She has him respond 'gently' : "But it is not Orthodox to judge someone".

This is Fr Gregory Hohnholt, rector of a Holy Trinity Church there in Tennessee, though the author avoids giving his last name.
Apparently this was her most prominent 'deal breaker' as she termed it, to decide whether she could deign to become Orthodox.
At his reply, her clenched knuckles relax, she narrated.

What sort of Greek Orthodox Priest is this who would not speak out honestly what the Orthodox Church teaches ? I wonder whether his spineless reaction is common among World Orthodox clergy today, who must be afraid to drive away those potential converts who are thoroughly mired in the brainwashed contemporary 'culture' ?

A book like this could only appeal to other radical and very liberal Americans who are contemplating joining World Orthodoxy. That number, I would surmise, is quite small.

So I would NOT recommend this book to any Inquirer, which is the overall topic of the forum. Please, stay away unless you want nightmares ! It would almost repel any nice, decent person from pursuing conversion to Orthodoxy.

PS - Angela Doll Carlson has released a 2nd book, likewise through Ancient Faith, with the ridiculous title "Garden in the East : The Spiritual Life of the Body". Need I say any more about the suitability of the author as a useful authority on conversion to Orthodoxy ?

PPS - Her husband, who is never given even a face or any kind of identifying qualities except for his rejection of religion after years of joining pop "Christian" movements, remains with her up to the present, so there is a happy ending at least in this one respect.

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by Barbara »

If Maria does not like this, please feel free to remove the post.

I was looking at youtube for another reason and thought to check if this author has made her presence known there, imagining she might have given a talk to Inquirers into Orthodoxy [World Orthodoxy].

No - instead I found this one minute videoon youtube in which she encourages people to practice some strange [exercise ?] routine. When I got to the cheap word she used, I clicked it off, about the 53 second mark
[omitted youtube link]

These are the representatives the EP and other liberal World Orthodox jurisdictions are promoting to attract converts ? For she has a blog on the Ancient Faith website in addition to the 2 books.

Thank God, we in True Orthodoxy, or Inquirers thereto, have decent, sober clergymen to educate us !

Last edited by Maria on Fri 14 September 2018 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by someguy »

Barbara wrote:

What do you think regarding your last question ? [ I assume you meant in the case of reposed family members who belonged to other religions ].

Yes though I know several true orthodox followers where their families have been torn apart on this issue and others to remain truly canonical.

What does the wider true orthodox community think?

I know what the ancient church teaches, as in do not attend any mysteries or ceremonies of non believers, heretics or mis guided believers. Also not to pray with them and also to not be friends etc etc

What do most bishops recommend in this day and age that we live in for true believers of the ancient church?

I think following the guidance of Christ, his discliples and the holy fathers is obtainable to an extent for one self as in fasting and aestheticism though to completely follow everything one must affect their daily interactions with family and at work.

Thanks for everyone's feedback

Also a note to mods if this thread has been hijacked please treat it appropriately.

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by Maria »

someguy wrote:
Barbara wrote:

What do you think regarding your last question ? [ I assume you meant in the case of reposed family members who belonged to other religions ].

Yes though I know several true orthodox followers where their families have been torn apart on this issue and others to remain truly canonical.

What does the wider true orthodox community think?

I know what the ancient church teaches, as in do not attend any mysteries or ceremonies of non believers, heretics or mis guided believers. Also not to pray with them and also to not be friends etc etc

What do most bishops recommend in this day and age that we live in for true believers of the ancient church?

I think following the guidance of Christ, his discliples and the holy fathers is obtainable to an extent for one self as in fasting and aestheticism though to completely follow everything one must affect their daily interactions with family and at work.

Thanks for everyone's feedback

Also a note to mods if this thread has been hijacked please treat it appropriately.

Do not worry about the thread. Topics tend to wander, and it would take too much time
to split the thread only to find more wanderings a week later.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by Cyprian »

Maria wrote:

Have you had a chance to read Becoming Orthodox by the late Father Peter Gillquist? In that book, Father Peter and his team of Bible scholars asked and researched questions commonly asked by Protestants. They were originally part of the 2000+ member Evangelical Orthodox Church, which ultimately converted to the Orthodox Church.

Didn't Fr. Peter Gillquist et al. convert to the new-calendarist and ecumenistic "Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America"? Let's hope at least some of those 2000+ progressed beyond the new-calendar schism and World Orthodoxy, which is not "the Orthodox Church".

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Re: Theotokos/Panagia/God Giver/Mother of God Orthodox justification?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:
Maria wrote:

Have you had a chance to read Becoming Orthodox by the late Father Peter Gillquist? In that book, Father Peter and his team of Bible scholars asked and researched questions commonly asked by Protestants. They were originally part of the 2000+ member Evangelical Orthodox Church, which ultimately converted to the Orthodox Church.

Didn't Fr. Peter Gillquist et al. convert to the new-calendarist and ecumenistic "Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America"? Let's hope at least some of those 2000+ progressed beyond the new-calendar schism and World Orthodoxy, which is not "the Orthodox Church".

Yes, Father Peter Gillquist did repose from cancer recently within the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church. However, his book is based on solid research from the Bible and from the Church Fathers to prove that the Orthodox Christian Church is the continuation of the One Holy and Apostolic Church which Christ founded. If you have a suggestion for a better book that counters the current claims of rabidly anti-Orthodox Christian Protestants, then please recommend one. I have protestants in my family who might benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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