True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

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True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Maria »

These prophecies were sent to me by Vladimir Moss

  1. Anonymous Greek Prophecies (8th or 9th century) discovered in St. Sabbas’ monastery and first published in the 1960s by Russian Church Abroad Archbishop Seraphim of Chicago. This translation into English by Fr. Andrew Philips: “The last days have not yet arrived, and it is completely wrong to consider that we are on the threshold of the coming of the antichrist, because one last flourishing of Orthodoxy is still to come, this time in the whole world, headed by Russia. This will take place after a terrible war in which either one half or two thirds of humanity will perish, and which will be stopped by a voice from heaven: ‘And the Gospel will be preached throughout the world’.

    “1) For until that time there will have been preached, not the Gospel of Christ, but the Gospel distorted by heretics.
    “2) There will be a period of universal prosperity - but not for long.
    “3) In Russia during this period there will an Orthodox tsar, whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people.
    “And after this the world will again be corrupted and will no longer be capable of correction. Then the Lord will allow the enthronement of the Antichrist.”

    "After the chosen people of the Jews gave up their Messiah and Redeemer to torment and a shameful death, they were no longer counted a chosen people and this honour passed to the Greeks, a second chosen people.

    "The searching and inquisitive mind of the Ancient Greeks was enlightened by Christianity and penetrated to the very depths of knowledge. The great Eastern Church Fathers defined the Christian dogmas and created the harmonious system of Christian teaching. This is the great merit of the Greek people. However, the Roman [Byzantine] State is not creative or strong enough to build up a harmonious political and social life on a solid Christian foundation. The sceptre of the Orthodox Empire will fall from the weak hands of the Emperors of Constantinople who are unable to achieve symphony and concord between Church and State.

    "For this reason the Lord through His Providence shall send a third chosen people to succeed the spiritually weakened Greeks. This people will appear in the North within 100-200 years [these prophecies were set down in Palestine 150-200 years before the Baptism of the Russian people], and will become Christian wholeheartedly. They will strive to live according to the commandments of Christ and will seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, as Christ our Saviour showed us. The Lord God will love this people for their zeal and will add unto them all things - huge territories, riches, a mighty and glorious State.

    "At various times this great people [the Russians] will fall into sin and for this will be chastised through considerable trials. In about a thousand years [i.e. in the 1900s] this people, chosen by God, will falter in its Faith and its standing for the Truth of Christ. It will become proud of its earthly might and glory, will cease to seek the Kingdom and will want paradise not in Heaven but on this sinful earth.

    "However not all this people will tread this broad and pernicious path, though a substantial majority will, especially its governing class. On account of this great fall, a terrible fiery trial will be sent from on high to this people which will despise the ways of God. Rivers of blood shall flow across their land, brother shall slay brother, more than once famine shall visit the land and gather its dread harvest, nearly all the churches and other holy places shall be destroyed or suffer sacrilege, many shall perish.

    "A part of this people, rejecting iniquity and untruth, will pass over the borders of their homeland and will be dispersed like unto the people of the Jews all over the world. Nevertheless the Lord will not show His wrath on them to the uttermost. The blood of thousands of martyrs will cry to the heavens for mercy. A spirit of sobriety will grow among this chosen people and they will return to God. At last this period of cleansing trial, appointed by the Righteous Judge, will come to an end, and once more Holy Orthodoxy will shine forth and those northern lands will be resplendent with the brightness of a faith reborn.

    "This wonderful light of Christ will shine forth from there and enlighten all the peoples of the earth. This will be helped by that part of the people providentially sent ahead into the diaspora, who will create centres of Orthodoxy - churches of God all over the world.

    "Christianity will then be revealed in all its heavenly beauty and fullness. Most of the peoples of the world will become Christian. And for a time a period of peace, prosperity and Christian living will come to the whole world...

    "And then? Then, when the fullness of time has come, a great decline in faith will begin and everything foretold in the Holy Scriptures will occur. Antichrist will appear and the world will end."

    1. Anonymous Prophet of Mount Athos (1053) [with my commentary in square brackets]: "New European War [First World War, 1914]. Overthrow of Russia and Austria [1917, 1918]. Defeat of the Hagarenes [the Turks] by the Greeks [1922]. Defeat of the Greeks by the Hagarenes [1923]. Slaughter of the Orthodox until 1935 [the Bolshevik persecution in Russia reached its peak in the 1930s]. An invasion of foreign armies across the Adriatic sea [Italian invasion of Albania and Greece in 1939]. Woe unto all those who dwell upon the earth and the sea. Hades is ready for… Hagarenes and barbarians. A new European war [Second World War, 1939]. The union of Orthodox peoples with Germany [pacts between Nazi Germany and Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the USSR, 1940-41]. The defeat of France by Germany [1940]. The defeat of Germany [1945]. The rebellion and separation of India from England [1947]. England will be restricted to the Saxons only [A ban on immigration? Or separation of Scotland from the United Kingdom? Or Britain’s exit from the European Union?]. Victory of the Orthodox, defeat of the Hagarenes by the Orthodox peoples [Russia will conquer Turkey, according to the prophecies of Hieromartyr Methodius of Patara, St. Andrew the Fool-for-Christ of Constantinople, St. Tarasius of Constantinople, Emperor Leo the Wise, Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aitolia and on the tomb and column of St. Constantine the Great.] Anxiety of the world. General hopelessness on the earth [expectation of a world war following Russia’s occupation of a NATO country]. Battle of seven states for Constantinople and slaughter for three days. Victory of the largest state over the six. Union of the six states against the seventh, Russia, and slaughter for three days. [St. Nilus the myrrh-gusher of Mount Athos: “The Tsar will summon all his European and Asiatic peoples. The belligerents will meet in an immensely wide plain where a terrific battle will be fought and will last for eight days. The result will be the victory of the West over the Russians.”] Cessation of the war by an Angel of Christ God, and handing over of the city to the Greeks. Submission of the Latins to the unerring faith of the Orthodox. Exaltation of the Orthodox faith from the East to the West. Cessation of the Roman papacy. [St. Agathangelus (+1279): “Stone will not be left upon stone in your walls, and you will be desolate like the holy city of David. You will humble your haughty neck and go to worship with him who conquered my sanctuary in Byzantium.”] Declaration of one patriarch for the whole of Europe for five or fifty years. [St. Agathangelus: “For full fifty years peace shall reign. Truth shall triumph, and the sky will rejoice in true glory. The Orthodox faith will be exalted and will spring from East to West to be blessed and praised…”] In the seventh is no wretched man; no one is banished. Returning to the arms of Mother Church rejoicing. Thus shall it be. Thus shall it be. Amen."

      1. St. Nilus the Myrrh-gusher of Mount Athos (+1596): “About the year 1900, towards the middle of the twentieth century, the people of that time will begin to become unrecognizable. When the time of the coming of the Antichrist draws near, people’s minds will be darkened from carnal passions, and dishonour and iniquity will become ever stronger. The world will then become unrecognizable, the appearance of people will change and it will be impossible clearly to distinguish men from women thanks to their shamelessness in clothes and hairstyle. These people will become savage and cruel, like beasts, because of the deceptions of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents and elders, love will disappear, Christian pastors, bishops and priests will become vainglorious men, completely unable to distinguish the right path from the left. Then the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. Modesty and humility will disappear from among men and adultery and dissipation will reign. Lies and love of money will reach the highest limits, and woe to those who gather treasures. Adultery, lust, homosexuality, secret deeds, thefts and murders will rule in society. At that future time, thanks to the strength of very great criminality and dissoluteness, people will be deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit which they received in Holy Baptism, and they will equally lose the pangs of conscience. The Churches of God will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors, and woe to the Christians who remain upon the earth, who will completely lose their faith, because they will be deprived of the possibility of seeing the light of knowledge from anyone. Then they will depart from the world into holy refuges in search of a lightening of their spiritual sufferings, but everywhere they will meet hindrances and obstacles. And all this will be the result of the Antichrist’s desiring to rule over them and become the ruler of the whole inhabited earth. He will work wonders and fantastic signs. He will also give corrupt wisdom to an unfortunate man, so that he will make discoveries enabling one man to conduct a conversation with another from one end of the earth to the other. Also, they will be able to fly in the air like birds, and descend to the bottom of the sea like fishes. [St. Cosmas of Aitolia (+1779): “There will appear a box of the devil, which will stupefy the world, and whose horns will be on the roof”.] And when they have achieved all this, these unfortunate people will live their lives in comfort, not knowing, wretched ones, that this is a deception of he Antichrist. And he, the dishonourable one, will so complete science with vainglory that it will lose its way and lead people to unbelief in the existence of the God in three Persons. Then the all-good God, seeing the destruction of the human race, will shorten the days for the sake of those few who are being saved, because the Antichrist will want to lead astray, if it were possible, even the elect… Then suddenly the sword of punishment will appear and will kill the perverter and his servants.”

        “The Tsar will summon all his European and Asiatic peoples. The belligerents will meet in an immensely wide plain where a terrific battle will be fought and will last for eight days. The result will be the victory of the West over the Russians… A last and eighth Ecumenical Council [will be convened] to deal with the disputes of heretics and separate the wheat from the chaff.”

      2. Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aitolia (+1779): “The time will come when the Russians go down to the Jews, where there will be war… It will be a regular army.”

      3. Hieromartyr Constantius the Russian of Constantinople (+1806): “On July 8 (21 NS) two unexpected wars will break out… On December 18 (31 NS) half mankind will perish.”

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Barbara »

These are almost so overwhelming to read and ponder that it might take me more than the 2 read-throughs I have already done !

So many questions arise.

Did St Cosmas of Aitolia mean the Bolshevik Revolution when he said "Russia will go down to the Jews" ? At first I thought it was something in process right now !

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Barbara »

Does Vladimir or anyone else know how Abp Seraphim of Chicago found the prophecies in St Sabbas' Monastery ? Isn't that one in possession of Rocor ? Or used to be ??

Was it in an old jar like the Dead Sea Scrolls, I wonder ?!

This is so beautifully written and aptly described :

"The searching and inquisitive mind of the Ancient Greeks was enlightened by Christianity and penetrated to the very depths of knowledge. The great Eastern Church Fathers defined the Christian dogmas and created the harmonious system of Christian teaching. This is the great merit of the Greek people. However, the Roman [Byzantine] State is not creative or strong enough to build up a harmonious political and social life on a solid Christian foundation. The sceptre of the Orthodox Empire will fall from the weak hands of the Emperors of Constantinople who are unable to achieve symphony and concord between Church and State."

Also about the 3 chosen peoples, the 3rd being the Russian. Fascinating analysis !

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Cyprian »

Some of these prophecies that are disseminated on the Internet should be more carefully vetted and meticulously sourced before they are unquestioningly accepted as genuine. Some of them may be spurious. I take note of them, but I don't necessarily accept them unless it can be shown that they were given wide acceptance by the Church.

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Jean-Serge »

I fully agree, anybody can write a prophecy saying it was found in such manuscript or told by such saint. Do we have the original manuscript? Who witnessed when the prophecy was told etc. As I wrote once, even the muslims with their hadiths have a mre serious methodology than this Internet popping prophecies.

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Justin Kolodziej »

I have doubts. Not sure the supposed prophets would have said "Austria" in 1053, or "Russia" in the 700s or 800s. Though maybe the translator just translated what they really said (perhaps Ostarrichi and the Rus?) into something that would make more sense today.

And if these are to be believed, we should probably stop using the successor of St. Nilos' "corrupt wisdom" to write to each other from one end of the earth to the other on this forum while we're at it :P

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Re: True Orthodox Prophecies concerning Russia and the End Times

Post by Maria »

The Apostle Paul warns us not to despise prophecies, as they are given to men as a warning.

Remember the Old Testament story about the Ninevites who were told by a prophet that their city was going to be destroyed. Instead of laughing and criticizing Jonah who was the prophet sent to them by God, they heeded his words, and the entire city prayed and fasted. As a result, the Lord heard them, took pity on them, and did not chastize them.

People need not pay heed to the exact words in prophecies, nor should they become paralyzed by them into inaction. Rather, it is important to understand why the prophecy was given in the first place.

  • Is it a warning to repent?
    Is it a warning not to become comfortable and build yet another barn in which to store the harvest instead of sharing it with the poor?
    Is it a warning that the Second Coming of Christ may not occur in our times, but that World War III is only a few months away and that 1/2 to 2/3 of mankind may be destroyed if the faithful do nothing?

    Then would not it be our fault? Would not this genocide be on our heads? Would not we share the guilt if a nuclear bomb is dropped on us or on a nearby city? Would not the cries of the orphans and widows be our fault?
    Could it be a warning that if we pray, fast, and give alms that this World War may be diverted or completely avoided?
    Finally, are we praying the Paraclesis to the Theotokos and urging our friends, relatives, and neighbors to do the same?

These are valid points because we as a people are not repenting. Instead, we are continuing to mire in porn or follow the immoral offerings in sports events, movies, theatres, TV, and on the Internet. Have you noticed how commercials and entertainment are becoming worse with each passing year? Have you seen the blatant displays of Satanic worship? Lord have mercy.

Yes, prophecies are sometimes vague, and for a reason. If we pray, fast, and truly repent as a family, city, or nation, then these dire warnings may be avoided entirely or just postponed to a later date when mankind becomes wicked again.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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