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Euthanasia explodes around the world

Posted: Thu 14 January 2016 3:33 am
by Maria

Belgium Catholic Care Home Sued for Refusing Euthanasia ... _refQuery=

The family of an elderly cancer sufferer who wanted to die by euthanasia is suing a Belgian Catholic care home for refusing to let a doctor give the woman a lethal injection on Church-run premises.

Mariette Buntjens was instead removed from the Sint-Augustinus rest home in Diest and died days later in the “peaceful surroundings” of a private residence at the hands of a doctor.

Nadine Engelen, the daughter of the woman, is now claiming that the care home caused Mrs Buntjens unnecessary “physical and mental suffering” by refusing her request to die within its walls. ....

To read the complete story, please click the link above.

Re: Euthanasia explodes around the world

Posted: Thu 14 January 2016 10:47 pm
by Maria

Two 45 year old Belgium deaf twins asked to be terminated because they did not want to go blind.

More Belgium News:

The two men, identified as Marc and Eddy Verbessem, were otherwise not seriously ill, but reportedly told doctors that the thought of not being able to see each other again was unbearable.

Euthanasia is legal in Belgium, but only technically in cases of unbearable suffering. The pair was reportedly originally denied the euthanasia by a local doctor who said, "I do not think this was what the legislation meant by 'unbearable suffering'." ... oing-blind

Re: Euthanasia explodes around the world

Posted: Fri 15 January 2016 12:19 am
by Maria

In New Jersey, the fight for assisted suicide (euthanasia) continues ... t-to-live/

Assisted suicide? Why this former Marine is fighting to live instead
By Bill Spadea January 6, 2016 10:09 AM

Former Marine JJ Hanson who is currently battling terminal brain cancer is an advocate against the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act. JJ joined me on air to tell his story and discuss why he is such an advocate against bill S382A .

“I was told I only had 4 months to live. My first doctor told me to go home and enjoy what time I had left with my family,” Hanson stated. “Now about 20 months later, I’m still alive and the brain cancer is in remission.”

When I asked Hanson about his strong position on the words “dying with dignity” and the death with dignity bill, he said that he would tell the NJ legislators voting on this bill “not so fast.” Hanson said “I was told you don’t have an option. You can die dignified if you commit suicide. Whoa, wait a second. The whole terminology is flipping on its head. If you give up and you don’t fight, somehow you’re compassionate and dignified. But if you want to fight and you want to live, you lack compassion and dignity. To me it just doesn’t make sense. It’s kind of a reflection of where our society is.” ...

Read More: Assisted suicide? Why this former Marine is fighting to live instead | ... ck=tsmclip

Here is Hanson's story: ... priceless/

Here is Hanson's facebook page: