Are Florinites Graceless?

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Re: Are Florinites Graceless?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Justice wrote:
Orthodox in michigan wrote:

Is it possible that the state pressure on the old calendar bishops like they did in Russia was being done also to create a controlled opposition old calendar movement in Greece, blinding the Luke warm and working to destroy the true confessing Orthodox Church.

Yes. I would say it wasn't just possible but was a reality.

I am going to pray that nobody sitting comfortably in the United States where we think persecution is when the Walmart cashier doesn't say "Merry Christmas" to us is suggesting that this was the EFFECT of the persecution, rather than the possible intent of the state.

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Orthodox in Michigan
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Re: Are Florinites Graceless?

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

It very well may be the greatest danger to people seeking the true church to get caught in the trap of one of these counterfeit, True orthodox churches where these compass and square bishops are splitting into some that appear to be far right Or a middle of the road , but have one thing in common they come from the same branch or the heavily infiltrated church abroad the so called “ traditional orthodox mainstream “ .

At least you can see the clear warning signs in the mainstream world orthodox churches , but not so much in the controlled opposition old calendar groups,

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Re: Are Florinites Graceless?

Post by Maria »

Orthodox in michigan wrote:

It very well may be the greatest danger to people seeking the true church to get caught in the trap of one of these counterfeit, True orthodox churches where these compass and square bishops are splitting into some that appear to be far right Or a middle of the road , but have one thing in common they come from the same branch or the heavily infiltrated church abroad the so called “ traditional orthodox mainstream “ .

At least you can see the clear warning signs in the mainstream world orthodox churches , but not so much in the controlled opposition old calendar groups,

There is always the risk of infiltration by the KGB, CIA, or whatever evil groups want to destroy the Church if they can. Rhodes Scholars are always suspect. Do an Internet Search, and then realize that the CIA and the British military intelligence are heavily involved with the Rhodes Scholarship program which recruits from the top U.S. college graduates.

This is why I cannot advise anyone to go under Bishop Auxentios of the Diocese of Etna and Portland as he boasts about being a Rhodes Scholar and heavily promotes those he knows who are also Rhodes Scholars. Bishop Auxentios was formerly with the SiR, a think tank of scholastics, which publishes biographies, books, essays, and papers.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Are Florinites Graceless?

Post by Barbara »

Yes, I was amazed when I learned that info originally quite some years ago. Fulbright Scholars are the same exact problem to be aware of. It's great to be reminded, as we all tend to forget such gems. The Illuminati THEN keep their claws into that 'scholar' for the rest of his life, unless he is smart enough to get away from their clutches. Few are, I am sure.

I think I mentioned my school friend's husband who was a Rhodes Scholar. He was always robotic - seeming, but looking at pictures now, decades later, I see that stamp of someone who has no other wish than to work for the system. His highly specialized scientific research produces, naturally, the results that comply with the secret agendas of the time.

Besides, anyone who does NOT go along would have been kicked out of his or her crème de la crème job and another scientist brought in who would cooperate.

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