Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Lydia »

That's right, Barbara. Father Siluan wrote that Metropolitan Raphael's group is not considered True Orthodox by others. However, Father Deacon Joseph Suaiden's group is in full communion with them.
There is reason to believe that Metropolitan Raphael was installed by the MP in an effort to discredit other True Orthodox groups in Russia.
Also, he seems to be involved in occult practices such as mystic healings (this is from the article on the website)
Metropolitan Raphael was a high ranking Soviet Officer who had his leg blown off in Syria. He still has close ties to the present government.

As an aside, I was wondering about something. I have met some Orthodox priests who had formerly been in the armed forces, some in combat. This before they converted to Orthodoxy. Isn't it true that a man could not be made a priest if he had killed someone, or, if an officer, had ordered those under him to kill? Not that they could not be pious Orthodox or monks, but that the priesthood was something much higher.

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

Apparently Fr. Michael (Woods) is back in World Orthodoxy.

(Fr. Michael, as I understand, since this last happened, has rejoined ROCOR-MP, unless I'm mistaken--Fr. Enoch April 23 (NS), 2014)

http://westernorthodoxchristian.blogspo ... or-mp.html

Can anyone verify this new information?

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Barbara »

I don't have any information about that.
But regarding what Lydia wrote above, I am amazed. That's very helpful to know about
Met Raphael. And that he was a high-ranking Soviet officer ?? Oh my gosh !
What was he doing in combat in Syria in some earlier time period, though ?
Soviets were present there of course, as advisers, as Syria was one of their protege countries for quite some time.
Is there any more detailed information about his military career ?

That IS a good question about how a former military officer could be ordained a priest.
If they worked in intelligence, MAYBE they did not kill a human.
But then, there was Elder Barsanuphius of Optina, who was in the Tsarist Army for his worldly career.
Anyone know ?

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

We have already discussed Met. Raphael in other threads and debunked the accusation that Met. Raphael is into New Age practices. The use of herbs and reflexology is not New Age. Besides, the topic of discussion is Father Michael Woods, not Met. Raphael.

However, there is a "so-called" Great Council 2016 document that has been recently produced by world orthodox hierarchs who claim that the use of herbs is the practice of witchcraft. Not only is this is an obvious attempt to discourage and prevent the use of alternative medicine (herbs, supplements, chiropractic, and reflexology) in favor of western medicine, but also this would allow priests to excommunicate those who practice or use herbs, reflexology, chiropractic or any alternative medicine. With their vast armory of dangerous fluoridated drugs including antibiotics (Keflex, Cipro and Zithromax) and most psychoactive drugs that cross the brain barrier and leave one with a foggy mind, pharmaceutical companies cannot be trusted. I speak from experience because about 20 years ago, I was on Cipro and crashed my car into some rocks due to confusion and brain fog. Only after I complained to the pharmacist did he put a warning label on my prescription bottle, after the fact, of course, advising me not to drive or operate any heavy machinery. Since that time, I have refused Cipro and any drug because I now have a chemical sensitivity to any fluoridated drug as it leaves me severely incapacitated with gastro-intestinal cramps and dysfunction, sweats, tremors, migraine headaches, and hives all over my body. Basically I go into anaphylactic shock like a rat with symptoms of fluoride poisoning.

Since the MP's representative has recently signed this Great Council of 2016 document, this shows that the MP and the ROCOR are now against alternative medicine and that both agree that the use of herbs is an occult practice. Therefore, anyone who uses herbs, and that includes myself, can be charged with witchcraft, so if any of us were to purchase an over-the-counter medicine that contains peppermint and eucalyptus oil to help relieve cold symptoms, this would now be considered witchcraft. Lord have mercy.

For more information about the Pre-Great Council 2016 document that condemns alternative medicine as witchcraft: ... 415#p61415

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

Is this Abbot Michael (Woods) an agent provocateur since he seems to be causing so much strive?

Whatever the case, he definitely needs our prayers.

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by KOSTACC »

Lydia wrote:

As an aside, I was wondering about something. I have met some Orthodox priests who had formerly been in the armed forces, some in combat. This before they converted to Orthodoxy. Isn't it true that a man could not be made a priest if he had killed someone, or, if an officer, had ordered those under him to kill? Not that they could not be pious Orthodox or monks, but that the priesthood was something much higher.

I was told by a very good priest that should a priest ever kill somebody, whether deliberately or accidentally he may no longer function as a priest. It all has to do with the administering of the Body and Blood of Christ and having blood on your hands, which is a no no.
Here is something I have found in English about this Met. Raphael. Can't say I ever heard of him before now but he sounds like an unsavory character ... aelites%29

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Re: Fr Michael (Woods) received into TOC by Met. Raphael

Post by Maria »

How much of this wiki blog can be trusted? ... aelites%29

Apparently, it was largely written by ESL students.

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