Toll houses

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[From The Paradosis List]

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

The only official publication of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of
Russia is the periodical published by the Synod of Bishops, entitled
"Tserkovnaya Zhizn'" (Church Life).

In Issue 5-6 (September-December 2001), we find the continuation of
Protopresbyter Vassily Boshchanovskiy's "Lessons in Dogmatic Theology."

Here is what it says about Toll Houses in the section "On the Particular

"The universal faith of the Church in the reality of the personal judgment
after death finds its illustrative depiction in the Church Patristic
teaching about the toll houses beyond the grave.

"The essence of this teaching is such: The justice of God performs a
judgment upon Christian souls which have departed their bodies, through
angels, both holy and evil. The first, during the earthly life of a person
note all his good works, the second?note all his evil works. When the soul
of a Christian begins to ascend to heaven, guided by holy angels, the dark
spirits indict it with those of its sins which have not been eradicated by

For the trial of souls passing through the aerial realms, the dark powers
have established places of judgment, with guards, all in a remarkable
order. Every area deals with a particular type of sin and torments the soul
in it, when the soul reaches this area. The aerial demonic guards and the
places of judgment are called in Patristic writings toll houses. There are
twenty toll houses in all; every toll house is subject to a separate prince
and the spirits of each toll house reflect in their outward appearance the
sin that is being tried in the toll house. We find a detailed description
of the toll houses and their order in the account of the Venerable Theodora.

"The teaching on toll houses is a Church Patristic teaching, the traces of
which we find both in some church prayers, as well as in the works of many
Fathers of the Church. Thus, in one prayer it says: "It is a fearful and
stern place that I must pass, having parted with the body, where a dark and
inhuman multitude of demons will meet me" (Augmented Psalter). In the Canon
to the Guardian Angel we pray: "Be for me a protector and an unconquerable
warrior, when I shall pass the toll houses of the ferocious ruler of the
world" (Canon to the Guardian Angel, Song 9).

"St. John Chrysostom says in his Oration in Memory of the Dead, that the
soul after its parting from the body has a great need in the help and
intercession of the angels, in order to be led past the most terrible
powers and invisible rulers of this aerial world. There are many places in
the works of St. Ephraim the Syrian which prove the universality, in his
time, of the opinion regarding toll houses. St. Cyrill of Alexandria in his
Oration on the Departure of the Soul writes that the soul upon parting from
the body holds on to Holy Angels, while passing through the air, and,
ascending, encounters toll houses guarding the air and impeding the
ascending souls, and in this Oration he in detail enumerates the toll
houses (Augmented Psalter).

Nevertheless, according to the teaching of the Holy Fathers, not all souls
in equal measure are impeded by the evil spirits, but in accordance with
the degree of their moral perfection and purity, while pure and holy souls
are not impeded at all, but, just as Lazarus in the Gospel, are straightway
carried by good angels into the bosom of Abraham.

"The teaching about toll houses finds its confirmation also in the Holy
Scripture, which calls the air specifically the realm of evil spirits. We
read in St. Paul, "For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but
against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of
the darkness of this age, against the spirits of wickedness under the
heavens" (Ephesians 6:12); the prince of these spirits is called the prince
of the powers of the air: "Wherein ye once walked according to the age of
this world, according to the prince of the powers of the air" (Ephesians 2:2)."

(Protopresbyter Vassili Boshchanovskii, "Lessons in Dogmatic Theology,"
Tserkovnaya Zhizn', NoNo. 5-6, 2001, pp. 41-43)


Now, again, this is from Lessons in Dogmatic Theology--meaning it is
intended to portray the official teaching regarding the dogma of the
Orthodox Church for the instruction of the faithful--and, it is published
in the official publication of the Synod of Bishops.

How more authoritative can anything be in the Church Abroad regarding the
teaching concerning toll houses?

With love in Christ,
Prot. Alexander Lebedeff

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Post by Lounger »

Hey! I was just going to post that! Beat me by a minute or so! :lol:

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ROCOR's Toll House Conspiracy?

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

An interesting discussion from the Paradosis List on Toll Houses:

Vladimir Moss wrote:

I have noticed several references in the services, but have not made notes of them. The only one I can lay hold of now comes from the prayer at the end of the Canon to the Guardian Angel:

"And in the terrible hour of death, be not far from me, my good guardian, driving away the demons of darkness, who have the power to terrify my
trembling soul; defend me from their net, when I shall pass through the aerial TOLLHOUSES..."

Father Ambrose wrote:

Dear Vladimir, this interpolation of tollhouses into the Canon to the Guardian Angel has been addressed very competently bu Archpriest Benjamin Henderson. Please allow me to offer what he wrote on this...
Fr Ambrose

Archpriest Benjamin Henderson wrote:

".....Now, let's cut to the chase, because I have to get to bed and we always use the Guardian Angel Canon in my family. But I would never expose my little ones to the horrifying rewrite of the prayer that you sent me . {this refers to the same text as Vladimir has quoted above - Fr A]

Thirdly, what version of the Canon to the Guardian Angel are you using? We do not find mention of the toll houses in the version we use (Edition 1). The Old Slavonic version does NOT have the reference. The new Russian version does. I would ask the translators on the list to check the progression of the translations as they incorporate or do not incorporate this.

Sources seem to be shifting . . . why?

The toll booths are not included in the closing prayer to the Prayer Book from Holy Transfiguration Monastery. It is not in my Old Believer Prayer Book.

What we've noticed about the Jordanville prayerbook was inconsistency. We could be praying in our family, but depending on what edition we have, we are off amongst ourselves, and when we come to a community, despite the same cover, each edition seems to be different when we are congregationally praying. The Holy Transfiguration Monastery Prayerbook, translated from the Greek, has never been "revised." It is faithful to the original. There is now an uneasiness for the Russian prayerbook. We do not find the toll house part in either the Old Rite prayerbook (although the "stinking dog" part is) or the Romanian Chasoslav.

Everyone knows that demons can appear at the bedside of the wicked and terrify. As you must surely also know, St. Andrew of Crete and others tell us that, in fact, God's radiant angels appear and receive our souls straightway. There is a great deal of poetic hyperbole in many of the extra-Liturgical services such as canons and akathists. And in ascetical writings . . . if taken literally what would the "Ladder of Divine Ascent" be saying???

Do you believe that noetic pigs live in your heart in a literal sense? Well, the Canon to the Guardian Angel says so (p. 315, Greek ed., HTM "Prayer Book" 1987) or do you believe that the Theotokos "makes loud noises to illumine our minds with radiance and frighten our enemies" in a literal sense????? (p. 309, Jor. Pr. Bk. - your ed.)

No Father such a mindset, such silliness defiles the intent and purpose of our hymnography. We Orthodox are peculiar but not that peculiar.

Poetic hyperbole notwithstanding, we do not find mention of the airy toll booths in the canon you mention in any other versions except the 1986 English version. It is an addition as it is certainly not in the Slavonic. There likewise are no references to toll booths in the Greek "Prayer Book" - either in Greek or in English.

It is a fact that if you have pre-conceived notions you can find justification for it in the Bible (as the Arians did) or in divine services of all kinds. The toll booth (or as the book you site says "aerial toll house"???) teaching may have been used (unwisely) as a parable, but its historical origin is clearly and unmistakable in Gnostic cosmology, combining the gods of Egypt and the astral planes of Chaldean astrology.

No amount of playing games with the wording of divine service or applying western Scholastic reasoning can alter that historical fact. None of the great church fathers mention these "toll-houses," but many of them do, in fact, refute the radical dualists, in all ages.

There are people who talk about the airy toll booths, you are one of them. I am not one of them.

Some saints have talked about them. But this does not reflect the consistent witness of the Scriptures, the Holy Tradition, and the unaltered Hymnology of the Church, on the matters of life, death, the unity of the body and soul, and the mystery of death.

Incidentally, I also have before me a copy of a letter from the late Fr. Michael Pomozansky in which he states that we should consider the "toll houses" to be a person's own conscience (which makes sense, if one wishes to use such "greek myth" for teaching purposes).

Now Father - study what radical dualism means, not what you think it means, or I think it means . . . again study, study, study. With prayer, repentance, faith, hope love and charity. We need to challenge what we are told and we need to hold ourselves and one another to a higher standard. And the strategy of snip snip clip clip quoting out of context is something we should rise above.

In the life of St. Phillip of Moscow, in the original, the martyr only raises his hands to heaven as he sees Skhuratov, an emissary of the Czar, approaching to murder him, and says: "Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my soul."

"On Dec 23 1569 Malyuta Skhuratov, an emissary of the Czar, came into St Phillip's cell and suffocated him with a pillow." Serbian Prologue.

Now, in the later version of the life (St Demetri Rostov), St Phillip has an aria (a very long prayer, begging to be saved from the toll houses, presumably Skhuratov (being pious murderer) waited for the prayer to end and then recorded it (on the pillow slips perhaps, since he suffocated St Phillip with a pillow).

Now, about the Guardian Angel Canon Prayer. One at a time. . .

  1. Jordanville 1960: Printed with the blessing of the Synod of Bishops, pg 245-6 Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel: Holy Angel of Christ, I fall down and pray to thee, my holy Guardian, given me from holy Baptism for the protection of my sinful body and soul. By my laziness and bad habits, I have angered thy most pure light, and have driven thee away from me by all my shameful deeds, lies, slanders, envy, condemnation, scorn, disobedience, brotherly-hatred, grudges, love of money, adultery, anger, meanness, greed, excess, talkativeness, negative and evil thoughts, proud ways, dissolute madness, having self-will in all the desires of the flesh. O my evil will, which even the dumb animals do not follow! How canst though look at me or approach me WHO AM LIKE A STINKING DOG? (omitted in the Slavonic) With what eyes, O Angel of Christ, wilt thou look at me so badly snared in evil deeds? How can I ask forgiveness for my bitter, evil and wicked deeds, into which I fall every day and night, and every hour? But I fall down and pray, O my holy Guardian: pity me, thy sinful and unworthy servant (Name). Be my helper and protector against my wicked enemy, by thy holy prayers, and make me a partaker of the Kingdom of God with all the Saints, ALWAYS, NOW AND EVER, AND (omitted in the Slavonic) to the ages OF AGES (omitted in the Slavonic). AMEN.

  2. Now, the Jordanville 1979: Printed with the blessing of the Synod of Bishops, pg. 245-6. Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel: Holy Angel of Christ, I fall down and pray to thee, my holy Guardian, given me from holy Baptism for the protection of my sinful body and soul. By my laziness and bad habits, I have angered thy most pure light, and have driven thee away from me by all my shameful deeds, lies, slanders, envy, condemnation, scorn, disobedience, brotherly-hatred, grudges, love of money, adultery, anger, meanness, greed, excess, talkativeness, negative and evil thoughts, proud ways, dissolute madness, having self-will in all the desires of the flesh. O my evil will, which even the dumb animals do not follow! How canst thou look at me or approach me WHO AM LIKE A STINKING DOG? With what eyes, O Angel of Christ, wilt thou look at me so badly snared in evil deeds? How can I ask forgiveness for my bitter, evil and wicked deeds, into which I fall every day and night, and every hour? But I fall down and pray, O my holy Guardian: pity me, thy sinful and unworthy servant (Name). Be my helper and protector against my wicked enemy, by thy holy prayers, and make me a partaker of the Kingdom of God with all the Saints, ALWAYS, NOW AND EVER, and to the ages OF AGES. Amen.

  3. Jordanville, 1964, "The Great Horologion, printed with the blessing of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (in Slavonic). Will fax at your expense a copy of the page. Or you can take others word for it, it doesn't have it. Note: A reprinting of the Russian Orthodox (Synodal of Russia, not the ROCA, although reprinted by the ROCA)) Church's Great Horologion.

  4. Jordanville, 1959, Prayer Book (in Russian). An addition. Will fax at your expense for your own research.

  5. Jordanville, 1976, Prayer Book (in Russian). An addition. Will fax at your expense for your own research.

  6. Jordanville, 1986, Prayer Book (in English). Blessed by the Synod Abroad. Pg. 262-4. Prayer to the Guardian Angel: O holy Angel, my good guardian and protector! With broken heart and ailing soul I stand before thee, entreating: Hearken unto me, thy sinful servant (Name); with loud wailing and bitter weeping, I cry: Remember not mine iniquity and unrighteousness, through which I, a wretched one, have angered thee every day and hour, and have made myself loathsome before our Lord the Creator; show me lovingkindness and leave not me, the defiled, even until mine end. Awaken me from the sleep of sin, and enable me, through thine intercessions, to pass the remaining time of my life without stain, and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance; and above all preserve me from deadly falls into sin, lest I perish in despair, and mine enemy rejoice in my ruin, I know truly and confess with my mouth that there is no other friend and intercessor, protector and champion, such as thou, O holy Angel; for, standing before the throne of the Lord, thou intercedest for me, the useless and most sinful of all, lest the Most Good One take my soul in the day of my despair and in a day of evil doing. Cease not, therefore, to entreat mercy of my most kindhearted Lord and God, that He forgive mine offences, which I have committed throughout all my life, in deed, word, and all my senses, and by judgments which He knoweth, that He save me; that He may chasten me here according to His ineffable mercy, but that He may not expose and put me to trial there in accordance with His simple justice; that He may deem me worthy to bring repentance, and with penitence to worthily receive Divine Communion; for this above all I make entreaty, and I desire such a gift with all my heart. And in the terrible hour of death, be not far from me, my good guardian, driving away the demons of darkness, who have the power to terrify my trembling soul; defend me from their net, when I shall pass through the aerial tollhouses, in order that, being guarded by thee, I may attain the desired paradise, where the choirs of the saints and the celestial hosts unceasingly praise the all-honourable and majestic name in Trinity of God glorified: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to Whom is due honour and worshi, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

  7. From the PreNikonian Prayer Books of the Old Ritualists/Ponomartsy (1986) Frs Pimen, Theodore, and Hieromonk German Trans: OLD ORTHODOX PRAYER BOOK, Canon to the Guardian Angel, pg. 208-9: Holy Angel of Christ, I fall down and pray to thee, my holy guardian, given me from holy baptism for the protection of my sinful body and soul. By my laziness and bad habits I have angered thy most pure radiance; I have driven thee away from me by all manner of shameful deeds: lies, slander, envy, condemnation, scorn, insubordination, hatred of my brother, grudges, avarice, adultery, rage, miserliness, insatiable gluttony and drunkenness, loquacity, evil and wicked thoughts, proud ways and passionate arousals, and selfish desires directed against males and females. O my evil will, which even dumb animals do not do! How canst thou look at me or approach me, who am like a stinking dog? With what eyes, O Angel of Christ, wilt thou look upon me, so badly snared in vile deeds? How can I now ask forgiveness for my bitter, evil and wicked deeds, into which I fall every day and night, and every hour? But I fall down in prayer before thee, my holy guardian: Have pity on me, thy sinful and unworthy servant N. Be my helper and defender against my wicked enemy by thy holy prayers, and make me a partaker of the kingdom of God with all the saints, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

  8. Same book, Another Canon-Guardian Angel, pg. 223: O holy angel, who standest beside my miserable soul and my wretched life, forsake not me a sinner, neither depart from me on account of mine intemperance. Allow not the wicked demon to overcome the weakness of my mortal body. Strengthen my weak and endangered hand, and guide me to the way of salvation. Yea, holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my bitter body and soul, forgive me for all things wherein I have grieved thee all the days of my life. And if in anything I have sinned this day, protect me in the coming night, and safeguard me from every temptation of the enemy, that I may not anger God by any sin. And pray for me to the Lord, that He would establish me in His fear, and make me, His servant, worthy of His goodness. Amen.

  9. From the Greek "Prayer Book" (HTM, 1987, English) pg. 319. Canon to the Guardian Angel: O Holy Angel, attendant of my wretched soul and of mine afflicted life, forsake me not, a sinner, neither depart from me for mine incontinency. Give no place to the evil demon to subdue me with the oppression of this mortal body; but take me by my wretched and outstretched hand, and lead me in the way of salvation. Yea, O holy Angel of God, the guardian and protector of my hapless soul and body, forgive me all things whatsoever wherewith I have troubled thee, all the days of my life, and if I have sinned in anything this day. Shelter me in this present night, and keep me from every affront of the enemy, lest I anger God by any sin; and intercede with the Lord in my behalf, that He might strengthen me in the fear of Him, and make me a worthy servant of His goodness. Amen.

What we have before us Father, is a mystery of human personality, not a mystery of death or of our salvation. A simple Whodunnit.

Violence was done to a prayer of the Russian Church. It was excellent that you exposed this. I hadn't realized it myself. It never occurred to us to distrust a publication of a prayer book, unless it came from the Russicum. We happen never to use the version with our children, and we certainly never would.

In regards to this matter: Why? Who? To support or promote or protect someone's ideas? This is very sad.

Read the old Greek variants of the Canon and there is no reference to airy toll booths - none in the Old Slavonic - none until the last twenty five years in the texts of the Canon to the Guardian Angel. Will you be the one Father John to investigate how this happened in your church. You can be sure it is now proliferate in Russia as well.

In even bonehead academia this kind of manipulation of sources would get a student out on their ear from even undergrad degree programs. In the Church this is sinful and soul-destroying because our children have to read this everyday and tend to believe this material. This is not an issue of "mistranslation" but of rewriting of the whole meaning - as I have clearly demonstrated - of text of a source. But being a matter of the holy prayers of our Church makes it more serious.

I, if I were in your shoes, would feel a moral obligation to inquire regarding the texts of prayers of the Church. How can a Prayer Book of the Russian Synod arbitrarily introduce not only a new term "aerial toll booths" but rewrite the whole agenda spiritually of the prayer? Horrifying.

I had to go get the new copy of the Jordanville PrayerBook. I have the 1st and 2nd editions. This is not acceptable. You, from inside the Synod, could do something about it - it is embarassing and dishonest.

This issue you have raised is an excellent one. Who gave some individual(s) the freedom to rewrite the holy prayers of my (and your) Church? Lets find out who, where, etc.

Clergy are responsible to God and to a people, and must be careful in the soul-curing medicines, the soul-nourishing food we give them. Getting something off the shelf, and saying well St X or St Y say its good, without checking the labels is slothful. What Orthodox Christian, in common life would send a spiritually sick person into a wilderness (like the tenderloin in San Francisco or the combat zone in Boston in the good old days) for 40 days because "St Mary of Egypt could do it for 40 years." In my secular profession, we call this malpractice. Or as we pray in the Akathist to St Herman of Alaska on Thursday nights, "What man of you, if his son asks him for bread would give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, would give him a serpent?" (Mathew 7:9-10).

This textual revision is spiritual, pastoral and familial malpractice.


Thus Father, the Old Slavonic version does not have the reference. The new Russian version does. Go figure. Not me, you.

I am done. Talk amongst yourselves. You have rich resources on the List -- translators, etc. And apparently the Listserv may have some debates on the archives. But by all means pursue finding out what happened to this text. This is not a small thing.

In Jesus Christ, the True-God,

fr.benjamin Very Rev.Archpriest Father Benjamin Henderson Russian Orthodox Church 3505 Massey Rd. Everson, WA 98247 (206) 966-2549 (Voice/FAX)"

I had been told that there was something fishy with Jordanville's modern official translations, but I had had no idea it was to this degree!

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

I am surprised that this last bit of info got no responses! Maybe everyone was just shocked?

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Post by Anastasios »

Or maybe since most of us don't speak Slavonic we don't feel qualified to judge the priest's post for accuracy?

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Toll Houses?

Post by Andreas »

Do you believe in toll houses as described in chapter 6 of The Soul After Death by Fr. Seraphim (Rose)?

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I believe in Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

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