The Romanian Old Calendar church and St. Glicherie

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Re: The Romanian Old Calendar church and St. Glicherie

Post by Maria »

jdigrande wrote:

Due to this incredible persecution of the OC in Romania, all of the OC sister churches should proceed to canonize St. Victor Vasili Leu the New Confessor as the only Romanian bishop during these times to stand up to Beria and the entire Gulag both in the Soviet Union and Romania. He never backed down and is buried in the NC monastery of Cernica a simple monk.

Ikons should be painted and services composed to the two great Romanian saints of the 20th century: Glicherie and Victor Vasili Leu. He was not embraced by ROCOR ever and should along with St. Matthew, Nicholai Velimirovich and Philaret be celebrated as great confessors for the faith. We should have ikons and services to all of these great saints without which where would we be?


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Re: The Romanian Old Calendar church and St. Glicherie

Post by Barbara »

Sorry if this question has been covered on assorted other threads, but what is the position on Fr George Calciu and Fr Justin Parvu, who both suffered under the Romanian Communist regime ? I think they were both New Calendarist - or semi-New Calendarist [ back and forth ], or else we would have talked about them much more.

Sorry, Bishop Irineos, that you were being attacked. That is appalling.

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