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Post by AndyHolland »

An Anglican Priest who converted to Orthodoxy presented this that I thought was interesting and germain tothe subject:

From: ... iridon.htm

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 There shall not be found in thee one who purgeth his son or his daughter with fire, one who useth divination, who dealeth with omens and augury, a sorcerer employing incantation, one who hath in him a divining spirit, an observer of signs, questioning the dead. For everyone that doth these things is an abomination to the Lord thy God.

Throughout the thousands of years of our Judaeo-Christian heritage, divination, seances, mediums and astrology have been strictly forbidden. This prohibition does not indicate a prejudice against these practices, but rather a deep insight into them. Simply, through God's revelation of himself in the Holy Scriptures and through the ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ, all things which are truly beneficial to man are manifestly accessible. In fact, the experience of the Church reveals that those "spiritual practices" which lie outside the Church are not simply neutral, but of a very negative value. That is to say, they harm the soul and work against the grace of God given to us for our salvation.
While an assistant pastor in an Episcopal church in Massachusetts, I had the occasion to meet a person who was a medium, and who professed and preached the virtues of this activity quite openly. The amazing thing about this is that she, with full knowledge of the senior pastor of this parish, was a regular communicant during weekday services of this parish. The senior pastor, when asked why he allowed this person to receive Holy Communion, replied: "After all, she is a baptized Roman Catholic."
In fact, as time went on I became aware of several persons who had consulted mediums for "readings". I met still more who were innocently reading astrological charts and had a superficial interest in the occult. And yet, at no time did the pastor of the church instruct his people concerning the dangers of such practices. In all of these cases, the persons involved had become innocent victims of insufficient instruction and guidance on the part of their church.

Last edited by AndyHolland on Sat 18 March 2006 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ebor »

The link you provided does not appear to work, so I can't check on the writer and get the context. Perhaps something is misspelt.

However, this still does not apply to either a work of fiction or people deciding what is best for someone and burning their books.


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Post by AndyHolland » ... iridon.htm

Why do we make heroes out of witches when Holy Scripture demands the death penalty for such persons? Would we make Hitler a hero in a fictional work? Unless your a skinhead - no. So why do it with witches and warlocks?

If your hero has magical power, and you learn to crave such things, what will happen later in life? Don't underestimate the power of programming -our brains are computers and garbage in - garbage out.

If you want cool action heros, look to Sampson and David and small Nestor in the arena. Plenty of cool real stories out there in the Synaxarion to learn and fill the hours and the mind.

andy holland

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Post by Ebor »

Thank you for providing the right link. I see the author is Spiridon Schneider, a person who has been through a number of churches. However the parish site is that of a "Forward in Faith" parish, and they have not given up on being Anglican.

There are plenty of things to read in the world for the improvement of the mind and spirit. C. S. Lewis has some very good things. I recommend him among others.

And burning other people's books against their will is not part of "doing unto others as you would have others do unto you".


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Post by AndyHolland »

Don Quixote (we are arguing a fictional character here) was mentally ill and restrained against his will as are people every day in every nation on our modern "enlightened" world. He was restrained by authorities who cared not only about the material well being, but the spiritual as well of him and his community. His books were burned as being the source of disease.

Harry Potter is a diseased book, written by a disease author in the midst of a diseased culture reaping the fruit of sex, drugs and rock'n roll.

Jesus Christ is real and is Lord, the Holy Scripture is accurate and very clear, the Holy Tradition is also very clear.

If you want diabetes, eat too much. If you want a heart attack, eat red meat to your fill. If you want lung cancer - smoke. If you want a miserable mixed up life, get divorced. If you want AIDs and any number of other diseases, ignore sexual morality.

Confiscating and destroying a disease in the midst of a household is a good thing for a father to do.

andy holland

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Harry Potter 7

Post by Jean-Serge »

Well, I have finished reading Harry Potter 7, the last volume of the serie. I enjoyed reading all these book and foud them very entertaining and really mature. It was not simply a story for children because, as adults, the story raises interesting question. How would we behave in case of a dictatorial regime for instance and so on... The last book is very good and Harry defeat Voldemort...

Ar regards the problem with witchcraft, I would say the book does not praise black magic but the white one, and is really moral since we are all at the side of Harry fighting the Evil. The problem is that white magie does not exist, and it may deceipt people leading them to bad experiences. However, this can be said of many tales for children including some "innocent" Disney comics that shows a situation improving thanks to magic (Cinderella for instance). The same could be said of Star Wars (I personnally know someone who wanted to make the same things as the Jedi and got involved in magic!

Consequently I would not condemn Harry Potter but I would suggest people discussing the question because many interesting things can come from this.

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Post by Cyprian »

You are a confused young man. Perhaps you should spend less time reading 7 Harry Potter books and spend more time reading the sacred Scriptures and the holy Fathers.

Harry Potter is a (fictional) story of the Antichrist. The role of Harry Potter is a young Antichrist.

I don't expect you to understand this, because God clearly has not given you the gift of any discernment whatsoever.

God have mercy on your soul, young man.

You worship you know not what.

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